Mar 11, 2025  
2021-2022 Academic Catalog 
2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ENGL 100W - Writing Workshop

4 unit(s)
Integrated writing and literature course to develop advanced proficiency in college-level reading and writing that broadens and deepens understanding of forms and genres, audiences, and purposes of college writing developed in lower-division composition courses while developing mastery of the discourse and methods specific to the field of English literary studies. Repeated practice in close reading of literary texts, writing and revising informal and formal essays of literary analysis, and peer review of other students writing.

Satisfies SJSU Studies Z: Written Communication II.

Prerequisite(s): A3 or equivalent second semester composition course (with a grade of C- or better); completion of core GE; satisfaction of Writing Skills Test or completion of ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with C or better; and upper division standing. Allowed Declared Majors: All College of Humanities & Arts majors, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Public Health, Nutritional Science, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Meteorology, Geology, Special Majors, Social Work, Environmental Studies. Or Graduate or Postbaccalaureate level.
Grading: Letter Graded

Note(s): Must be passed with C or better to satisfy the CSU Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR). Required of all English majors before they achieve senior standing.

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