Roadmap Notes
* Field Study Course
** Application to Credential Program, Technology requirement met, CSETs and LOTE passed or Waiver on track plus LOTE passed
*** Spanish Placement Test - must be taken in student’s first semester; all students must have equivalent of four semesters of college Spanish to enter SPAN 101A in Spring Year 2.
**** Can substitute with: CA 70 , CA 75 , ART 39 , ART 138 , ART 139 , TA 131 , TA 167 , MUSC 10B , MUSC 185A , DANC 148 (Do not take two from the same discipline).
***** Can substitute with AAS 33A , CCS 10A , or HIST 15
****** Can substitute with AAS 33B , CCS 10B , or POLS 15
This LSTP concentration requires a 2.75 grade point average for entrance in the junior year, and all courses required for the credential must be completed with a grade of C or higher, unless otherwise noted. The cumulative GPA for credential courses on the program plan must be 3.0 or higher.