Roadmap Notes
A minimum of 40 upper division units must be completed for degree. This roadmap is a sample pathway. Check with a major advisor regarding the most appropriate course sequence for you. 60 units minimum will be transferred with this degree, however up to 70 transfer units can be applied to the lower division and lower division electives if articulated.
** Must complete the entire sequence (CCS 10A and CCS 10B) to satisfy the American Institutions requirement (US123).
*** Select a specific Specialization Area below and take 9 units in that area, and also 6 units in each of the two additional areas for a total of 21 units:
Cultural and Creative Expression:
CCS 144 , CCS 145 , CCS 147 , CCS 170
Institutions and Community Engagement:
CCS 115 , CCS 127 , CCS 185
Transnationalism and Global Relations:
CCS 120 , CCS 175