2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
General Education Requirements
A university brings together many separate areas of learning, yet it is more than just a collection of specialized disciplines. SJSU’s general education program establishes a strong foundation of versatile skills, fosters curiosity about the world, and prepares students to engage and contribute responsibly and cooperatively in a multicultural, information-rich society. General education classes integrate areas of study and encourage progressively more complex and creative analysis, expression, and problem solving. The program aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and values they need for a lifetime of intellectual and personal growth. Review the learning goals and outcomes , policies , academic advisement information , and previous requirements .
Undergraduate Graduation Requirements
To qualify for a baccalaureate degree, students must satisfy the major degree requirements and the Undergraduate University Graduation Requirements , which include the following minimum degree requirements and 51 units of coursework:
1. Academic Unit Requirements (120 units total with an average 2.0 GPA - “C” or better)
2. General Education Requirements (48 units)
3. American Institutions Requirement (0-6 units) (may be satisfied in GE Area D)
4. Physical Education Requirement (0-2 units)
5. Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) 3 unit(s) (see SJSU Studies - Area Z)
Exceptions for University Graduation Requirements apply to some majors.
General Education Unit Overview
General Education Core - Lower Division Requirements (39 units)
Area A. English Language Communication and Critical Thinking (9 units)
1. Oral Communication 3 unit(s) (“C-” or better)
2. Written Communication I 3 unit(s) (“C-” or better)
3. Critical Thinking and Writing 3 unit(s) (“C-” or better)
Area B. Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (9 units)
1. Physical Science 3 unit(s)
2. Life Science 3 unit(s)
3. Laboratory in either Physical or Life Science 0 unit(s)
4. Mathematical Concepts 3 unit(s) (“C-” or better)
Area C. Arts and Letters (9 units)
1. Arts 3 unit(s)
2. Letters 3 unit(s)
One additional 1. Arts or 2. Letters 3 unit(s)
Area D. Social Sciences (6 units)
Area E. Human Understanding & Development (3 units)
Area F. Ethnic Studies (3 units)
SJSU Studies - Upper Division Requirements (9 units)
(minimum aggregate GPA of 2.0 for areas R/S/V)
Area R. Earth and Environment (3 units)
Area S. Self, Society & Equality in the U.S. (3 units)
Area V. Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding (3 units)
Area Z. Written Communication II (0 units) (“C” or better)
General Education Requirements
General Education Core - Lower Division Requirements Students must complete 39 units of Core GE courses. Courses that must be completed as a part of a sequence or are designed for specific majors only are identified in parentheses next to the course. Students may satisfy an Intensive GE sequences in science, math, or music. Humanities Honors Sequence: GE Areas A/C/D, and the American Institutions (US123) may be entirely satisfied when completing HUM 1A , HUM 1B , HUM 2A , and HUM 2B with grades of “C- or better. A. English Language Communication and Critical Thinking
9 units Complete one course each in 1. Oral Communication, 2. Written Communication I, and 3. Critical Thinking and Writing. Minimum Grade: A minimum grade of “C-” or better (per the CSU General Education Breadth Requirements). 1. Oral Communication
Oral Communication courses should cultivate an understanding of the social, psychological, political and practical significance of communication, with special emphasis on the roles of public communication in a free society. 2. Written Communication I
Written Communication I courses should cultivate an understanding of the writing process and the goals, dynamics, and genres of written communication, with special attention to the nature of writing at the university. First year students are expected to complete this requirement within their first two semesters at SJSU. 3. Critical Thinking and Writing
Critical Thinking and Writing courses should help students learn to recognize, analyze, evaluate, and produce reasoning. B. Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning
9 units Complete at least one course in 1. Physical Science, 2. Life Science, and 4. Mathematical Concepts. At least one lab course (L) must be completed. In Physical, Life, and Laboratory Science courses (B1-3), students should master sufficiently essential quantitative and qualitative skills that are necessary to understand scientific knowledge and methods. Students should be able to incorporate scientific knowledge into the workplace and everyday life experiences. 1. Physical Science
Intensive Science: Students who have completed the Intensive Science courses with a “C- or better”, will be allowed to use these courses to fulfill the requirement in B1/B3 or B2/B3. Students may petition to have (1) grades below C- (very rarely approved), or (2) other Intensive Science courses not on the list approved as intensive science courses. Additionally, the following packages of courses, all completed with “C- or better”, will satisfy Areas B1, B2, and B3: Two courses from PHYS 50 , PHYS 51 , or PHYS 52 , and CHEM 1A ; or PHYS 2A and PHYS 2B and CHEM 1A ; or CHEM 1A and CHEM 1B , plus a physics course. See details on the Office of Undergraduate Education’s Student Petitions website. 2. Life Science
Intensive Science: Students who have completed the Intensive Science courses with a “C- or better”, will be allowed to use these courses to fulfill the requirement in B1/B3 or B2/B3. Students may petition to have (1) grades below C- (very rarely approved), or (2) other Intensive Science courses not on the list approved as intensive science courses. Additionally, the following packages of courses, all completed with “C- or better”, will satisfy Areas B1, B2, and B3: Two courses from PHYS 50 , PHYS 51 , or PHYS 52 , and CHEM 1A ; or PHYS 2A and PHYS 2B and CHEM 1A ; or CHEM 1A and CHEM 1B , plus a physics course. See details on the Office of Undergraduate Education’s Student Petitions website. 3. Laboratory
The following courses meet the Lab requirement only. 4. Mathematical Concepts
Mathematical concepts courses enable students to use numerical and graphical data in personal and professional judgments and in coping with public issues. First year students are expected to complete this requirement within their first two semesters at SJSU. Minimum Grade: A minimum grade of “C-” or better (per the CSU General Education Breadth Requirements). Intensive Math: Students who have completed an Intensive Math course with a “C- or better”, will be allowed to use these courses to fulfill the requirement in B4: MATH 30 , MATH 30X , MATH 31 , MATH 31X , MATH 32 , MATH 32X , MATH 70 , MATH 71 , or MATH 71X . C. Arts and Letters
9 units Complete no fewer than 9 semester units, with at least one course in the Arts (C1) and one in the Letters (C2). Arts and Letters courses should give students knowledge and understanding of significant works of the human intellect and imagination. Courses should enable students to participate in social and cultural communities associated with artistic and literary endeavors, enriching their personal and professional lives. Intensive Music: Students who have completed the Intensive Music courses, MUSC 4A , MUSC 4B and MUSC 12 , with a “C or better”, will be allowed to use these courses to fulfill the requirements of Area C. Students may petition to have (1) grades below C (very rarely approved), or (2) other Intensive Music courses not on the list approved as intensive music courses. See details on the Office of Undergraduate Education’s Student Petitions website. D. Social Sciences
6 units Complete no fewer than 6 units in Area D. Courses in the Social Sciences (Area D and Area S) must be completed in at least two different disciplines (for example, ANTH and POLS). Students who take two lower-division Area D courses in the same discipline must take an Area S upper-division GE course in a different discipline. To earn American Institutions (US123) credit, students may complete two D courses. Some courses may require completion of a 2-semester sequence in order to receive American Institutions credit (AFAM 2A /AFAM 2B , AAS 33A /AAS 33B , CCS 10A /CCS 10B ). Social Science courses should increase the student’s understanding of human behavior and social interaction in the context of value systems, economic structures, political institutions, social groups, and natural environments. E. Human Understanding & Development
3 units Complete one course. Human Understanding and Development courses will enable students to understand themselves as integrated physiological, social, and psychological entities who are able to formulate strategies for lifelong personal development. Students will also learn skills to employ available university resources to support academic and personal development. F. Ethnic Studies
3 units Complete one course. Ethnic Studies courses will give students the knowledge and skills necessary for comprehending settler colonial histories, the racial and ethnic dynamics, and continued sovereignty and social justice movements in the United States. Students will gain the skills to better operate as responsible, informed, and constructive citizens in an evolving multiracial and multicultural democracy. Transfer students may have catalog rights to the General Education pattern that was in place when they started their college education - see your advisor. SJSU Studies - Upper Division Requirements
Students complete 9 to 12 units of SJSU studies: 9 units of upper division general education courses (Areas R/S/V) and 0 to 3 units of 100W (Area Z). In some cases, SJSU Studies areas are integrated in a single course or overlap with the major . Grade Option: Areas R, S, V, and Z must be taken for a letter grade. Second baccalaureate students who earned their first bachelor degree from a regionally accredited institution in the U.S. are not required to take SJSU Studies unless specific courses are required by the major. Transfer students who complete any portion of upper division GE at another CSU campus may request equivalency for coursework in SJSU Studies. Contact the Undergraduate Education Office for evaluation of coursework. Areas R, S, and V 9 units Complete one course from each area. Minimum Prerequisites: - Completion of core GE;
- Satisfaction of Writing Skills Test (temporarily suspended - see the Writing Across the Curriculum website). Students who fail the WST may satisfy this requirement by passing ENGL 100A or LLD 100A with a grade of “C or better.”;
- Upper division standing; and,
- Pre/Corequisite: a 100W course is strongly recommended.
Minimum Grade: minimum aggregate GPA of 2.0 for areas R, S, and V. If more than one course is taken in any of the individual R, S, or V areas, then the highest grade in that individual area will be used to calculate the aggregate SJSU Studies GPA. If any student took one or more Area R/S/V courses in the Spring 2020 semester (regardless of whether the student chooses to receive a grade or opts for Credit/No Credit), the requirement for a minimum aggregate 2.0 GPA in R/S/V courses will be waived. Year-Long Course Sequences: Students enroll in 6 units in the fall and 3 units in the spring. Must earn a grade of “C” or better in each course to satisfy R/S/V. R. Earth and Environment
Courses in Earth and Environment will cultivate a student’s knowledge of the scientific study of the physical universe and its life forms. Students will understand and appreciate the interrelationship of science and human beings to each other. S. Self, Society & Equality in the U.S.
Students in courses in Self, Society & Equality in the U.S. will study the interrelationships of individuals, racial groups, and cultural groups to understand and appreciate issues of diversity, equality, and structured inequality in the U.S., its institutions, and its cultures. Courses in the Social Sciences (Area D and Area S) must be completed in at least two different disciplines. Students who take two lower-division Area D courses in the same discipline must take an Area S upper-division GE course in a different discipline. - AE 171A - Aircraft Design I 3 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- AE 172A - Spacecraft Design I 3 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- AAS 175 - Asian American Communities 3 unit(s)
- AMS 169 - The American Dream 3 unit(s)
- ANTH 140 - Human Sexuality 3 unit(s)
- BIOL 140 - Human Sexuality 3 unit(s)
- BME 198A - Senior Design Project I 2 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- BUS3 186 - Professional and Business Ethics 3 unit(s)
- CA 172 - The Arts in U.S. Society 3 unit(s)
- CCS 130 - Chicanas and Chicanos in American Society 3 unit(s)
- CCS 160 - Gender and Sexuality in the Chicana/o Community 3 unit(s)
- CHAD 102 - Development of Self in a Culturally Diverse Society 3 unit(s)
- COMM 157SL - Community Action/Community Service 3 unit(s)
- COMM 168A - Global Climate Change I 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- COMM 168B - Global Climate Change II 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- COMM 174 - Intercultural Comm & Struct Inequality 3 unit(s)
- CMPE 195A - Senior Design Project I 2 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- EDSE 102 - Speech, Language & Typical, Atypical Dev 3 unit(s)
- EDUC 157SL - Community Action/Community Service 3 unit(s)
- EE 198A - Senior Design Project I 1 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- ENGL 117A - American Literature, Film, & Culture 3 unit(s)
- ENGL 169 - Ethnicity in American Literature 3 unit(s)
- ENGL 172 - The Arts in U.S. Society 3 unit(s)
- ENGR 157SL - Community Action/Community Service 3 unit(s)
- ENGR 195A - Global and Social Issues in Engineering 1 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- ENGR 195C - Interdisciplinary Senior Project I 3 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- ENVS 150 - Introduction to Environmental Thought 3 unit(s)
- ENVS 168A - Global Climate Change I 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- ENVS 168B - Global Climate Change II 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- GEOG 140 - The United States 3 unit(s)
- GEOL 168A - Global Climate Change I 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- GEOL 168B - Global Climate Change II 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- GERO 107 - Aging and Society 3 unit(s)
- HA 157SL - Community Action/Community Service 3 unit(s)
- HIST 170S - Topics in American History: American Identities and Institutions 3 unit(s)
- HIST 185 - LGBTQ+ History in the United States 3 unit(s)
- HIST 188 - History of Women in the United States 3 unit(s)
- HUM 168A - Global Climate Change I 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- HUM 168B - Global Climate Change II 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- HUM 169 - The American Dream 3 unit(s)
- HUM 177A - Advanced Honors in Integrated Science, Social Science, and Humanities 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- HUM 177B - Advanced Honors in Integrated Science, Social Science, and Humanities 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- HUM 191 - Religion in America 3 unit(s)
- JS 132 - Race, Gender, Inequality and the Law 3 unit(s)
- JS 136 - Family and Community Violence 3 unit(s)
- KIN 101 - Sport in America 3 unit(s)
- KIN 169 - Diversity, Stress and Health 3 unit(s)
- LING 129 - Culture, Language and Ethnicity in the U.S. 3 unit(s)
- LSTP 139 - Education and (In)Equality 3 unit(s)
- MATE 198A - Senior Design Project 2 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- ME 195A - Senior Design Project I 3 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- METR 168A - Global Climate Change I 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- METR 168B - Global Climate Change II 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- MUSC 120 - Worlds of Jazz 3 unit(s)
- MUSC 172 - The Arts in U.S. Society 3 unit(s)
- NUFS 135 - Health Issues in a Multicultural Society 3 unit(s)
- NURS 135 - Health Issues in a Multicultural Society 3 unit(s)
- NURS 138 - Professional Role Development VI 3 unit(s)
- NURS 178 - Leadership III 3 unit(s)
- NURS 178A - Leadership 3 unit(s)
- PH 107 - Aging and Society 3 unit(s)
- PH 135 - Health Issues in a Multicultural Society 3 unit(s)
- PH 140 - Human Sexuality 3 unit(s)
- PH 169 - Diversity, Stress and Health 3 unit(s)
- PHIL 186 - Professional and Business Ethics 3 unit(s)
- POLS 120 - Law and Society 3 unit(s)
- PSYC 191 - The Psychology of Prejudice 3 unit(s)
- RECL 111 - Leisure, Culture, and Identity 3 unit(s)
- RELS 162 - Religion and Political Controversy in the US 3 unit(s)
- RELS 191 - Religion in America 3 unit(s)
- RTVF 110 - Media and Culture 3 unit(s)
- SCI 157SL - Community Action/Community Service 3 unit(s)
- SCWK 107 - Aging and Society 3 unit(s)
- SOCI 162 - Race and Ethnic Relations 3 unit(s)
- SOCS 138 - US History for Teachers 3 unit(s)
- TA 172 - The Arts in U.S. Society 3 unit(s)
- URBP 101 - The City 3 unit(s)
- WGSS 101 - Sex, Power, and Politics 3 unit(s)
V. Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding
Students in courses in Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding should receive an appreciation for human expression in cultures outside the U.S. and an understanding of how that expression has developed over time. Additionally, students should understand how traditions of cultures outside the U.S. have influenced American culture and society. - AE 171B - Aircraft Design II 3 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- AE 172B - Spacecraft Design II 3 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- AMS 159 - Nature and World Cultures 3 unit(s)
- ANTH 114 - Legacy of Asia 3 unit(s)
- ANTH 115 - The Emerging Global Culture 3 unit(s)
- ANTH 122 - Magic, Science and Religion 3 unit(s)
- ANTH 145 - Middle Eastern Traditions 3 unit(s)
- ANTH 146 - Culture and Conflict 3 unit(s)
- ARTH 193A - Worlds of Art and Culture 3 unit(s)
- ARTH 193B - East Meets West in Art 3 unit(s)
- ASIA 104 - Asian Philosophy 3 unit(s)
- ASIA 114 - Legacy of Asia 3 unit(s)
- ASIA 115 - The Emerging Global Culture 3 unit(s)
- ASIA 122 - English as a World Language 3 unit(s)
- ASIA 140 - Chinese Culture and Politics Through Literature 3 unit(s)
- ASIA 193B - East Meets West in Art 3 unit(s)
- AVIA 198 - Aviation and Human Civilization 3 unit(s)
- BME 198B - Senior Design Project II 2 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- CA 173 - Thinking About Contemporary World Arts 3 unit(s)
- CHAD 106 - Concepts of Childhood 3 unit(s)
- CHAD 132 - Education from a Global Perspective 3 unit(s)
- CHIN 140 - Chinese Culture and Politics Through Literature 3 unit(s)
- CMPE 195B - Senior Design Project II 3 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- CMPE 198 - Technology and Civilization 3 unit(s)
- COMM 168A - Global Climate Change I 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- COMM 168B - Global Climate Change II 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- COMM 179 - Global Media and Resistance 3 unit(s)
- DANC 102 - Dance in World Cultures 3 unit(s)
- EDSE 124 - Methodologies for Eng Learners w/out Dis 3 unit(s)
- EE 198B - Senior Design Project II 3 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- ENGL 117B - Global Film, Literature, and Cultures 3 unit(s)
- ENGL 123A - Literature for Global Understanding-The Americas 3 unit(s)
- ENGL 123B - Literature for Global Understanding-Africa 3 unit(s)
- ENGL 123C - Literature for Global Understanding-Oceania 3 unit(s)
- ENGL 123D - Literature for Global Understanding-Asia 3 unit(s)
- ENGL 126 - Holocaust Literature 3 unit(s)
- ENGL 127 - Contemporary Theatre 3 unit(s)
- ENGL 173 - Thinking About Contemporary World Arts 3 unit(s)
- ENGR 195B - Global and Social Issues in Engineering 1 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- ENGR 195D - Interdisciplinary Senior Project II 3 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- ENGR 198 - Technology and Civilization 3 unit(s)
- ENVS 159 - Nature and World Cultures 3 unit(s)
- ENVS 168A - Global Climate Change I 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- ENVS 168B - Global Climate Change II 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- FORL 126 - Holocaust Literature 3 unit(s)
- FREN 102B - Francophone Cultures: Through Literature and Cinema 3 unit(s)
- GEOG 112 - Nations, Cultures & Globalization 3 unit(s)
- GEOL 168A - Global Climate Change I 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- GEOL 168B - Global Climate Change II 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- GLST 143 - Gender, Power, Intnl Dev 3 unit(s)
- GLST 188 - Special Topics in International Experiences 3 unit(s)
- HIST 153 - History of Women in Europe 3 unit(s)
- HIST 155 - 20th Century World 3 unit(s)
- HUM 114 - Legacy of Asia 3 unit(s)
- HUM 126 - Holocaust Literature 3 unit(s)
- HUM 128 - Perspectives on the Twentieth Century: The West in a Global Context 3 unit(s)
- HUM 159 - Nature and World Cultures 3 unit(s)
- HUM 168A - Global Climate Change I 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- HUM 168B - Global Climate Change II 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- HUM 177A - Advanced Honors in Integrated Science, Social Science, and Humanities 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- HUM 177B - Advanced Honors in Integrated Science, Social Science, and Humanities 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- JPN 102B - Local and Minority Cultures in Japan 3 unit(s)
- JS 171 - Human Rights and Justice 3 unit(s)
- JWSS 126 - Holocaust Literature 3 unit(s)
- KIN 111 - Sport & Movement in a Global Context 3 unit(s)
- KIN 111ITL - Sport & Movement in a Global Context: International Experience 3 unit(s)
- LING 122 - English as a World Language 3 unit(s)
- MATE 198B - Senior Design Project 2 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- MDES 145 - Middle Eastern Traditions 3 unit(s)
- ME 195B - Senior Design Project II 3 unit(s) (specified majors only)
- ME 198 - Technology and Civilization 3 unit(s)
- METR 168A - Global Climate Change I 6 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- METR 168B - Global Climate Change II 3 unit(s) (year-long course sequence with a “C” or better in each course satisfies R/S/V)
- MUSC 117 - Music and Culture in Latin America 3 unit(s)
- MUSC 173 - Thinking About Contemporary World Arts 3 unit(s)
- NUFS 144 - Food Culture: Consuming Passions 3 unit(s)
- NURS 110ITL - Global Influences on Health 3 unit(s)
- PHIL 104 - Asian Philosophy 3 unit(s)
- PHIL 110 - Science, Technology and Human Values 3 unit(s)
- PHIL 133 - Ethics in Science 3 unit(s)
- PHIL 134 - Computers, Ethics and Society 3 unit(s)
- POLS 150 - War and Peace 3 unit(s)
- POLS 170V - American Politics in Global Perspective 3 unit(s)
- RELS 104 - Asian Philosophy 3 unit(s)
- RELS 114 - Legacy of Asia 3 unit(s)
- RELS 122 - Magic, Science and Religion 3 unit(s)
- RELS 145 - Middle Eastern Traditions 3 unit(s)
- RTVF 111 - Alternative Cinema 3 unit(s)
- SPAN 102B - Hispanic American Culture 3 unit(s)
- SOCS 139 - World History for Teachers 3 unit(s)
- TA 127 - Contemporary Theatre 3 unit(s)
- TA 173 - Thinking About Contemporary World Arts 3 unit(s)
- TECH 198 - Technology and Civilization 3 unit(s)
- WGSS 102 - The Global Study of Women 3 unit(s)
Z. Written Communication II
3 units All students must satisfy the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) by earning a “C” or better in a 100W course, OR earn a waiver score on the Writing Skills Test (WST). WST temporarily suspended - see the Writing Across the Curriculum website. In Written Communication II courses, students will develop advanced proficiency in college-level writing and appropriate contemporary research strategies and methodologies to communicate effectively to both specialized and general audiences. For most degree programs, students should take the 100W course that is required as part of the major program. Minimum Prerequisite: A passing score on the WST or a grade of “C” or better for ENGL 100A or LLD 100A . Minimum Grade: A minimum grade of “C” or better (C- not accepted per the Undergraduate University Graduation Requirements ). Waiver of the 100W Course: A waiver score on the WST satisfies Area Z without the need to complete a 100W course only in majors that permit a waiver score. Majors that require students complete the 100W course and do not accept the waiver score on the Writing Skills Test include:
- African American Studies, BA
- Biological Sciences - Ecology and Evolution, BS
- Biological Sciences - Marine Biology, BS
- Biological Sciences, BA
- Biological Sciences, Ecology and Evolution Concentration, MS
- Biological Sciences, Microbiology Concentration, BS
- Biological Sciences, Molecular Biology Concentration, BS
- Biological Sciences, Systems Physiology Concentration, BS
- Chemistry, BA
- Chemistry, Biochemistry Concentration, BS
- Chemistry, BS
- Child and Adolescent Development, BA
- Child and Adolescent Development, Preparation for Teaching W/CSET Waiver, BA
- Child and Adolescent Development, Preparation for Teaching, BA
- Communication Studies, BA
- Earth System Science, BS
- Economics, BA
- Economics, BS
- Engineering (all majors)
- English, BA
- English, Creative Writing Concentration, BA
- English, Preparation for Teaching (Single Subject), BA
- English, Professional and Technical Writing Concentration, BA
- Environmental Studies, BA
- Environmental Studies, BS
- Environmental Studies, Preparation for Teaching, BA
- Geography, BA
- Geology, BS
- Global Studies, BA
- History, BA
- Meteorology, BS
- Climate Science, BS
- Nursing, BS
- Political Science, BA
- Psychology, BA
- Social Science, Preparation for Teaching (Single Subject), BA
- World Languages and Literatures (all majors)
Transfer students who complete the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) while matriculated at another CSU, or equivalent coursework at another university prior to SJSU enrollment. 100W Courses |