Feb 07, 2025  
MyRoadmaps Catalog 
MyRoadmaps Catalog


Liberal Studies, Preparation for Teaching, BA + Multiple Subject Credential + Teaching MAT (2021-2023)

Admissions Requirements | Academic Standing | Advising Roadmap

As juniors, BA Liberal Studies, Preparation for Teaching students are eligible to apply for a Spartan Accelerated Graduate Education (SAGE) Scholars Programs  that allow them to be concurrently enrolled in the Multiple Subject Credential and Masters of Arts in Teaching graduate programs as an undergraduate. Students will be able to take graduate-level courses in their junior and senior years as undergraduates. The primary goals are to:

  1. Strengthen and make cohesive SJSU’s education of elementary school teachers
  2. To reduce barriers to entrance to the Multiple Subject Credential program, particularly for underrepresented minorities
  3. To increase retention of students across these undergraduate and graduate programs

There are numerous benefits to this combined pathway. First and foremost, early exposure to graduate courses productively enhances and integrates students’ professional development. Undergraduates will be allowed to enroll in educational theory and practice courses during the years when they are developing competency in the subjects taught in K-8 classrooms. A combined pathway of theory, practice, and K-8 subject matter allows students to integrate these three legs of teaching early and often, and gives them ample time to assimilate the linkages prior to when they are required to demonstrate understanding and
skills in all three areas - student teaching.

For more information, contact the Program Advisor Erica Colmenares.

Admissions Requirements

Most native and transfer students will become eligible to apply for the SAGE Scholars program in the Fall semester of Year 3 and enter the pathway during the Spring semester of Year 3. Applications will be processed by the Department of Teacher Education and without an application fee. Students will not need to apply formally for graduate admission if accepted into this program.

  1. Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 60 undergraduate degree applicable units and not more than 120 undergraduate degree applicable units at the time of program
  2. Students must be enrolled in or have completed the undergraduate Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) prior to admission into the program. For Liberal Studies students, this means HUM 100W  
  3. Students must have a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA at time of admission. GPA is calculated by the last 60 semester (or 90 quarter) units taken or a student’s cumulative GPA, whichever is higher Note that this is a higher GPA standard than other SAGE Scholars programs
  4. Students must meet the Teaching, MAT and Multiple Subject Credential admissions requirements

Students who have reached up to their first semester as classified seniors will remain eligible for entry into the SAGE program. Second semester, senior-level students enrolled in the term they expect to graduate from their baccalaureate degree are not eligible to enter into the SAGE program as these students will not gain the accelerated graduate-level benefit offered through the SAGE blended program option.

Academic Standing

Requirements to maintain good standing for program continuation and advancement to candidacy in the graduate program, include:

  • Meeting every semester with an academic advisor to plan and track coursework and graduate status. Once the BA is conferred, students meet every semester with their graduate advisor to plan a formal course of study
  • Successfully completing 9 units of graduate coursework in the Elementary Education program
  • Demonstrating aptitude for advanced work in professional education as measured by instructor appraisals, evaluation of previous academic work, recommendation by qualified professionals, or other assessments
  • To convert to graduate status, students must have completed all lower-division (including lower-division general education courses and American Institutions courses) and SJSU Studies requirements
  • For the Spanish Bilingual Authorization, passage of the CSET LOTE (subtest III) must occur prior to the second phase of student teaching
  • The proposed graduate program must be approved by the graduate coordinator before the student may be considered a candidate for the MA degree

Advising Roadmap

Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5

The following roadmap is a sample advising map to complete the SAGE Scholars program in 5 years. Please consult your MyPlanner and major advisor as you develop your individualized academic plan. Students must have completed 60+ units in order to enroll in SJSU Studies courses.

Year 1

Fall Semester (14 units)

Spring Semester (16 units)

Year 2

Fall Semester (16 units)

Spring Semester (13 units)

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Roadmap Notes

* Field study courses. 45 hours of pre-professional experience included in LSTP 185 , 10 hours in each LSTP 85A /LSTP 85B /LSTP 85C  course.

** Students earning the Spanish Bilingual authorization take these courses in Spanish.

*** Students earning the Spanish Bilingual Authorization do their student teaching in Spanish bilingual classrooms and attend an extra seminar session in these student teaching classes.