Jan 15, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Program Learning Outcomes

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | ST | U | V | W | XY | Z


Advertising, BS  

PLO 1 Demonstrate knowledge of the diversity of groups in a global society in relationship to communications.
PLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to think critically, creatively and independently.
PLO 3 Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences, and purposes they serve.
PLO 4 Demonstrate the ability to use tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they work.
PLO 5 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.

Aerospace Engineering, BS  

PLO 1 Problem Solving - Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex aerospace engineering problems through application of mathematics, science, and engineering principles.
PLO 2 Design to Meet Requirements and Constraints - Ability to design aerospace vehicles that meet specified requirements and subject to public health, safety and welfare, global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic constraints.
PLO 3 Communicate Effectively - Ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
PLO 4 Ethical and Professional Responsibilities - Ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, considering the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
PLO 5 Teamwork - Ability to function effectively on a team, whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
PLO 6 Experiments and Data Analysis - Ability to design and conduct appropriate experiments, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
PLO 7 Knowledge Acquisition - Ability to acquire knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

African American Studies, BA  

PLO 1 Describe global linkages between African Americans and other people of African descent throughout the world, articulate the impact of slavery of African peoples in U.S. society and explain how American society and its institutions have historically shaped Black Americans/African Americans.
PLO 2 Describe and explain African-centered theories, concepts, and research.
PLO 3 Critique historical and contemporary research literature, formulate research, interpret historical records, documents, and audiovisual materials, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions that follow logically from the analysis.
PLO 4 Demonstrate strong oral and written communication skills.
PLO 5 Apply knowledge on behalf of the university, local, state, regional, national, and/or global community.

Anthropology, BA  

PLO 1 Understanding culture as the distinguishing phenomenon of human life, and the relationship of human biology and evolution.
PLO 2 Awareness of human diversity and the ways humans have categorized diversity.
PLO 3 Knowledge of the significant findings of archaeology, cultural anthropology, and physical anthropology, and familiarity of the important issues in each sub-discipline.
PLO 4 Knowledge of the history of anthropological thought and its place in modern intellectual history.
PLO 5 Comprehension of migration, colonialism, and economic integration as significant phenomenon shaping global society.
PLO 6 Ability to access various forms of anthropological data and literature.
PLO 7 Awareness of importance and value of anthropological knowledge in contemporary society, and the ability to apply it to social issues.
PLO 8 Knowledge of the research methods of the sub-disciplines of anthropology, and the ability to apply appropriate research methods in at least one sub-discipline.
PLO 9 Ability to present and communicate anthropological knowledge and the results of anthropological research to different audiences.
PLO 10 Knowledge of political and ethical implications of social research.

Applied Mathematics, BS (Concentrations in Applied and Computational Mathematics  and Statistics 

PLO 1 The student will use mathematical models to solve practical problem.
PLO 2 The student will read mathematics with understanding and communicate mathematical ideas with clarity and coherence.
PLO 3 The student will perform standard mathematical computations with accuracy.
PLO 4 The student will use technology to solve mathematical problems.

Art History and Visual Culture, BA  

PLO 1 Recognize and identify significant artworks and of the canon of historical periods customary in Western and Non-Western traditions.
PLO 2 Translate visual perception into verbal analysis, using a variety of strategies to clearly communicate with an intended audience.
PLO 3 Describe, analyze and explain artworks from differing historical and cultural contexts, using terms and concepts appropriate to specific historical and contemporary cultures.
PLO 4 Investigate and communicate art historical information through research, documentation, and clearly written arguments that integrate appropriate theoretical perspectives.
PLO 5 Discuss the theoretical, historiographic, and professional foundations of the discipline of Art History and apply this understanding to explaining and solving research problems.

Art, Animation/Illustration Concentration, BFA  

PLO 1 Create drawn images that demonstrate an understanding of the principles of color, design, optics, and perspective and the application of basic skills in life drawing and the physics of motion.
PLO 2 Demonstrated ability in life drawing, applied knowledge of both digital and traditional painting, and intermediate studies in the physics of motion. Create sequential narratives that apply storytelling principles, and demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively.
PLO 3 Create and develop original narrative, sequential projects-short films and tests incorporating visual development, modeling, storyboarding and animation.
PLO 4 Apply professional standards and practices including proficiency in visual development, modeling, animation, or storyboarding.
PLO 5 Demonstrate an understanding of art, film and animation history, theory, and criticism from a variety of perspectives, including those of art historians, animators and filmmakers, by creating, drawing, and applying knowledge to classroom tasks.

Art, BFA (Concentrations in Digital Media Art Photography Pictorial Art , and Spatial Art )

PLO 1 Graduates will be able to analyze and research visual and conceptual problems and both apply and explain their use of basic design principles, concepts, tools, techniques, media, materials, formats, and visual languages to solve those problems. We expect our students to bring their expertise in finding visual-verbal solutions to problems as they embark on a lifetime of self- and professional employment in a variety of careers. As students they will demonstrate their development and application of art knowledge in a wide range of studio courses, culminating in a capstone course.
PLO 2 Graduates will be able to demonstrate increasing skills in the use of diverse materials, tools, and media, and be able to explain and evaluate success/failure in individual and group critiques. We expect our graduates to be lifelong problem-identifiers and problem solvers, always on the lookout for new and better skills. Prior to graduation, they will demonstrate their making/evaluating skills in studio courses and their skills of self-assessment and explanation in a sequence of interdisciplinary professional courses and in a capstone course.
PLO 3 Graduates will demonstrate their commitment to valuing art’s role in offering cultural critique and addressing issues of social responsibility in a global society. As creative professionals, our graduates will, we hope, assume leadership roles in engaging with social and cultural change-as teachers, as critics, as spokespersons for important issues that cannot yet be imagined. As undergraduates, our students will demonstrate their understanding of the values of contemporary art in their visual and written responses to class assignments in studio courses and in the interdisciplinary core and capstone courses (where these qualities will be assessed), in their work on collaborative group projects, in the successful articulation of their ideas in exhibitions and artist statements.
PLO 4 Graduates will apply their knowledge of visual history and theory to their creative endeavors and to their professional practice. They will be able to speak and write clearly about art and global culture, using appropriate terminology and demonstrating their understanding of the contemporary art world. They will demonstrate their ability to place their own work within the broader context of historical and contemporary art and ideas. Our graduates will commit to continued personal engagement with intellectual issues in contemporary art and culture. As students, they will demonstrate their understanding of visual history and theory in assignments completed for their art history courses and their understanding of the intellectual context and historical precedents of their own work in assignments completed for their professional core and capstone courses.
PLO 5 Our BFA graduates will demonstrate their readiness for careers as creative professionals by completing a more sequenced and specialized course of study in sculpture, installation and other three-dimensional art forms. Admission to the BFA requires students to demonstrate their ability to work independently as artists. Students will have successfully developed and presented for review by the Department’s faculty (a) a unified body of work (10 images), (b) n artist statement (of purpose) and then secured (c) support and commitment of two area faculty members willing to serve on that student’s BFA committee. Each BFA candidate then (d) successfully completes the professional BFA seminar and (e) schedules and mounts in one of the Department’s student exhibition galleries a solo exhibition (as the work for ART 199) that meets the approval of the student’s BFA committee. Our BFA graduates will embark on professional careers as practicing artists and creative professionals and/or apply to MFA programs for further instruction and certification for college/university teaching.

Art, BA (Concentration in Studio Practice  and Studio Practice - Preparation for Teaching 

PLO 1 Will be able to analyze and research visual and conceptual problems; both apply and explain their use of basic design principles, concepts, tools, techniques, media, materials, formats, and visual languages to solve those problems; demonstrate their development and application of art knowledge in a wide range of studio courses, culminating in a capstone course.
PLO 2 Will be able to demonstrate increasing skills in the use of diverse materials, tools, and media; explain and evaluate success/failure in individual and group critiques; demonstrate their making/evaluating skills in studio courses and their skills of self-assessment and explanation in a sequence of interdisciplinary professional courses and in a capstone course.
PLO 3 Will be able to demonstrate their commitment to valuing art’s role in offering cultural critique and addressing issues of social responsibility in a global society; demonstrate their understanding of the values of contemporary art in their visual and written responses to class assignments in studio courses (and in the interdisciplinary core and capstone courses where these qualities will be assessed), in their work on collaborative group projects, and in the successful articulation of their ideas in exhibitions and artist statements.
PLO 4 Will be able to apply knowledge of visual history and theory to creative endeavors and to their professional practice; speak and write clearly about art and global culture, using appropriate terminology and demonstrating their understanding of the contemporary art world; demonstrate their ability to place their own work within the broader context of historical and contemporary art and ideas; demonstrate their understanding of visual history and theory in assignments completed for their art history courses and their understanding of the intellectual context and historical precedents of their own work in assignments completed for their professional core and capstone courses.

Aviation, BS  

PLO 1 Apply current knowledge and adapt to emerging applications in aviation.
PLO 2 Function effectively on teams.
PLO 3 Communicate effectively.
PLO 4 Understand the role and processes in team development, dynamics and management.
PLO 5 Understand economic principles including: production theory and costs, cost benefit analysis, economic growth concepts, and international economic relationships and apply them to management of aviation operations.
PLO 6 Understand career planning, flight certification, and the attributes and behavior of an aviation professional.
PLO 7 Demonstrate an understanding of aircraft design, performance, operating characteristics, and maintenance as it relates to the student’s career goals.
PLO 8 Analyze and explain the role and regulations regarding aviation safety and human factors.
PLO 9 Describe the legal and labor issues in national and international aviation operations.
PLO 10 Describe meteorology and environmental issues as they relate to aviation.
PLO 11 Apply business accounting and statistical analysis principles to financial situations in aviation.


Behavioral Science, BA  

PLO 1 Provide opportunities for students to synthesize the perspectives of the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, and sociology.
PLO 2 Provide opportunities to apply the perspectives of the behavioral sciences to a variety of contemporary issues and professional settings.

Biological Science, BA  (Concentrations in General Biology, Microbiology Molecular Biology , and Systems Physiology 

PLO 1 Hypotheses and Experiments Students will demonstrate the ability to formulate hypotheses and design experiments to address a scientific question.
PLO 2 Biology Content Students will demonstrate an understanding of the relevant content in their concentration.
PLO 3 Laboratory or Field Skills Students will demonstrate laboratory or field skills relevant to their concentration.
PLO 4 Scientific Writing Skills Students will demonstrate proficiency in scientific writing skills by effectively writing an advanced scientific paper.
PLO 5 Oral Presentations Students will demonstrate proficiency in oral presentation skills by effectively presenting scientific research.

Biomedical Engineering, BS  

PLO 1 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
PLO 2 An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
PLO 3 An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
PLO 4 An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
PLO 5 An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
PLO 6 An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
PLO 7 An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Business Administration, BS  

PLO 1 Understand basic business principles and demonstrate discipline-specific competencies as applied to local and global environments.
PLO 2 Communicate ideas clearly, logically, and persuasively in oral and written format, using technology appropriately.
PLO 3 Recognize, analyze, and articulate solutions to ethical issues that arise in business.
PLO 4 Comprehend the challenges and opportunities of leading and working in diverse teams and environments.
PLO 5 Comprehend, analyze, and critically evaluate complex and unstructured qualitative and quantitative business problems, using appropriate tools and technology.
PLO 6 Recognize, analyze, and articulate strategies for promoting creativity and innovation.


Chemical Engineering, BS  

PLO 1 Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
PLO 2 Ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
PLO 3 Ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
PLO 4 Ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, considering the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
PLO 5 Ability to function effectively on a team, whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.

Chemistry, BA  

PLO 1 Demonstrate understanding of core concepts, methods and limits of scientific investigation to effectively solve problems in inorganic chemistry.
PLO 2 Demonstrate understanding of core concepts, methods and limits of scientific investigation to effectively solve problems in organic chemistry.
PLO 3 Demonstrate understanding of core concepts, methods and limits of scientific investigation to effectively solve problems in analytical chemistry.
PLO 4 Demonstrate understanding of core concepts, methods and limits of scientific investigation to effectively solve problems in physical chemistry.
PLO 5 Demonstrate understanding of core concepts, methods and limits of scientific investigation to effectively solve problems in biochemistry.
PLO 6 Answer questions regarding safe practices in the laboratory and chemical safety.
PLO 7 Demonstrate safe laboratory skills (including proper handling of materials and chemical waste) for particular laboratory experiments.
PLO 8 Effectively present a scientific paper that applies the scientific approach to address a chemical problem in a poster session, as at an American Chemical Society symposium.
PLO 9 Effectively present a scientific paper orally applying the scientific approach, as at an American Chemical Society symposium.
PLO 10 Write a formal scientific laboratory report which applies the scientific approach to address a chemical problem and follows the format and style of an article in a peer-reviewed American Chemical Society journal.

Chemistry, BS  (Concentrations in General Chemistry and Biochemistry )

PLO 1 Demonstrate understanding of core concepts, methods and limits of scientific investigation to effectively solve problems in inorganic chemistry.
PLO 2 Demonstrate understanding of core concepts, methods and limits of scientific investigation to effectively solve problems in organic chemistry.
PLO 3 Demonstrate understanding of core concepts, methods and limits of scientific investigation to effectively solve problems in analytical chemistry.
PLO 4 Demonstrate understanding of core concepts, methods and limits of scientific investigation to effectively solve problems in physical chemistry.
PLO 5 Demonstrate understanding of core concepts, methods and limits of scientific investigation to effectively solve problems in biochemistry.
PLO 6 Answer questions regarding safe practices in the laboratory and chemical safety.
PLO 7 Demonstrate safe laboratory skills (including proper handling of materials and chemical waste) for particular laboratory experiments.
PLO 8 Effectively present a scientific paper that applies the scientific approach to address a chemical problem in a poster session, as at an American Chemical Society symposium.
PLO 9 Effectively present a scientific paper orally applying the scientific approach, as at an American Chemical Society symposium.
PLO 10 Write a formal scientific laboratory report which applies the scientific approach to address a chemical problem and follows the format and style of an article in a peer-reviewed American Chemical Society journal.

Child and Adolescent Development, BA  (including a Preparation for Teaching  Program) 

PLO 1 Define and understand basic elements of the four domains of development and draw on multiple perspectives to understand the interrelationships among these domains.
PLO 2 Describe and evaluate different contextual perspectives that affect the growth and socialization experiences of children and adolescents.
PLO 3 Identify and describe recognized ways to apply research, theory and problem-solving skills to address social policy, education, intervention, and practical situations.
PLO 4 Differentiate between sources of information (research, professional, and popular) and evaluate the credibility and validity of each type of information source.
PLO 5 Identify and describe key developmental questions in our field and define methods to investigate these questions.
PLO 6 Demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal skills in fieldwork settings that exemplifies professional behavior designed to best facilitate the development of children and adolescents.
PLO 7 Demonstrate understanding of effective advocacy and describe ethical issues present in our field and how these issues inform advocates’ decision-making.

Chinese, BA  

PLO 1 Develop competence in speaking and listening comprehension in Mandarin Chinese.
PLO 2 Command basic Chinese vocabulary. Refine grammatical structures and engage in critical thinking through a variety of tasks, activities, and assignments.
PLO 3 Read authentic material in Chinese for informative purposes.
PLO 4 Write in Chinese simple narration and description about given topics and events.
PLO 5 Develop understanding of the traditional Chinese culture in light of contemporary values.
PLO 6 Be able to compare systematically the ideas, values, images, or attitudes of people from various Chinese communities. Be able to identify the historic context of these ideas and cultural practices. Be able to explain how Chinese culture changes in response to internal and external pressures.
PLO 7 Critical reading of pre-modern Chinese prose, poetry, and drama.

Civil Engineering, BS  

PLO 1 Graduates have an ability to apply knowledge of engineering, mathematics through differential equations, probability and statistics, calculus-based physics, chemistry, and one additional area of science.
PLO 2 Graduates have an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data in more than one civil engineering area.
PLO 3 Graduates have an ability to design a civil engineering system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
PLO 4 Graduates have an ability to function as a member of a multi-disciplinary team, with the ability to explain the role of a leader.
PLO 5 Graduates have an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in technical areas appropriate to civil engineering.
PLO 6 Graduates understand professional and ethical responsibility.
PLO 7 Graduates have an ability to communicate effectively.
PLO 8 Graduates have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and social context.
PLO 9 Graduates have recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning and working towards professional licensing.
PLO 10 Graduates have knowledge of contemporary issues.
PLO 11 Graduates have an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
PLO 12 Graduates can explain key concepts and problem-solving processes used in business, public policy, and public admission.

Communication Studies, BA  

PLO 1.0 Foundations - Demonstrate an understanding of at least one major theory in the field of communication.
PLO 2.1 Inquiry - Demonstrate an understanding of methods of communication research and analysis such as rhetorical, critical, interpretive, performative and social scientific approaches and their ethical implications.
PLO 2.2 Inquiry - Develop and apply analytical skills and ethical practices for understanding, conducting, and evaluating communication research studies. Major Theories Students can explain, apply, and critique a major theory that has shaped a specific area of Communication Studies.
PLO 3.1 Practice - Demonstrate the ability to communicate competently and in a theoretically informed manner in a variety of contexts.
PLO 3.2 Practice - Demonstrate social responsibility, ethical awareness, and community engagement. Rationale Students can explain the rationale underlying practices and approaches in communication research and their ethical implications.

Communicative Disorders and Sciences, BA  

PLO 1 Students will demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills.
PLO 2 Students will demonstrate effective problem solving and critical thinking skills.
PLO 3 Students will demonstrate knowledge of research methods and application of evidence-based practice.
PLO 4 Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic communication and communicative disorders and differences across the lifespan.
PLO 5 Students will demonstrate knowledge of clinical management of communicative disorders and differences.
PLO 6 Students will recognize the role of related professions and interprofessional collaborative models in service delivery.
PLO 7 Students will demonstrate a knowledge of professionalism and ethical standards.
PLO 8 Students will demonstrate an awareness of and appreciation for their role as future professionals in a diverse society.

Computer Engineering, BS  

PLO 1 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
PLO 2 An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
PLO 3 An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
PLO 4 An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
PLO 5 An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
PLO 6 An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
PLO 7 An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Computer Science, BS  

PLO 1 Apply computing and math knowledge an ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics to solve problems.
PLO 2 Analyze a problem an ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
PLO 3 Design, implement, evaluate system, process, component, or program An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.
PLO 4 Teamwork An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.
PLO 5 Professional, ethical, legal, security, social issues An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
PLO 6 Communicate effectively An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
PLO 7 Analyze local and global impact An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society.
PLO 8 Continuing professional development Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development.
PLO 9 Current techniques, skills, tools for computing An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.
PLO 10 Tradeoffs in design choices An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices.
PLO 11 Apply design and development principles An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity.

Creative Arts, BA  

PLO 1 Perform interdisciplinary analysis of various forms of creative arts, attending to connections and commonalities as well as differences, in both written and oral formats.
PLO 2 Identify and articulate various and sometimes contested functions and purposes of the creative arts.
PLO 3 Demonstrate the ability to develop and use practice-based methodologies in research projects.
PLO 4 Identify, select, use and cite information sources appropriately.
PLO 5 Create class projects that demonstrate innovative thinking.
PLO 6 Collaborate effectively with other students in the completion of team projects.


Dance, BA  

PLO 1 The ability to identify and work conceptually with the elements of dance.
PLO 2 An understanding of the choreographic processes, aesthetic properties of style, and the ways these shapes and are shaped by artistic and cultural ideas and contexts.
PLO 3 An acquaintance with a wide selection of dance repertory, the principal eras, genres, and cultural sources.
PLO 4 The ability to develop and defend critical evaluations.
PLO 5 Fundamental knowledge of the body and of kinesiology as applicable to work in dance.
PLO 6 Ability in performing consistent with the goals and objectives of the specific liberal arts degree program being followed, and appropriate to the individuals’ needs and interests.
PLO 7 An understanding of procedures for realizing a variety of dance styles.
PLO 8 Knowledge and/or skills in one or more areas of dance beyond basic course work and performance appropriate to the individuals’ needs and interests, and consistent with the goals and objectives of the specific liberal arts degree program being followed.

Dance, BFA  

PLO 1 Highest level of technical skill in at least one area of performance.
PLO 2 Achieve highest possible level of conceptual understanding of the medium and its expressive possibilities.
PLO 3 Technical proficiency standards.
PLO 4 Have a fundamental knowledge of the body and kinesiology
PLO 5 Students must develop basic knowledge and skills in dance pedagogy.
PLO 6 Students must develop basic knowledge and skills in choreography and have opportunities to develop their choreographic potential in studies that include traditional and/or experimental approaches.
PLO 7 Students must demonstrate their competence by developing a body of work for evaluation in the major area of study.
PLO 8 Be able to place dance in historical, cultural, and stylistic contexts.
PLO 9 Develop and understanding of the common elements and vocabulary and the interaction of these elements and to be able to employ this knowledge in analysis of dance.
PLO 10 Students must have the ability to form and defend analysis and critiques of dance and to communicate dance ideas, concepts, and requirements to professionals and lay persons related to practice of the major filed.
PLO 11 Learn to analyze dance perceptively and to evaluate.
PLO 12 Be able to form and defend individual critiques.

Design Studies, BA  

PLO 1 Utilize knowledge gained in classroom to develop discipline-based skills in materials and techniques.
PLO 2 Demonstrate professional depth of knowledge within their field of study.
PLO 3 Engage in global views and weigh design decisions within the parameters of ecological, socio-economic, and cultural contexts.
PLO 4 Demonstrate all aspects of the design process to identify complex problems and generate solutions that optimize human experiences.
PLO 5 Engage in multi-disciplinary collaborative work team structures.
PLO 6 Demonstrate discipline-based design ideas verbally, visually and digitally.


Earth Science, BA  

PLO 1 Develop the skill to read and accurately interpret topographic and geologic maps.
PLO 2 Effectively communicate scientific ideas and results in writing.
PLO 3 Use the fundamentals of chemistry, physics, and math to solve geologic problems.
PLO 4 Classify and identify geological materials such as minerals, rocks, and fossils, and understand their relationships to each other and interacting earth systems.
PLO 5 Visualize and comprehend geologic structures and processes.
PLO 6 Understand how geologists measure deep time and reconstruct earth history.

Ecology and Evolution, BS  

PLO 1 Hypotheses and Experiments Students will demonstrate the ability to formulate hypotheses and design experiments to address a scientific question.
PLO 2 Biology Content Students will demonstrate an understanding of the relevant content in their concentration.
PLO 3 Laboratory or Field Skills Students will demonstrate laboratory or field skills relevant to their concentration.
PLO 4 Scientific Writing Skills Students will demonstrate proficiency in scientific writing skills by effectively writing an advanced scientific paper.
PLO 5 Oral Presentations Students will demonstrate proficiency in oral presentation skills by effectively presenting scientific research.

Economics, BA  

PLO 1 Students should be able to define, describe and illustrate microeconomic concepts, using verbal, written, graphical and mathematical expression, in three microeconomic “hallmark” areas: Incentives (the law of demand, law of supply, rational decision making on the margin), Opportunity Costs (sunk costs, production possibilities, gains from interpersonal & international trade, comparative advantage) and Supply and Demand (movement versus shift, welfare analysis, understanding the S&D model as a representation of individual choices in exchange,) and also be able to examine, assess and criticize policies, projects and other current events, using core microeconomic theory, through the Intermediate level.
PLO 2 Students should be able to define, describe and illustrate macroeconomic concepts, using verbal, written, graphical and mathematical expression, in three macroeconomic “hallmark” areas: Comparative Advantage (specialization and the gains from trade; globalization), Macroeconomic Measures (real versus nominal calculations; components and concept of GDP; components and concept of unemployment figures; calculation of inflation), Macroeconomic Models (circular flow; monetary and fiscal policy; the market for loanable funds & interest rate determination; the demand and supply of money & price level determination) and also be able to examine, assess and criticize policies, projects and other current events, using core macroeconomic theory, through the Intermediate level.
PLO 3 Students should be able to describe the contours of, and differences and similarities between, qualitative and quantitative economic research methodologies, including the case study, historical narrative, applied econometric, and policy analysis methods, and to produce an original economic study using an economics methodology.
PLO 4 Student should be able to define, describe and illustrate intermediate theoretical concepts, using verbal, written, graphical and mathematical expression, important to one or more of these areas, to discuss one or more research methods common to a specialist area, and to produce an original economic study using an economics methodology from the specialist area.
PLO 5 Students will be able to describe and explain conclusions, recommendations, and implications from theory and methods of micro and macro theory, and specialist areas of economics, using written, spoken and other forms of communication.

Economics, BS  

PLO 1 Students should be able to define, describe and illustrate microeconomic concepts, using verbal, written, graphical and mathematical expression, in three microeconomic “hallmark” areas: Incentives (the law of demand, law of supply, rational decision making on the margin), Opportunity Costs (sunk costs, production possibilities, gains from interpersonal & international trade, comparative advantage) and Supply and Demand (movement versus shift, welfare analysis, understanding the S&D model as a representation of individual choices in exchange,) and also be able to examine, assess and criticize policies, projects and other current events, using core microeconomic theory, through the Intermediate level.
PLO 2 Students should be able to define, describe and illustrate macroeconomic concepts, using verbal, written, graphical and mathematical expression, in three macroeconomic “hallmark” areas: Comparative Advantage (specialization and the gains from trade; globalization), Macroeconomic Measures (real versus nominal calculations; components and concept of GDP; components and concept of unemployment figures; calculation of inflation), Macroeconomic Models (circular flow; monetary and fiscal policy; the market for loanable funds & interest rate determination; the demand and supply of money & price level determination) and also be able to examine, assess and criticize policies, projects and other current events, using core macroeconomic theory, through the Intermediate level.
PLO 3 Students should be able to describe the contours of, and differences and similarities between, qualitative and quantitative economic research methodologies, including the case study, historical narrative, applied econometric, and policy analysis methods, and to produce an original economic study using an economics methodology.
PLO 4 Student should be able to define, describe and illustrate intermediate theoretical concepts, using verbal, written, graphical and mathematical expression, important to one or more of these areas, to discuss one or more research methods common to a specialist area, and to produce an original economic study using an economics methodology from the specialist area.
PLO 5 Students will be able to describe and explain conclusions, recommendations, and implications from theory and methods of micro and macro theory, and specialist areas of economics, using written, spoken and other forms of communication.

Electrical Engineering, BS  

PLO 1 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
PLO 2 An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
PLO 3 An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
PLO 4 An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
PLO 5 An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
PLO 6 An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
PLO 7 An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

English, BA  (Concentrations in General English, Creative Writing Preparation for Teaching (Single Subject) , and Professional and Technical Writing 

PLO 1 Read closely - Read closely in a variety of forms, styles, structures, and modes, and articulate the value of close reading in the study of literature, creative writing, or rhetoric.
PLO 2 Literary works, genres, periods - Show familiarity with major literary works, genres, periods, and critical approaches to British, American, and World Literature.
PLO 3 Write clearly, effectively, creatively, appropriately - Write clearly, effectively, and creatively, and adjust writing style appropriately to the content, the context, and nature of the subject.
PLO 4 Perform research, locate, evaluate, organize information - Develop and carry out research projects, and locate, evaluate, organize, and incorporate information effectively.
PLO 5 Articulate relations among culture, history, texts- Articulate the relations among culture, history, and texts.

Environmental Studies, BA  

PLO 1 Students are able to write a logical analytical paper using good writing style and construction supported by appropriate research.
PLO 2 Students are able to determine, apply and interpret appropriate basic statistical or other quantitative analyses to environmental data.
PLO 3 Students will develop proficiency in the interdisciplinary sustainability principles that are the foundations of environmental studies; they will know the key environmental challenges facing the planet, know relevant interdisciplinary information about these challenges, and be able to develop/identify feasible solutions.
PLO 4 Students are able to productively conduct group/team work to deliver professional quality presentations and reports and also engage in community service and democratic participation.
PLO 5 Students demonstrate in-depth knowledge and skills in a non-science field.

Environmental Studies, BS  (including a Preparation for Teaching  Program) 

PLO 1 Students are able to write a logical analytical paper using good writing style and construction supported by appropriate research.
PLO 2 Students are able to determine, apply and interpret appropriate basic statistical or other quantitative analyses to environmental data.
PLO 3 Students will develop proficiency in the interdisciplinary sustainability principles that are the foundations of environmental studies; they will know the key environmental challenges facing the planet, know relevant interdisciplinary information about these challenges, and be able to develop/identify feasible solutions.
PLO 4 Students are able to productively conduct group/team work to deliver professional quality presentations and reports and also engage in community service and democratic participation.
PLO 5 Students demonstrate in-depth knowledge and skills in a science or technical field.


Forensic Science, BS (Concentrations in Biology Chemistry , and Digital Evidence )

PLO 1 Apply the scientific method to draw logical conclusions about crime scenes.
PLO 2 Demonstrate competence in the recognition, documentation, collection, and analysis of forensic evidence.
PLO 3 Identify sources and causes of error in forensic science.
PLO 4 Interpret evidence and communicate findings clearly in both written reports and oral testimony.
PLO 5 Contextualize forensic science within the fields of criminal justice, human rights, and physical and mental health.

French, BA  (Including a Preparation for Teaching  Program)

PLO 1 Demonstrate advanced (ACTFL) skills in writing French.
PLO 2 Demonstrate advanced (ACTFL) skills in reading French.
PLO 3 Demonstrate advanced (ACTFL) skills in speaking French.
PLO 4 Demonstrate advanced (ACTFL) skills in understanding French.
PLO 5 Use appropriate terminology in linguistic, cultural, or literary analysis.
PLO 6 Analyze and compare a wide variety of texts drawing upon their cultural knowledge of France and the Francophone world.
PLO 7 Demonstrate knowledge of major periods, genres, authors, movements of French and Francophone cultural history.
PLO 8 Demonstrate advanced ability to connect with other disciplines and language communities. Demonstrate advanced translation skills.
PLO 9 Demonstrate information processing competency, use of appropriate technologies and tools for research, analysis, communication, and presentation.


General Engineering, BS  

PLO 1 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
PLO 2 An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
PLO 3 An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
PLO 4 An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
PLO 5 An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
PLO 6 An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
PLO 7 An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Geography, BA  

PLO 1 Demonstrate understanding of and ability to analyze spatial relationships.
PLO 2 Demonstrate understanding of, and ability to analyze and critique human and environment interactions.
PLO 3 Define and use basic geography tools and techniques.
PLO 4 Demonstrate ability to analyze and compare/contrast global regions.
PLO 5 Demonstrate ability to read and understand research literature and engage in productive research activities.
PLO 6 Demonstrate professional communication skills.

Geology, BS  

PLO 1 Develop the skill to read and accurately interpret topographic and geologic maps.
PLO 2 Effectively communicate scientific ideas and results in writing.
PLO 3 Use the fundamentals of chemistry, physics, and math to solve geologic problems.
PLO 4 Classify and identify geological materials such as minerals, rocks, and fossils, and understand their relationships to each other and interacting earth systems.
PLO 5 Visualize and comprehend geologic structures and processes.
PLO 6 Understand how geologists measure deep time and reconstruct earth history.

Global Studies, BA  

PLO 1 Students will engage in interdisciplinary studies and demonstrate an understanding of complex global events and processes of globalization in relationship to culture, politics, gender studies, sustainability, and foreign language.
PLO 2 Students will demonstrate the ability to write, speak, research, and critically analyze complex global events and processes of globalization.
PLO 3 Students will analyze, synthesize, and interpret texts, images, and experiences, demonstrating quantitative literacy, innovation of thought and creation of theoretical or practical solutions to global problems.
PLO 4 Students will demonstrate a critical understanding of the ethical implications of global citizenship, informed by global awareness and cross-cultural understanding.

Graphic Design, BFA  

PLO 1 Apply the principles of color, composition, hierarchy, typography as they relate in the various media-digital, print, motion, 3-D, etc.-that exist in design.
PLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to create and develop original concepts, build prototypes, integrate feedback and carry projects through to the production process.
PLO 3 Apply principles of visual communication as they relate to reaching audiences, the role of design in society, and the ability to work cooperatively.
PLO 4 Identify key aspects of graphic design history, theory and criticism from a variety of perspectives, including prominent designers, historians and contemporary writers and thought-leaders.
PLO 5 Show fluency in the breadth of disciplines that graphic design encompasses, with deep exploration into information architecture, user interface design, interactive design, motion graphics, iterative image-making, exhibition design and typeface design.
PLO 6 Demonstrate understanding of the design process, design thinking and professional standards and practices, including real-project learning scenarios and a transition into preparing a portfolio to enter the working force.


History, BA  

PLO 1 Describe and explain how peoples and societies evolved across time and space demonstrating the importance of context (social, political, economic, cultural, environmental, ideological, and technological). 
PLO 2 Illustrate the complexity of historical causality and describe past events from multiple perspectives. 
PLO 3 Analyze the credibility of historical sources and arguments, revising interpretations as new evidence warrants. 
PLO 4 Conceive and carry out historical research, constructing persuasive evidence-based arguments using primary and secondary sources according to recognized standards of the historical discipline. 

Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management, BS  

PLO 1 To interpret the fundamental principles of essential hospitality and tourism business functions.
PLO 2 To demonstrate professional behavior and competencies in customer service.
PLO 3 To develop a range of leadership skills and abilities such as motivating others, leading changes, and resolving conflict.
PLO 4 To communicate effectively in oral and written communication.
PLO 5 To analyze and solve problems, using appropriate tools and technology.
PLO 6 To recognize the challenges and opportunities of working effectively with people in a diverse environment.

Humanities, American Studies Concentration, BA  

PLO 1 Demonstrate the ability to frame questions and pursue answers to aesthetic, social, cultural and global problems using interdisciplinary methods.
PLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to describe and compare the roles, impacts and ethical implications of ideas, texts, social movements, contemporary situations, and creations of the human imagination.
PLO 3 Demonstrate skill in written and verbal communication, including argumentation.
PLO 4 Demonstrate the ability to identify, select, use, and cite information sources appropriately.
PLO 5 Explain how current events and contemporary issues are understood with knowledge of the historical and cultural background of a particular world area (e.g., America, East Asia, Europe, or the Middle East), including processes of cultural formation, historical development, and social change.

Humanities, Liberal Arts Concentration, BA  

PLO 1 Demonstrate the ability to frame questions and pursue answers to aesthetic, social, cultural and global problems using interdisciplinary methods.
PLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to describe and compare the roles, impacts and ethical implications of ideas, texts, social movements, contemporary situations, and creations of the human imagination.
PLO 3 Demonstrate skill in written and verbal communication, including argumentation.
PLO 4 Demonstrate the ability to identify, select, use, and cite information sources appropriately.

Humanities, Religious Studies Concentration, BA  

PLO 1 Demonstrate the ability to frame questions and pursue answers to aesthetic, social, cultural and global problems using interdisciplinary methods.
PLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to describe and compare the roles, impacts and ethical implications of ideas, texts, social movements, contemporary situations, and creations of the human imagination.
PLO 3 Demonstrate skill in written and verbal communication, including argumentation.
PLO 4 Demonstrate the ability to identify, select, use, and cite information sources appropriately.
PLO 5  Demonstrate a high level of religious literacy, including the ability to articulate etic and emic perspectives for specific religions, and a functional understanding of at least five major world religious systems (e.g. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Sikhism, Jainism, a specific geographic set of indigenous religions [African, Australian, North American, South American, Pacific Islander, North Asian, pre-Christian European], Wicca, Afro-Caribbean religions).
PLO 6 Function adroitly within the interdisciplinary nature of comparative religious studies. Describe how religion, as a phenomenon, can be analyzed historically, philosophically, psychologically, sociologically, geographically, and artistically, as well as theologically. Demonstrate ability to write and speak about religions in a scholarly, civil, and respectful manner, using the academic discourses that have evolved for this purpose. Foster civil discourse about religion by encountering and engaging community members, faculty, and students who hold diverse views within and about religious traditions.


Industrial and Systems Engineering, BS  

PLO 1 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
PLO 2 An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
PLO 3 An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
PLO 4 An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
PLO 5 An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
PLO 6 An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
PLO 7 An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Industrial Design, BS  

PLO 1 Demonstrate a functional knowledge of design aesthetics to create appropriate 2D and 3D artifacts, as well as have the ability to think visually and develop design concepts utilizing rapid 2D and 3D visualization tools and techniques.
PLO 2 Articulate a functional understanding of manufactured products, including being able to explain how products work, what constitutes their structural integrity, and what materials and manufacturing processes are required to produce them.
PLO 3 Apply their knowledge of end-user psychology, ergonomics, anthropometry, and user interaction to the design of manufactured products.
PLO 4 Investigate, analyze, synthesize, and make design decisions based on an ecological understanding of the impact of a design, including the reconciliation of priorities and concerns of end users with those of business, society, and the environment.
PLO 5 Employ a design process that generates products that are useful, usable, and desirable to specific segments of the human population, including an understanding of how designers define problems, researching contextual issues, determining design requirements, and conceptualizing and evaluating alternatives to test and refine solutions.

Industrial Technology, Computer Network System Management Concentration, BS  

PLO 1 Demonstrate strong communication, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills;
PLO 2 Use skills in team development, dynamics, and management to work as team players;
PLO 3 Demonstrate ethical behavior and concern for colleagues, society, and the environment;
PLO 4 Demonstrate leadership skills for a technology professional;
PLO 5 Implement and manage computer and network systems;
PLO 6 Solve problems related to daily interruptions of information flow;
PLO 7 Design and interface components for connected products;
PLO 8 Manage databases and cloud computing systems and services;
PLO 9 Implement and manage Internet of Things (IoT) systems;
PLO 10 Apply cybersecurity techniques to protect networks from attacks.

Industrial Technology, Manufacturing Systems Concentration, BS  

PLO 1 Demonstrate skills in the planning and design of manufacturing processes.
PLO 2 Describe the product life cycle and how products are manufactured.
PLO 3 Design and plan industrial facilities.
PLO 4 Select and operate computer numerical controlled and other machines.
PLO 5 Describe the uses, advantages, and disadvantages of current and evolving manufacturing techniques including laser machining, electrical discharge machining, water jet and abrasive water jet machining, and rapid prototyping.
PLO 6 Select, analysis and use polymers, composite materials, and materials in the design of manufactured products.
PLO 7 Apply the theory of computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), including the computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) interface to industrial problems and settings.
PLO 8 Use the principles of production scheduling and planning in an industrial environment.
PLO 9 Apply knowledge of material properties and structural analysis to manufacturing product design.
PLO 10 Use robots and mechatronics in a CIM environment.
PLO 11 Demonstrate an understanding of materials management including Just-in-Time (JIT) and Materials Resource Planning (MRP).
PLO 12 Integrate design, manufacturing, and materials into the design and development of new products.
PLO 13 Apply the principles of Lean Manufacturing to manufacturing and soft systems. Analyze the appropriate use of marketing to both internal and external customers. Apply OSHA and NIOSH principles to facilities design and management.

Interior Design, BFA  

PLO 1 Understand concepts, principles, and theories of sustainability as they pertain to building methods, materials, systems, and occupants within the parameters of ecological, socio-economic, and cultural contexts.
PLO 2 Express ideas clearly through visual media (ideation drawings and sketches), the production of presentation drawings across a range of appropriate media and to produce integrated contract documents including drawings, schedules, and specifications appropriate to project size and scope.
PLO 3 Understand and apply laws, codes, standards, accessibility guidelines and industry-specific regulations that impact the design of interior spaces.
PLO 4 Be informed by knowledge of human factors and theories of human behavior related to the built environment, including an understanding of the diverse social and behavioral norms that affect design decisions.
PLO 5 Apply theories of human behavior in the built environment by selecting, interpreting, and applying appropriate anthropometric data when designing a space.
PLO 6 Be able to work in a multi-disciplinary collaborative environment to identify and explore complex problems and generate creative solutions that optimize the human experience within the interior environment.


Japanese, BA  

PLO 1 Demonstrate Intermediate-high (ACTFL) level of Japanese linguistic knowledge and skills in writing, reading, speaking and listening in three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive and presentation).
PLO 2 Analyze and compare a wide variety of texts, human relationships, social values, products, practices and perspectives of Japanese society with those of their own culture, drawing upon their cultural knowledge of Japan.
PLO 3 Demonstrate ability to evaluate situations appropriately and choose appropriate expressions and communication strategies to meet their intention in intercultural settings including Japan, such as business, study abroad, homestay etc.
PLO 4 Demonstrate analytical competence of phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic components of contemporary Japanese language.
PLO 5 Demonstrate ability to appreciate and interpret Japanese literary texts, audiovisuals and arts and to recognize stylistic elements, social values and backgrounds in the literature, TV drama, films and arts.
PLO 6 Demonstrate advanced translation skills of modern contemporary literature.
PLO 7 Demonstrate ability to develop and carry out research projects in Japanese language.

Journalism, BS  

PLO 1 Demonstrate knowledge of the diversity of groups in a global society in relationship to communications.
PLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to think critically, creatively and independently.
PLO 3 Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences, and purposes they serve.
PLO 4 Demonstrate the ability to use tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they work.

Justice Studies, BS  (Concentrations in General Justice Studies and Criminology 

PLO 1 Explain the major concepts, theories, and historical trends within studies of crime, law, and social justice at all levels, from local to global.
PLO 2 Describe and apply ways to gather valid information and conduct research to answer questions about crime, law, and social justice issues.
PLO 3 Understand and critically analyze individual, institutional, and societal responses to crime, law, and social justice issues.
PLO 4 Employ interdisciplinary perspectives on systems of inequality and concepts of justice to propose grounded, informed, and sustainable solutions to social problems in communities and/or institutions.
PLO 5 Articulate compelling, reasoned, and empirically-informed positions on issues of justice to diverse audiences. Students will value empirical evidence, tolerate ambiguity, act ethically, and recognize their role and responsibility as a member of society.


Kinesiology, BS  (Including a Preparation for Teaching  Program)

PLO 1 Explain, identify, and/or demonstrate the theoretical and/or scientific principles that can be used to address issues or problems in the sub-disciplines in kinesiology.
PLO 2 Effectively communicate in writing (clear, concise and coherent) on topics in kinesiology.
PLO 3 Effectively communicate through an oral presentation (clear, concise and coherent) on topics in kinesiology.
PLO 4 Utilize their experiences across a variety of health-related and skill-based activities to inform their scholarship and practice in the sub disciplines in kinesiology.
PLO 5 Identify and analyze social justice and equity issues related to kinesiology for diverse populations.


Liberal Studies, BA (Including Integrated Teacher Education Integrated Teacher Education - Spanish Bilingual , and Preparation for Teaching  Programs) 

PLO 1 Demonstrate the ability to frame questions and pursue answers to aesthetic, social, cultural and global problems using interdisciplinary methods.
PLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to describe and compare the roles, impacts and ethical implications of ideas, texts, social movements, contemporary situations, and creations of the human imagination.
PLO 3 Demonstrate skill in written and verbal communication, including argumentation.
PLO 4 Demonstrate the ability to identify, select, use and cite information sources appropriately.
PLO 5 Demonstrate foundational knowledge in subjects taught in K-8 schools.
PLO 6 Demonstrate understanding of how to engage and support learning for all K-8 students by creating lesson plans that use a variety of instructional strategies, resources and technologies to meet students’ diverse learning needs.
PLO 7 Demonstrate understanding of how to create and maintain effective learning environments through reflection and through the development of lesson that promote student learning, reflect diversity and encourage constructive interactions among students.
PLO 8 Demonstrate understanding of how to plan instruction and assess student learning by creating lesson plans that use formative and summative assessment data to plan, differentiate and modify instruction.

Linguistics, BA  

PLO 1A Transcribe, using the International Phonetic Alphabet, and produce speech sounds of the world’s languages. Apply concepts of acoustic theory in analyses of speech data.
PLO 1B Analyze linguistic sound patterns in terms of their function, their structure, and the pressures that influence their change over time.
PLO 1C Analyze words and their internal structure in terms of their meanings, their sound properties, and the pressures that influence their change over time.
PLO 1D Analyze sentence structure in any language in terms of grammatical relations and constituent structure, and recognize the typological diversity of syntactic phenomena.
PLO 1E Analyze the meaning of words and sentences, elaborate on the role of linguistic and pragmatic context in the interpretation of meaning, and understand the role of theories in the analysis of semantic data.
PLO 1F Identify phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic changes in the history of a language, discuss the contribution of social factors to language variation and change, explain the genetic and typological classification of languages, and use the comparative method to reconstruct ancestors of related languages.
PLO 2A Analyze phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and historical linguistics data.
PLO 2B Critically evaluate competing approaches to the analysis of linguistic data.
PLO 2C Use library and electronic research sources effectively.
PLO 2D Use reading and writing skills effectively.
PLO 2E Demonstrate proficiency equivalent to one-year college level study in a language other than their native language.
PLO 3A Discuss issues in speech synthesis, speech recognition, natural language processing, and develop speech recognition, speech synthesis and natural language processing programs.
PLO 3B Evaluate theories of first and second language acquisition, and second language teaching.
PLO 3C Identify language-related social programs in areas such as education, the law, the workplace, etc., and discuss the feasibility of various empirically-based solutions.


Marine Biology, BS  

PLO 1 Hypotheses and Experiments Students will demonstrate the ability to formulate hypotheses and design experiments to address a scientific question.
PLO 2 Biology Content Students will demonstrate an understanding of the relevant content in their concentration.
PLO 3 Laboratory or Field Skills Students will demonstrate laboratory or field skills relevant to their concentration.
PLO 4 Scientific Writing Skills Students will demonstrate proficiency in scientific writing skills by effectively writing an advanced scientific paper.
PLO 5 Oral Presentations Students will demonstrate proficiency in oral presentation skills by effectively presenting scientific research.

Materials Engineering, BS  

PLO 1 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
PLO 2 An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
PLO 3 Ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
PLO 4 An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
PLO 5 An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
PLO 6 An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
PLO 7 An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Mathematics, BA  (Including a Preparation for Teaching  Program) 

PLO 1 The student will reason logically to conclusions, including the ability to use precise definitions and various forms of logical argument.
PLO 2 The student will read mathematics with understanding and communicate mathematical ideas with clarity and coherence.
PLO 3 The student will perform standard mathematical computations with accuracy.
PLO 4 The student will use technology to solve mathematical problems.

Mechanical Engineering, BS  

PLO 1 an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
PLO 2 An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
PLO 3 An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
PLO 4 An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
PLO 5 An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
PLO 6 An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
PLO 7 An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Meteorology, BS  

PLO 1 Be able to read and interpret various meteorological diagrams, and develop and present a short-to-medium-term forecast with considerable skill. 
PLO 2 Be able to explain meteorological phenomena at various scales in terms of basic physical and dynamic processes, including radiative forcing, thermodynamics, microphysics, and dynamics. 
PLO 3 Know the design and use of meteorological instruments, and techniques for collecting and interpreting the data. 
PLO 4 Be able to explain current climate in terms of basic physical and dynamical processes, and explain the mechanisms responsible for climate change.
PLO 5 Be able to explain ideas and results through written, statistical, graphical, oral and computer-based forms of communication.

Meteorology, Climate Science Concentration, BS  

PLO 1 Be able to explain current climate in terms of basic physical and dynamic processes. 
PLO 2 Be able to explain the mechanisms responsible for climate change. 
PLO 3 Know and be able to practice the techniques used for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting various forms of climate data. 
PLO 4 Demonstrate an ability to synthesize concepts from a broad range of disciplines, and apply them to problems in climate science.
PLO 5 Be able to explain ideas and results through written, statistical, graphical, oral and computer-based forms of communication

Music, BA  

PLO 1 Hear, identify, and work conceptually with the melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic elements of music, including sight-reading, keyboard proficiency, and analysis.
PLO 2 Identify, discuss, and write about the history, traditions, practices, and cultures of the Western art-music tradition, along with related materials of non-Western music’s.
PLO 3 Competently perform repertory appropriate to a university music program, utilizing skills and knowledge gained from the previous two learning outcomes.
PLO 4 Work proficiently with basic music technology, its applications, and its use in their area of specialization.
PLO 5 Successfully complete a capstone experience appropriate to their area of specialization.

Music, BM (Concentrations in Composition Jazz Studies Music Education , and Performance 

PLO 1 Hear, identify, and work conceptually with the melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic elements of music, including sight-reading, keyboard proficiency, and analysis.
PLO 2 Identify, discuss, and write about the history, traditions, practices, and cultures of the Western art-music tradition, along with related materials of non-Western music’s.
PLO 3 Competently perform repertory appropriate to a university music program, utilizing skills and knowledge gained from the previous two learning outcomes.
PLO 4 Work proficiently with basic music technology, its applications, and its use in their area of specialization.
PLO 5 Successfully complete a capstone experience appropriate to their area of specialization.
PLO 6 Perform standard repertoire competently and expressively, and provide musical leadership appropriate to a university music program as soloists, as conductors, and as members of major performing ensembles and smaller chamber ensembles.
PLO 7 Identify and discuss the repertory in their major performance area; perform from a cross-section of that repertory through a successful capstone experience (a senior solo recital or senior recital of original compositions).
PLO 8 (For Music Education Concentration only) Demonstrate basic performance skills as well as pedagogical and classroom methods appropriate for a music education major entering the field of public-school teaching.


Nutritional Science, BS (Concentrations in Dietetics Applied Nutrition and Food Sciences , and Food Management 

PLO 1 To obtain a critical understanding and the ability to apply theoretical and scientific knowledge from the subdisciplines in nutrition.
PLO 2 To effectively communicate the essential theories, scientific applications, and ethical considerations related to the discipline.
PLO 3 To identify global, social, environmental, and/or cultural issues related to the discipline for diverse populations.


Organizational Studies, BA  

PLO 1 Identify the variety of organizations humans have created to achieve their goals.
PLO 2 Understand the relationships between organizational structure and process, and the social and natural environments in which they operate.
PLO 3 Use quantitative and qualitative research methods to understand organizations and their environments.
PLO 4 Identify the importance of understanding human diversity within organizations.
PLO 5 Recognize the moral dimensions of human actions, and be able act ethically and effectively within organizations.
PLO 6 Demonstrate skills in addressing real-world organizational problems.


Packaging, BS  

PLO 1 Assess a package’s functional properties.
PLO 2 Demonstrate knowledge of package material properties to meet particular physical needs.
PLO 3 Describe a package production system in order to present design and develop cost comparisons between various package configurations.
PLO 4 Assess a distribution channel to identify particular stresses incurred.
PLO 5 Design a package system (primary, secondary and tertiary) to contain, protect and transport products from manufacturer to consumer.
PLO 6 Develop reproducible test methodologies for evaluating particular properties in a package/material.
PLO 7 Organize and assemble presentations describing package systems, operations, designs, and cost comparisons.

Philosophy, BA  

PLO 1 Be able to identify, discuss and constructively engage with, in both written and oral fashion, core areas and methods of Philosophy, and major figures and ideas in various historical periods and in various traditions from around the world.
PLO 2 Have the ability to understand texts and oral presentations and to identify and critique the arguments expressed in these texts.
PLO 3 Have the ability successfully to collect and evaluate information and carry out research projects and successfully share the results in both written and oral form.
PLO 4 Have an understanding of the demands of responsible citizenship and an understanding of how to make and defend ethical choices.
PLO 5 Have an understanding of the ways in which culture, race, ethnicity, gender, economic class, sexual orientation, and national membership influence perceptions about reality, knowledge, and value.

Physics, BA  

PLO 1 Students will be able to formulate specific research questions and design and/or interpret experiments that address these questions.
PLO 2 Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of a breadth of physics concepts by solving physics problems related to these concepts.
PLO 3 Students will be able to demonstrate laboratory, modeling, computational and/or data analysis skills relevant to physics research.
PLO 4 Students will be able to communicate scientific content and thinking effectively as evidenced by productive collaboration with peers, well-reasoned professionally formatted written papers and visual and oral presentations.
PLO 5 Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how work in physics influences technology, society and culture.  

Physics, BS  

PLO 1 Students will be able to formulate specific research questions and design and/or interpret experiments that address these questions.
PLO 2 Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of a breadth of physics concepts by solving physics problems related to these concepts.
PLO 3 Students will be able to demonstrate laboratory, modeling, computational and/ or data analysis skills relevant to physics research.
PLO 4 Students will be able to communicate scientific content and thinking effectively as evidenced by productive collaboration with peers, well-reasoned professionally formatted written papers and visual and oral presentations.
PLO 5 Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how work in physics influences technology, society and culture.

Physics, Preparation for Teaching, BA  

PLO 1 Students know basic physics principles.
PLO 2 Students can apply their knowledge to practical, theoretical and experimental problems.
PLO 3 Students are prepared for careers in science, industry and education.

Political Science, BA  

PLO 1 Breadth Students should possess a broad knowledge of the theory and methods of the various branches of the discipline.
PLO 2 Application and Disciplinary Methods Students should be able to formulate research questions, engage in systematic literature searches using primary and secondary sources, evaluate research studies, and critically analyze and interpret influential political texts. Students should be able to apply these techniques to identify, understand, and analyze domestic and international political issues and organizations.
PLO 3 Communication Skills Students should master basic competencies in oral and written communication skills and be able to apply these skills in the context of political science. This means communicating effectively about politics and/or public administration, public policy, and law.
PLO 4 Citizenship Students should acquire an understanding of the role of the citizen in local, state, national, and global contexts and appreciate the importance of lifelong participation in political processes.

Psychology, BA  

PLO 1 Students will be able to demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.
PLO 2 Students will be able to design, implement, and communicate basic research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretations.
PLO 3 Students will be able to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and a scientific approach to address issues related to behavior and mental processes.
PLO 4 Students will be able to apply psychological principles to individual, interpersonal, group, and societal issues.
PLO 5 Students will value empirical evidence, tolerate ambiguity, act ethically, and recognize their role and responsibility as a member of society.

Psychology, BS  

PLO 1 Students will be able to demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.
PLO 2A Students will be able to design, implement, and communicate basic research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretations.
PLO 2B Students will be able to design, implement, and communicate advanced research methods in two or more focused domains within psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretations within each domain.
PLO 3 Students will be able to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and a scientific approach to address issues related to behavior and mental processes.
PLO 4 Students will be able to apply psychological principles to individual, interpersonal, group, and societal issues.
PLO 5 Students will value empirical evidence, tolerate ambiguity, act ethically, and recognize their role and responsibility as a member of society.

Public Health, BS  (Concentrations in Community Health Education  and Population Data Science 

PLO 1 Social Justice - Apply principles of social justice, through the lens of cultural humility, to achieve and sustain health equity.
PLO 2 Factors of Health - Explain the intersectionality of environmental, social, economic, behavioral, biological and political factors influencing human health and identify opportunities for change.
PLO 3 Ethics - Interpret and apply ethical principles to the practice of public health.
PLO 4 Communication - Demonstrate an ability to deliver public health messages in written, oral, and media-based formats to both public and professional audiences.
PLO 5 Research - Use public health methods and tools to collect and analyze population health data.
PLO 6 Research - Interpret the basic concepts of human health and disease and research grounded in the history, philosophy, and practice of public health.
PLO 7 Policy - Analyze the effects of multiple levels of policy and health systems on population and individual health outcomes and employ strategies to participate in the policy process.
PLO 8 Community - Use public health processes and practices, including working collaboratively with diverse individuals and communities, to create relevant interventions or investigations that engage and build community capacity, promote health, and reduce health inequities and disparities.

Public Relations, BS  

PLO 1 Demonstrate knowledge of the diversity of groups in a global society in relationship to communications.
PLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to think critically, creatively and independently.
PLO 3 Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences, and purposes they serve.
PLO 4 Demonstrate the ability to use tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they work.


Radio-Television-Film, BA  

PLO 1 Become media literate: Know the history, processes and current structure of the electronic media, its ethical parameters, and the social and political effects of electronic and mass communication (radio, television, film, new media) on an audience.
PLO 2 Tell meaningful stories through production of good narratives in radio, television, and film. Appreciate the art and aesthetics of media.
PLO 3 Communicate information and entertainment to diverse cultures using radio, television and film. Be sensitive to the ways and processes of, and the attitudes held by races, religions, political and social groups that are not their own.
PLO 4 Understand how to plan, produce, write and direct radio, television and film/cinema projects. Achieve professional-level skills of production. Select and operate video/television, film, and audio/radio technologies.
PLO 5 Determine what type of information is needed for a research question, problem, or issue, and be able to retrieve, evaluate and effectively use such information to produce scholarship and production in radio, television, film and new media.

Recreation, BS  (Concentrations in General Recreation, Recreation Management , and Recreation Therapy 

PLO 1 Graduates will demonstrate summative knowledge and skills across the core curriculum integrating the standards of the Recreation profession within the context of a rapidly changing world.
PLO 2 Graduates will plan, implement, and evaluate a recreation program or special events that are inclusive, culturally grounded and sensitive to diverse populations.
PLO 3 Graduates will demonstrate budgeting and financial skills in the framework of sustainability and ethical stewardship.
PLO 4 Graduates will demonstrate professional behavior and competencies in the framework of ethics, personal, and social responsibility.
PLO 5 Graduates will demonstrate proficient and professional written communication keeping in mind the global communities they will be working in.


Social Science, Preparation for Teaching (Single Subject), BA  

PLO 1 The major will provide students with the opportunity to learn and apply content knowledge, discipline- specific analysis skills, and pedagogical methods and theories that underlie the K-12 social science curriculum.
PLO 2 The major will prepare prospective teachers to analyze complex discipline-based issues especially as they relate to the theory and practice of teaching social science. Students will learn to synthesize information from multiple sources and perspectives and communicate this knowledge effectively in a variety of oral and written formats.
PLO 3 The major will equip students with the necessary knowledge to use appropriate technologies especially as they relate to K-12 social science teaching.
PLO 4 The major will provide students with the essential understanding, knowledge and  appreciation of diverse perspectives and contributions by and about diverse groups. 
PLO 5 The major provides prospective teachers with planned, structured field experiences in classrooms; the field experiences are linked to coursework and give breadth of experience with diverse populations.

Social Work, BA  

PLO 1 Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior.
PLO 2 Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice.
PLO 3 Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice.
PLO 4 Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice.
PLO 5 Engage in Policy Practice.
PLO 6 Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
PLO 7 Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
PLO 8 Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
PLO 9 Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

Sociology, BA  (Concentrations in General Sociology, Community Change Race and Ethnic Studies Social Interaction , and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 

PLO 1 Students will be able to think sociologically about the relationship between social structure, interaction, identities, and inequalities.
PLO 2 Students will be able to identify and explain major sociological theories and apply them to everyday life.
PLO 3 Students will be proficient in qualitative and quantitative research design, data collection and data analysis.
PLO 4 Students will be proficient in oral and written communication skills appropriate to the discipline.
PLO 5 Students will be able to practice sociology as educated and civically engaged persons.

Software Engineering, BS  

PLO 1 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
PLO 2 An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
PLO 3 An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
PLO 4 An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
PLO 5 An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
PLO 6 An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
PLO 7 An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Spanish, BA  

PLO 1 Ability to effectively use grammatical structures in Spanish and to express oneself orally and in writing in different sociolinguistic milieus including formal and academic presentations.
PLO 2 Ability to appreciate literary texts of the Spanish-speaking world (Spain, Spanish America and the Hispanic U.S.) and to recognize stylistic elements in the literature.
PLO 3 Ability to develop and carry out research projects in Spanish, including term papers and bibliographical research.
PLO 4 Ability to analyze and develop texts other than literary: for example, informal and formal correspondence, (applications for school or jobs, a resume, brochures, etc.) and to understand the use of appropriate academic and technical terminology.
PLO 5 Ability to produce, analyze and rationalize the sounds of Spanish (phonology) as compared and contrasted with the sounds of English.
PLO 6 Ability to analyze morphological, syntactic and semantic components of Spanish.

Special Major, BA  

PLO 1 Ability to analyze an issue or problem, integrating at least two disciplinary perspectives.

Special Major, BS  

PLO 1 Ability to analyze an issue or problem, integrating at least two disciplinary perspectives.


Theatre Arts, BA  

PLO 1 Demonstrate a literacy of language of stage and/or screen; know how to analyze a script, understand the historical and contemporary structure of a script, and the social and political effects of a performance on an audience.
PLO 2 Demonstrate an ability to tell meaningful stories through performance; correlate performance to production; Demonstrate acting skills and development of a character.
PLO 3 Communicate information and entertainment to diverse cultures using stage and/or screen; demonstrate sensitivity to the processes of and the attitudes held by races, religions, political and social groups that are not their own.
PLO 4 Demonstrate how to plan, perform, produce, write and direct for stage and screen; demonstrate professional-level skills of production; design for and operate contemporary technologies.
PLO 5 Demonstrate what type of information is needed for a research question, problem, or issue, and be able to retrieve, evaluate and effectively use such information to produce quality scholarship.