Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • HIST 179 - Cold War America, 1950-Present

    4 units
    Modern history of the United States since 1950 including the Cold War, the Korean and Vietnam wars, the Civil Rights Movement, postwar society, culture, economics and politics.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 181 - Advanced Topics in American History

    4 units
    An investigation in depth of selected periods or topics in American history.

    Course is repeatable for credit when topic changes up to 12 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 185 - LGBTQ+ History in the United States

    3 units
    Students use an intersectional framework to examine LGBTQ+ history in the United States. The course emphasizes how the development of institutions and ideals, the formation of identities, and shifting contexts of equality and inequality have impacted LGBTQ+ people through time.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies S: Self, Society & Equality in US.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing (60 units or more) are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 188 - History of Women in the United States

    3 units
    A multi-faceted history of women in the United States from colonial times to the present. GE Area: S.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies S: Self, Society & Equality in US.

    Repeatable for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 189A - California History to 1900

    4 units
    Topics include Native American civilizations, Spanish discovery and missions, the Mexican era, the American conquest, the Gold Rush, Chinese immigration, the railroad, growth, development, politics and class conflict. American Institutions Requirement: US3

    Satisfies American Institutions US3: California Government

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Satisfies American Institutions requirement in California government.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 189B - California History Since 1900

    4 units
    Social, political, and economic history of California since 1900. American Institutions Requirement: US3

    Satisfies American Institutions US3: California Government

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Satisfies American Institutions requirement in California government.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 192 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 197 - Introduction to Public History

    4 units
    Introduction to preservation and presentation of history to the community and to roles historians play in public agencies. Exploration of archives, museums and historic sites. Required for admission to Public History internship.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or consent of instructor.
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 199 - Public History Internship

    3 units
    Supervised placement in historical organizations, public institutions and community agencies concerned with preservation of history. May be repeated for 6 unit maximum.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 200 - Graduate Methodology, Research and Writing

    4 units
    An orientation to history graduate study focusing on the critical advanced writing, library, research and historiographical skills needed for success as a graduate student and professional historian. Includes an overview of current methodologies and trends in the field.

    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 209 - Colloquium in Ancient and Medieval Europe

    4 units
    Intensive readings, discussions and reports on Ancient and Medieval Europe. For areas and field of emphasis see the schedule of classes. May be repeated when content changes.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 210A - Advanced Colloquium United States History

    4 units
    Intensive readings, discussions, and reports on American history in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Repeatable for credit once with different instructor.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 210B - Advanced Colloquium United States History

    4 units
    Intensive readings, discussions, and reports on American history in the nineteenth century. Repeatable for credit once with different instructor.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 210C - Advanced Colloquium United States History

    4 units
    Intensive readings, discussions, and reports on American history in the twentieth century. Repeatable for credit once with different instructor.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 211 - Advanced Colloquium in Modern Europe

    4 units
    Intensive readings, discussions and reports. Topics have included the French Revolution, the Holocaust in Europe and issues of marginalization of gender and class during the modern period. May be repeated with different instructor or topic.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 220 - Advanced Colloquium in World History

    4 units
    Intensive readings, discussions and reports in Asian, African, European and North and South American history, in one of three eras: ancient and classical eras (before 1000), between 1000 and 1750 or since 1750. May be repeated with different instructor or topic.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 221 - Seminar in World History

    4 units
    An intensive study of some area, problem or period in world history. Topics have included World War II, the Atlantic Economy, World Slavery, British Imperialism. Repeatable for up to 8 units when course content changes.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 230 - Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Europe

    4 units
    An intensive study of some areas, problem or period in Ancient or Medieval Europe. Individual research with oral and written reports. May be repeated for up to 8 units with different instructor or topic.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 240 - Seminar in Pre-Twentieth Century Europe

    4 units
    An intensive study of some area, problem or period in European history before 1900. Topics have included economic, social and gender differences in Industrial Europe and social theories of Max Weber. May be repeated when content changes.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 241 - Seminar in Twentieth Century Europe

    4 units
    An intensive study of some area or problem. Individual research with oral and written reports. Topics have included the Cold War, European diplomacy and international security.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 272 - Seminar in American Diplomatic History

    4 units
    An intensive analysis of some chronological period, area or major problem in American diplomatic history. Individual research with oral and written reports.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 274 - Seminar in US Social & Cultural History

    4 units
    Intensive study of some phase of American social, cultural, and/or intellectual history. Individual research with oral and written reports. Topics have included class, race, ethnic, and gender differences. May be repeated when content changes. Repeatable for up to 8 units when topic changes.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 276 - Seminar in Early American History

    4 units
    An intensive study of some phase in, or problem of, American history from colonial period through the Civil War. Topics have included American independence from British control, the development of the industrial North and the colonization of the West. May be repeated when content changes.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 280 - Seminar in Recent American History

    4 units
    An intensive study of some phase or problem in the period from the Civil War to the present. Individual research with oral and written reports. May be repeated when content changes.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 283 - Seminar in California and Western History

    4 units
    An intensive study of an area, phase or period of history associated with California or the West. Individual research with oral and written reports. May be repeated for credit when course content changes.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 288 - Seminar in the History of Women in the United States

    4 units
    An intensive study of some phase of the history of women in the United States. Individual research with oral and written reports.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 292 - International Program Studies

    1-6 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 298 - Special Study

    1-6 units
    Advanced individual research.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent and approval by graduate advisor.
    Grading: Mandatory CR/NC/RP

    Note(s): More than 3 units only in areas where graduate courses not normally offered.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 1290R - Culminating Experience Supervision

    1 units
    This course is offered in special sessions for 1 unit. It is required of, and limited to, graduate students who have an outstanding RP grade in a preceding semester in a project or thesis class. If one has an outstanding RP, this course must be taken unless the student is enrolled in any other course. By outstanding, it is meant that the RP grade has not been changed to any other grade, including a CR or NC. The RP grade in the project or thesis course remains on the official record until a culminating memo has been submitted by the graduate advisor to the Office of Graduate Admissions & Program Evaluations and the course instructor of the class in which an RP was received has petitioned for a grade change to CR. This course receives no degree credit and therefore cannot be used on the candidacy form or to fulfill graduation requirements. It is repeatable up to 12 times.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 16 units.

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 299 
    Grading: CR/NC, No Degree Credit

    Note(s): No Degree Credit

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Hospitality Management

  • HSPM 1 - Introduction to Hospitality Management

    3 units
    Overview of structure and financial performances of hospitality industry; food and lodging, resorts, tourism enterprises, attractions and related operations. Focus on orientation to customer service, cultural/economic trends and career opportunities.

    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 12 - Cost Control in Hospitality

    3 units
    Food, beverage and payroll systems, including standards determination; variable, semi-variable and fixed costs; the operating budget; income and cost control and menu pricing. Cost control simulation exercises implemented through software programs.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1  and BUS1 20N .
    Corequisite(s): HSPM 11  and HSPM 65 .
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with NUFS 12 . Hospitality Management is responsible for scheduling.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 20 - Sanitation and Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry

    2 units
    Sanitation in food service, hotel and travel/tourism industries; study of pathogenic organisms and food handling procedures. Occupational health, safety and environmental control in the hospitality industry.

    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with NUFS 20 . Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging is responsible for scheduling.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 22 - Catering and Beverage Management

    2 units
    Planning and executing catering and buffet functions. Evaluation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages regarding purchasing, storage, preparation, merchandising and regulations.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture/lab 4 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): NUFS 20  or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with NUFS 22 . Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging is responsible for scheduling.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 23 - Culinary Concepts

    3 units
    Food and beverage production techniques; preparation of food and beverage with emphasis on quality standards.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 1 hour/Lab 6 hours.

    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with NUFS 23 . Hospitality Management is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HSPM 65 - Professional Seminar in Hospitality Mgmt

    1 units
    Designed for students who have declared a major in the Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management degree. The topics selected will facilitate the student’s entry into the academic program and the profession of hospitality management.

    Corequisite(s): HSPM 1 .
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 86 - Special Events Management in Hospitality

    3 units
    Hands-on experience in the operation, coordination, and management of special events as they relate to hospitality and tourism. Students develop management skills and experience in planning and execution of a major event.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 92 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 100W - Writing Workshop

    3 units
    Developing and enhancing written communication skills in the hospitality, recreation and tourism professions in the following areas: scientific/technical writing, administrative writing, public-relations-related writing and funding proposals. GE Area: Z.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies Z: Written Communication II.

    Prerequisite(s): A3 or equivalent second semester composition course (with a grade of C- or better); completion of core GE; satisfaction of Writing Skills Test or completion of ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with C or better; and upper division standing. Or Graduate or Postbaccalaureate level. 
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Must be passed with C or better to satisfy the CSU Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 101 - Multicultural & Intl Issues Hospitality

    3 units
    Multicultural/international issues in the hospitality industry; historical, socioeconomic, cultural and linguistic variables presented in relationship to these issues.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1 .
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 102 - Hotel & Lodging Operations

    3 units
    Principles of organization, management and decision models applied to the tasks and challenges of hotel operations. Involves techniques of problem solving (including planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling operations) in areas of front office operations, housekeeping, food/beverage and personnel.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1 HSPM 65  or instructor consent. HSPM Majors and Minors only.
    Corequisite(s): HSPM 1 .
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 103 - Facility Planning and Design in Hospitality & Tourism

    3 units
    Development, planning, and maintenance of hospitality/tourism facilities. Topics include real estate economics, income generation, lease and management contracts, project development sequencing, space and building operations planning, financing, asset management, industry practices, renovation, environmental impact and public relations.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 104 - Hospitality Marketing

    3 units
    Applying marketing principles, theories, and concepts in developing marketing strategies for hospitality, recreation and tourism organizations in a dynamic business environment. Emphasis is placed on marketing mix, market segmentation and analysis, sales planning, and public relations.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1 HSPM 65 , BUS 20 or BUS 20N
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 107 - Legal Aspects of Hospitality Management

    3 units
    Introduction to fundamental legal issues and concepts related to the fields of hospitality, recreation and tourism. Content will include legal process, source of law, organization structure, and a survey of selected legal principles from the areas of employment, public health and safety, contract, negligence, premise liability, personal property, environmental and constitutional law.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 11 HSPM 65 , BUS1 20  or BUS1 20N .
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 108 - Hospitality Information Systems

    3 units
    Focuses on the application of various information systems to the management of facilities, programs, services, finances and accounting, products, marketing and sales, human resources and other major functions of hospitality, recreation, and tourism organizations/agencies.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1 HSPM 65 , Bus 20 or 20N, HSPM 102 
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 111 - Customs and Courtesies in Hospitality

    3 units
    An exploration of a variety of customs and courtesies that demonstrate the influences of history, traditions, social customs, religious beliefs, language, and other cultural elements on hospitality service etiquette and manners in different cultures and countries.

    Grading: Graded

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  • HSPM 121 - Hospitality Leadership and Management

    3 units
    This course acquaints students with the theory and practice of management and leadership principles in a hospitality operation. Topics include: manager’s roles, leadership principles, goal setting, power and empowerment, communication skills, coaching and team building, diversity, career planning, and organizational development.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1 HSPM 65 
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 130 - Hospitality Event Production

    3 units
    Planning and execution of a hospitality event. Topics include strategic planning, event design, event project management, event related technology, financial management, human resources, event marketing, and on-site management.

    Grading: Graded

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  • HSPM 134 - Human Resource Management

    3 units
    Explores HR functions in business settings with a focus on development of knowledge and skills needed by managers. Supervisor’s role within organizations with emphasis on recruitment, selection, staff training and development, legal issues, performance appraisal, motivational strategies, public relations, and maintenance of effective environments.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1 HSPM 65 , BUS1 20  or BUS1 20N 
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 141 - Resort and Club Management

    3 units
    Management and operation of resort and private club properties from their historical development to their economic and environmental impact; marketing and managing of services provided by these facilities within the leisure industry.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • HSPM 142 - Tradeshow Event & Meeting Mgnt

    3 units
    Management and operations of tradeshows from business, economic and hospitality service perspectives; understanding the marketing, fiscal, and evaluative processes necessary to provide large scale meetings including hotel negotiations, food service, contract negotiation, and onsite management.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 140  or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 143 - Tourism Destination Marketing and Management

    3 units
    Principles of destination marketing and management in formulating strategies to promote tourism in a variety of locations. Appraising a destination’s potential and developing a destination’s products/services and marketing campaign to attract both business and leisure travelers.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1 HSPM 11 HSPM 102 , HSPM 130 
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 148 - Wine Appreciation

    3 units
    Introduces the student to the significance of wine in the dining experience. The class will study the wine-making process, wine grape varieties, health and legal issues of wine and include in-class evaluation of wine.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 149 - Beer Appreciation

    3 units
    Examining the history, business and economic impact of beer from its international brewery markets to the small craft beer distributors. Explore beer styles, regions, brewing processes and food pairings through weekly tastings and sensory applications of the principles of beer making.

    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 154 - Revenue Management

    3 units
    Formulating tactical pricing decisions to maximize revenues for hospitality organizations. Topics include: history of revenue management, reservation systems, forecasting demand, inventory control, cost analysis, pricing strategy, channel management, revenue management tactics, and applications.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1 HSPM 65 , BUS1 20  or BUS1 20N , HSPM 102 
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 161 - Cruise Operations and Management

    3 units
    This course examines the major aspects of cruise operations and management including history, global cruise market, economic significance, geography of cruising, itinerary design, anatomy of a cruise ship, operations, sales and marketing procedures, passenger services, event planning and management, and career opportunities.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1 HSPM 11 HSPM 65 HSPM 102 
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 168 - Gaming Management

    3 units
    Introduction to the casino’s external environments and the casino’s impact on the consumer and the local economy. Topics cover the history of gaming and gaming development, casino organization and operation, the mathematics of casino games, and casino management.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1  or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 175 - Entrepreneurship in Hospitality

    3 units
    Explores the entrepreneurial opportunities available in the public, non-profit, and private sectors by examining the process of creating, planning, and managing hospitality, recreation, and tourism ventures, programs, and services.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1 HSPM 65 , BUS1 20  or BUS1 20N . Senior Standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 177 - Hospitality Service Management

    3 units
    Develop skills in setting formal service standards and procedures to deliver customer experience and evaluate service quality for hospitality businesses. Topics include service experience design, psychological/social characteristics of customer satisfaction, service delivery processes, consumer/server encounters, service quality, and service recovery.

    Prerequisite(s): HSPM 1 HSPM 11 HSPM 65 HSPM 102 HSPM 130 , Senior Standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • HSPM 180 - Individual Studies

    1-3 units
    Investigation of special problems, including research project and/or field experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent. Not available to Open University Students
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • HSPM 184 - Directed Reading

    1-4 units
    Directed reading in journals and books by authorities in Hospitality, Recreation, Tourism and related fields. Assessment by project(s) and/or paper(s).

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 4 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing, supervising instructor approval, and department chair consent. Not available to Open University Students.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HSPM 192 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore


  • HUM 1A - Honors - World Cultures and Societies A

    6 units
    Prehistory to the seventeenth century. Courses cover political, historical, social-institutional, philosophical, and literary thought and the arts of the ancient world. 

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/lecture 3 hours.

    Satisfies C1 + C2: Arts and Letters

    Prerequisite(s): Application to program
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Entire four-semester sequence (HUM 1A/HUM 1B  and HUM 2A /HUM 2B ) satisfies GE Areas A1, A2, A3 (C- or better required); C1, two C2; D2, D3; and all of American Institutions, US1, US2, US3.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HUM 1B - Honors - World Cultures and Societies B

    6 units
    Prehistory to the seventeenth century. Courses cover political, historical, social-institutional, philosophical, and literary thought and the arts of the ancient and medieval world.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/lecture 3 hours.

    Satisfies A2 + D3: Written Communication IA + Social Issues

    Prerequisite(s): HUM 1A  
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Entire four-semester sequence (HUM 1A/1B and 2A/2B) satisfies GE Areas A1, A2, A3 (C- or better required); C1, two C2; D2, D3; and all of American Institutions, US1, US2, US3.

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  • HUM 2A - Honors - Modern World Cultures A

    6 units
    Seventeenth century to the present. Courses cover political, historical, social-institutional, philosophical, and literary thought and the arts of the modern world. 

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/lecture 3 hours.

    Satisfies A1 (C- or better) + D2: Oral Communication + Comparative Systems

    Prerequisite(s): HUM 1B  
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Entire four-semester sequence (HUM 1A /HUM 1B  and 2A/HUM 2B ) satisfies GE Areas A1, A2, A3 (C- or better required); C1, two C2; D2, D3; and all of American Institutions, US1, US2, US3.

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  • HUM 2B - Honors - Modern World Cultures B

    6 units
    Seventeenth century to the present. Courses cover political, historical, social-institutional, philosophical, and literary thought and the arts of the modern and contemporary world.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/lecture 3 hours.

    Satisfies A3 + C2 + US123: Critical Thinking + Letters + American Institutions

    Prerequisite(s): HUM 2A ; Completion of GE Areas A1 and A2 each with grades of C- or better
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Entire four-semester sequence (HUM 1A /HUM 1B  and HUM 2A /2B) satisfies GE Areas A1, A2, A3 (C- or better required); C1, two C2; D2, D3; and all of American Institutions, US1, US2, US3.

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  • HUM 80 - Reading the World

    3 units
    By studying the history, philosophy, and science of reading, we build a transdisciplinary, critical approach to the value of reading comparative, historical, and cross-cultural texts. Activities and writing assignments enable students to understand the logical construction of arguments to become reflexive participants in reading.

    Satisfies A3: Critical Thinking

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of GE Areas A1 and A2 each with grades of C- or better
    Grading: Graded

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  • HUM 90 - Bible History and Literature

    3 units
    The Bible in context of its history, literary sources and as a reflection of Jewish and Christian traditions. Motifs and themes in light of their original audience, historic usage and contemporary development.

    Satisfies C2: Letters.

    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with JWSS 90  / MDES 90  / RELS 90 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 92 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • HUM 99 - Death, Dying and Religions

    3 units
    Is death the end or the beginning? Learn how people integrate the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of living and dying. Examine religious teachings and practices for making death personally meaningful, socially significant, or even politically powerful.

    Satisfies E: Human Understanding & Development.

    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with GERO 99  / RELS 99 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 100W - Writing in the Humanities & Interdisciplinary Arts

    3 units
    Advanced workshop in composition and reading for the critical and comparative study of the humanities and interdisciplinary arts. Students explore and practice the thinking and writing skills that help us communicate insight, critique, interpretation, description, and analysis of arts, literature, history, and culture, including expository writing and library research. Readings and objects of study include a range of topics and at least two different art forms.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies Z: Written Communication II.

    Prerequisite(s): A3 or equivalent second-semester composition course (with a grade of C- or better); completion of core GE; satisfaction of Writing Skills Test or completion of ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with C or better; and upper-division standing. Or Graduate or Postbaccalaureate level.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Must be passed with C or better to satisfy the CSU Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).

    Cross-listed with AMS 100W  / RELS 100W . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 101 - Human Life: Let’s Think About It

    3 units
    Introduction to interdisciplinary comparative and creative studies. A range of methodologies will be explored through two contrasting subjects. Students learn and synthesize approaches - geography, history, literature, arts, and social science - to achieve a holistic understanding of the topics.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • HUM 111 - Special Topics in Jewish Studies

    3 units
    Special Topics in Jewish Studies. Topics vary and will be announced each semester. Repeatable for credit under different subtitles. Repeatable for credit when topic changes.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with HIST 111  / JWSS 111  / RELS 111 . History is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 114 - Legacy of Asia

    3 units
    Interdisciplinary focus on continuity and change in China and India as these ancient civilizations responded to challenges throughout their history.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies V: Culture, Civil & Global Understanding.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education, and upper-division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper-division standing.

    Cross-listed with ANTH 114  / ASIA 114  / RELS 114 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 119 - Myths, Heroes, and Global Cultures

    3 units
    This course examines cultural developments in Europe, Asia and Africa during the ancient era and middle ages, roughly 700 B.C.E. to 1400 C.E, and the roles of pivotal figures, both mythic and historical, whose actions and ideas created our understanding of the early world.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or permission of instructor
    Grading: Graded

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  • HUM 120 - Renaissance, Reason and Romanticism

    3 units
    This course will examine the cultural, artistic, philosophical, and political developments in the Western world and certain aspects of world cultures during the Renaissance, Enlightenment and Romantic eras, approximately 1400 through 1850.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or permission of instructor
    Grading: Graded

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  • HUM 121 - Introduction to Comparative Literature

    4 units
    Critical approaches, reference sources, problems of translation.

    Prerequisite(s): One year of college level foreign language or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with COLT 121  / ENGL 121  / FORL 121 . English and Comparative Literature is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 122 - Topics in Comparative World Literature

    4 units
    An exemplary theme as treated in various literatures in different languages, e.g., war, love, freedom, religious experience. May be repeated when course content changes.

    Prerequisite(s): One year of college level foreign language or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with COLT 122  / ENGL 122  / FORL 122 . English and Comparative Literature is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 126 - Holocaust Literature

    3 units
    Survey of literature written by survivors or witnesses of the Holocaust, the destruction of European Jewry during World War II, focusing upon diaries, memoirs, fiction, and occasionally poetry and drama. Writers may include Elie Wiesel, Primo Levi, Anne Frank, Charlotte Delbo.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies V: Culture, Civil & Global Understanding

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

    Cross-listed with ENGL 126  / FORL 126  / JWSS 126 . English and Comparative Literature is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 128 - Perspectives on the Twentieth Century: The West in a Global Context

    3 units
    Literature and the arts of selected world cultures contextualized in significant events and concepts of the twentieth century, such as two world wars, totalitarian systems, the revolt against colonial powers, modernity and postmodernity, and the global challenge to western hegemony.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies V: Culture, Civil & Global Understanding.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

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  • HUM 134 - Religion Film & Media

    3 units
    Depictions of religion, religions, religious behavior, and religious propaganda in film and media. Exploring these from several perspectives, (e.g. emic and etic, cross-national, aesthetic) and examining the murky problem of “the truth” in the depiction of religious and spiritual experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper-division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with CA 134  / RELS 134 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 141 - Medieval Literature

    4 units
    Middle English and continental literature, including such forms as the lyric, allegory, narrative, romance and biblically-based drama.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ENGL 141 . English and Comparative Literature is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 142 - Contemporary Buddhism and its Roots

    3 units
    Teachings of Gautama, the Buddha and ways in which those teachings were modified in forms of Buddhism that followed: Therevada in southeast Asia and Mahayana in East Asia.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper-division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ASIA 142  / RELS 142 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 144 - Chinese Traditions

    3 units
    Religious thought and practice of China’s three Great Traditions (Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism) as well as China’s Little Tradition (Chinese folk religion). The role of these traditions within traditional Chinese culture and their relevance to the modern world, including China.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper-division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ASIA 144  / RELS 144 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 148 - Children’s Dance

    3 units
    Study of dance for children as personal expression through movement. Use of creative dance as a tool for the enrichment of learning. Experiencing dance in a variety of cultures.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 2 hours/activity 2 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with DANC 148 . Music and Dance is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 155 - Pagan Traditions

    3 units
    Thematic and historical examination of localized religious traditions; e.g., Shamanic, Animistic, Polytheistic, Pantheistic. These traditions will be studied through their arts, music, myths, life patterns, cosmologies and contact between indigenous and universalizing religions.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper-division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with RELS 155 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 159 - Nature and World Cultures

    3 units
    The influence of industrialization and globalization on earth and the environment as seen through culture.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies V: Culture, Civil & Global Understanding.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education, and upper-division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper-division standing.

    Cross-listed with AMS 159  / ENVS 159 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 160 - Special Topics in Humanities

    3 units
    Comparative studies of vital issues and enduring ideas (ethical, political, social, cross-cultural, etc.). Content varies each semester and with each instructor. Repeatable for up to 9 units of credit when course topic changes.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 9 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper-division Standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with AMS 160 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 168A - Global Climate Change I

    6 units
    Scientific and social scientific approaches to the process and effects of global climate change: Climate changes in the Earth’s past, interactions between climate and life, anthropogenic climate change, socioeconomic contexts of environmental effects, cultural influences on climate change mitigation strategies.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

    Cross-listed with COMM 168A  / ENVS 168A  / GEOL 168A  / METR 168A . Communication Studies is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 168B - Global Climate Change II

    3 units
    Scientific and social scientific approaches to the process and effects of global climate change: Climate changes in the Earth’s past, interactions between climate and life, anthropogenic climate change, socioeconomic contexts of environmental effects, cultural influences on climate change mitigation strategies.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies R+S+V: Earth & Environment + Self, Society & Equality in the U.S. + Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 168A  / ENVS 168A   / GEOL 168A  / HUM 168A  ​/ METR 168A ; Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

    Cross-listed with COMM 168B  / ENVS 168B  / GEOL 168B  / METR 168B . Communication Studies is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 169 - The American Dream

    3 units
    The American search for identity and meaning, the struggle for equality and success, in relation to myths, illusions and realities reflected in history, literature and the arts.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies S: Self, Society & Equality in US.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A   / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education, and upper-division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper-division standing.

    Cross-listed with AMS 169 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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