Jan 30, 2025
AMS 139 - Animals and Society 3 unit(s) Drawing on foundational readings from science, history, philosophy, literature, and cultural studies, this course introduces the emerging field of Animal Studies, paying particular attention to intersections among ecology and critical theories of race, class, gender, colonialism, and power. To engage more deeply with the scientific and cultural theories that underpin this course, students engage in field observations, and course readings include creative works such as art, music, poetry, fiction, film, memoir, and documentary.
Satisfies SJSU Studies R: Earth & Environment.
Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A / LLD 100A with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended. Grading: Letter Graded
Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.
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