The Certificate in Global Philosophical Traditions will enable SJSU undergraduate students with diverse backgrounds to gain intermediate knowledge of the methods in comparative philosophy as well as to engage deeply with at least two world philosophies and one western philosophical tradition which broadens the analytic perspective of the Anglo-American philosophical canon. In doing so, they will simultaneously acquire skills in cultural understanding which are increasingly valued on the global job market.
The Philosophy Undergraduate Advisor serve as supervisor for the certificate program and will review student programs of study to ensure that students take at least one 3-unit course to fulfill the comparative philosophical thinking and continental philosophy and pragmatism degree requirements, and two 3-unit courses to fulfill the world philosophies degree requirement.
University Basic Certificate Requirements
Basic certificate programs provide opportunities for students to pursue specialized, often pre-professional, focused educational objectives that may be separate from a degree program. At least 6 units must be completed at SJSU. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 in basic certificate coursework in order to be awarded a certificate. A maximum of 33% of basic certificate units (e.g., 3 units for a 9-unit certificate) can be completed through Open University at SJSU with approval from the department or school (University Policy S16-17).
The advisor/director of the program is responsible for verifying a student’s satisfactory completion of the academic requirements established for the program and for forwarding a copy of the certificate completion form to the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar records the completion of the program on the student’s transcript.
To receive the Certificate in Global Philosophical Traditions, students must complete the following twelve units of required coursework: