Jan 25, 2025  
MyRoadmaps Catalog 
MyRoadmaps Catalog

California Promise Frequently Asked Questions

What are the eligibility requirements for incoming Frosh students?

According to Senate Bill 412, incoming Frosh must be California Residents for tuition purposes (this includes AB 540 students) and be part of 1 or more of the following specific populations: Pell Grant eligible students, graduated from a high school located in a community that is underrepresented in college attendance, and/or a first generation college student.

I am an incoming transfer student but I do not have an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) degree. Am I still eligible for the California Promise?

Unfortunately, you are not eligible for the California Promise Program. Senate Bill 412 and the CSU Chancellor’s Office have made having a completed ADT as part of the eligibility requirements for the California Promise Program.

What is an ADT degree?

An ADT degree - Associates Degree for Transfer (also known as an AA-T or AS-T) is a specific degree under the STAR Act/SB 1440. ADT degrees must be in a like program as the admitted SJSU major (i.e., An ADT in Communications and a major in Communication Studies at SJSU). Please refer to Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADT)  for more information on ADT programs accepted at SJSU.

How do I get the early registration that comes with being part of the California Promise program?

The early registration for California Promise starts your second semester of enrollment at SJSU. Your first semester registration date is set during the Admissions and Orientation process and is set regardless of participation in the California Promise Program.

Please note that early registration is not Priority Registration. The early registration for the California Promise program is an earlier registration date and/or time within your registration group (i.e., an incoming transfer student will receive an earlier registration date and/or time within the junior level standing registration group; you will not receive Priority Registration from the California Promise Program.)

I have been told it takes five years or more to complete my major. Am I eligible for the California Promise?

We encourage you to sign up for the California Promise program. If you end up deciding to take longer than four years, you can stop out of the program at that time. If you wish to be removed from the California Promise Program, please email californiapromise@sjsu.edu and request to be removed from the Program.

I am an undeclared major. Am I eligible for the California Promise program?

Yes. All majors are eligible, including Undeclared. During Orientation and the first year, an advisor will work with you about what classes to take to stay on track to graduate in four years while also exploring and applying to a major.

I also want to earn a minor. Am I eligible for the California Promise program?

Maybe. It depends on your major and minor. For some combinations, it is possible to complete a major and minor in four years for frosh (and two years for transfer students). We encourage you to sign up for the California Promise program now. Then, during the next semester, see an advisor in the department of the minor you wish to apply to. If you are able to create a four-year degree plan (or two years for transfers), you will be able to remain in the program.

I am an incoming student but I want to apply to change my major. Am I still eligible?

Maybe - it depends on if you are able to complete your degree within 2 years as a transfer student, 4 years as a frosh student.

Please remember that you must apply to change majors; it is not guaranteed. You cannot start the application process until the start of your first semester. During your first term, go to the department office or the college success center for the major you would like to apply to and ask about the change of major application process (Please note - some majors may take one or more semesters of coursework before you are eligible to apply).  For now, you can join California Promise for your current major. If your application to change your major is approved, you will be eligible to remain in the California Promise program if you are still on track to graduate in four/two years in your new major.

I am an AB540 Student. Am I eligible for the California Promise program?

Yes. As a Dreamer, you are eligible for the program because you are eligible for in-state tuition.

I am in a SJSU program like EOP, Spartan Scholars, ASPIRE or Humanities Honors. Can I be in the California Promise program too?

Yes. The California Promise program is not a physical program you attend so you can certainly do this and other SJSU programs. The California Promise program provides advising and early registration throughout your time at SJSU to help you stay on track to graduate in four years for frosh (two years for transfer students).

Am I eligible if I take 12 units a semester?

The point of the California Promise program is to graduate in four years (or two for transfer students). You can take 12 units and stay on track for graduation if you make up the other three units in winter or summer session at SJSU. However, those sessions are not state supported so they are more expensive. You need to make sure you plan for that. If you do not earn 30 units per year (including winter and summer at SJSU) that count towards your degree, you will be unable to continue in the program.

Are there fees associated with the California Promise program?

There is no fee with California Promise. The item in the eligibility criteria that says you must pay your fees on time is referring to your regular campus fees. If you don’t pay those on time, you will be dropped from all of your classes. This applies to all students, not just those in the California Promise program. The reason why it could make you ineligible for California Promise is that being dropped from your classes might prevent you from getting the required classes you need to stay on track to graduate.

Are there any financial benefits to the California Promise Program?

There are no financial benefits (reduced tuition, reduced housing fees, etc.) associated with the California Promise Program. If you are a currently enrolled student at SJSU and find yourself in need of financial assistance, please contact SJSU’s Financial Aid & Scholarship Office or SJSU Cares.