3unit(s) Introduction to calculus including limits, continuity, differentiation, applications, and introduction to integration. Graphical, algebraic and numerical methods of solving problems.
SatisfiesB4: Mathematical Concepts.
Prerequisite(s): Math Enrollment Category M-I, M-II, or M-III and satisfactory score on the Precalculus Proficiency Assessment; MATH 19 with a grade of C- or better to waive the exam; or MATH 18A and MATH 18B with a grade of C- or better in each to waive the exam. Corequisite(s):MATH 30W. Grading: Letter Graded
Note(s): MATH 30X is treated as a repeat for students who have taken MATH 30. MATH 30X is replacing MATH 30P and MATH 30PL.