Oct 06, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Program Learning Outcomes

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | ST | U | V | W | XY | Z


Accountancy, MS  

PLO 1 Apply accounting, auditing, and tax principles within the context of a complex business environment.
PLO 2 Evaluate information technology and internal control processes and their role in financial and managerial reporting.
PLO 3 Demonstrate conceptual and analytical skills and their real world applications.
PLO 4 Develop effective oral and written communication skills in a context of conducting research.
PLO 5 Examine ethical implications of accounting practice.

Aerospace Engineering, MS  

PLO 1 Model and Solve Problems - Ability to use graduate level mathematics to model and solve aerospace engineering problems.
PLO 2 Analysis and Design - Ability to apply aerospace engineering science (aerodynamics, propulsion, flight mechanics, stability & control, aerospace structures & materials, etc.) to perform an in-depth analysis and / or design of an aerospace engineering system taking into consideration economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability constraints.
PLO 3 Computational and Experimental Tools - Ability to use modern tools (computational or experimental).
PLO 4 Literature Review - Ability to perform a literature search related to a given problem, cite the references in appropriate ways, and demonstrate an understanding of the cited literature.
PLO 5 Technical Writing - Graduate level technical writing ability, including correct language and terminology, appropriate visuals, and summarizing key ideas.

Applied Anthropology, MA  

PLO 1 To understand a range of anthropological research methods and be able to conduct research relevant to problem solving in various settings and for different clients/partners.
PLO 2 To know basic models of applying anthropology in different settings and have the skills to be able to function as practitioners of several of them.
PLO 3 To be knowledgeable about (1) the discipline of anthropology in general and how it contributes to understanding and improving contemporary society, and (2) a particular field of anthropology in greater depth.
PLO 4 To be able to function effectively in at least one content area or domain of application.
PLO 5 To understand personal, political and ethical issues inherent in research and application.
PLO 6 To develop professionally as practitioners with skills in contracting, project management, and budgeting, as well as the ability to communicate about project goals and findings and the discipline of anthropology to diverse audiences.
​PLO 7 To be knowledgeable about the region as a social and cultural system with complex state national and global interconnections.

Archives and Records Administration, MARA  

PLO 1 Articulate the ethics, values, and foundational principles of archives and records management professionals and appreciate the important role record keepers play in social memory and organizational accountability.
PLO 2 Recognize the social, cultural, and economic dimensions of records, recordkeeping, and records use.
PLO 3 Understand the evolution of information recordkeeping systems in response to technological change.
PLO 4 Have expertise in the basic concepts and principles used to identify, evaluate, select, organize, maintain, and provide access to records of current and enduring value.
PLO 5 Understand the system of standards and structures endorsed and utilized by the recordkeeping professions, particularly in the areas of electronic records and digital assets management.
PLO 6 Apply fundamental management theories and principles to the administration of records and recordkeeping organizations.
PLO 7 Know the legal requirements and ethical principles involved in records management and the role the recordkeeper plays in institutional compliance and risk management.
PLO 8 Be conversant with current information technologies and best practices relating to records preservation and security.
PLO 9 Understand research design and research methods and possess the analytical, written, and oral communication skills to synthesize and disseminate research findings.
PLO 10 Identify ways in which archivists and records managers can contribute to the cultural, economic, educational, and social well being of our global communities.

Art, Art History and Visual Culture Concentration, MA  

PLO 1 Art History Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge (visual recognition and identification) of significant artworks and of the canon of historical periods customary in Western and Non-Western traditions.
PLO 2 Art History Skills Demonstrate increasing skills of visual analysis appropriate to describing and explaining artworks from a variety of historical contexts.
PLO 3 Writing and Research Demonstrate the writing and research skills necessary for the accurate and complete investigation and communication of art historical information.
PLO 4 Methodology Demonstrate a theoretical, historiographic, and professional understanding of the discipline of Art History and apply this understanding to explaining and solving research problems.

Art, MFA (Concentrations in Digital Media Art Photography Pictorial Art , and Spatial Art 

PLO 1 Will be able to analyze and research visual and conceptual problems and both apply and explain their sophisticated use of the elements and principles of art to solve those problems. Our graduates will be artists capable of studio practice and exhibition at the professional level.
PLO 2 Will be able to demonstrate increased technical capabilities and skills relevant to their areas of expertise and be able to explain and evaluate success/failure in individual and group critiques. We expect our graduates to be lifelong problem-identifiers and problem-solvers, always on the lookout for new and better skills. Prior to participation in a final thesis exhibition, MFA candidates will already have demonstrated their skills in portfolio reviews, frequent faculty and peer critiques, evaluations by thesis committee members, and in solo and group exhibitions.
PLO 3 Will demonstrate their commitment to valuing art’s role in offering cultural critique and addressing issues of social responsibility in a global society. As creative professionals, our graduates will, we hope, assume leadership roles in engaging with social and cultural change–as teachers, as critics, as spokespersons for important issues which cannot yet be imagined. As graduate students, our MFA candidates will demonstrate their understanding of the values of contemporary art in their visual and written responses to class assignments in area and interdisciplinary seminars and in the successful articulation of their ideas in exhibitions and artist statements.
PLO 4 Will apply their knowledge of visual history and theory to their creative endeavors and to their professional practice. They will be able to speak and write clearly about art and global culture and demonstrate their understanding of the contemporary and global art world. They will demonstrate their ability to place their own work within the broader context of historical and contemporary art and theory. Our graduates will commit to continued personal engagement with intellectual issues in contemporary art and culture.
PLO 5 Will not only be capable of studio practice and exhibition at the professional level but also will have demonstrated the ability to organize and present technical and intellectual information and to lecture/teach on a variety of specialized topics in digital media art. Those students who seek teaching positions while still in graduate school will be mentored in classroom assistant capacity for two semesters, carefully screened for a teaching pool, trained as teachers, and carefully evaluated when hired as Teaching Associates. We expect our graduates to be experienced and professional teachers.

Artificial Intelligence, MS  

PLO 1 Identify and apply fundamental concepts, algorithms, and methodologies to formulate, analyze, design, and evaluate artificial intelligence and
machine learning systems.
PLO 2 Tackle complex machine learning and artificial intelligence problems using contemporary principles, algorithms, technologies, methodologies, and tools.
PLO 3 Lead and participate in a team to develop AI and machine learning applications.
PLO 4 Recognize the ethical, economic and environmental implications of their work, as appropriate.
PLO 5 Sustain a process of life-long learning in engineering or other professional areas.
PLO 6 Communicate effectively and persuasively with a variety of audiences.

Audiology, AUD  

PLO 1 Specialized Knowledge - Students will recall, apply, and synthesize their knowledge of the hearing and balance mechanisms, including normal processes, disorders, and treatments.
PLO 1A Students will demonstrate knowledge and skill competencies outlined by the Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) and the Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education (ACAE).
PLO 2 Social Responsibilities - Students will summarize and describe the contexts in which they may practice audiology and advise patients, with attention to local and culturally sensitive models of health care.
PLO 2A Students will demonstrate the ability to act ethically, intentionally, and conscientiously regarding issues related to inclusion and diversity.
PLO 3 Intellectual Skills - Students will correctly interpret theories, assumptions, and protocols appropriate to audiology practice (i.e., diagnosis and treatment) within quantitative and qualitative methodologies. They will also demonstrate the ability to think critically and creatively, effectively communicate, gather and process information thoroughly and ethically, write in a scientific voice, and engage in inter-professional activities.
PLO 4 Integrative Knowledge and Skills - Students will design, complete, and present a scholarly research project that will reflect the depth of contemporary audiology knowledge and contribute to knowledge in hearing science or to improvements in audiology practice, policy, or client outcomes.
PLO 5 Applied Knowledge and Skills - Students will apply classroom theories and prior clinical experiences to new clinical settings, age groups, disorders, technologies, and devices, with increasing speed, effectiveness, and independence.


Bioinformatics, MS  

PLO 1 Students will demonstrate effective scientific written communication skills.
PLO 2 Students will demonstrate effective scientific oral communication skills.
PLO 3 Students will demonstrate the ability to independently answer complex biological questions using computational methods.
PLO 4 Students will demonstrate the ability to develop a research plan using information gained through critical analysis of primary literature

Biological Sciences, MA  (concentrations in General Biology, Ecology and Evolution Molecular Biology and Microbiology , and Physiology  

PLO 1 Students will develop effective written communication skills, as assessed by a research proposal at baseline, followed by a written exam.
PLO 2 Students will develop effective oral communication skills, as assessed by a research proposal at baseline, followed by an oral exam.
PLO 3 Students will demonstrate the ability to independently answer questions regarding their specific field of study, as assessed by a research proposal at baseline, followed by an oral exam.
PLO 4 Students will demonstrate the ability to develop, present, defend and critically analyze hypotheses and conclusions using information gained through searches of primary literature, as assessed by a research proposal at baseline, followed by an oral exam.

Biomedical Engineering, MS  (Concentrations in General Biomedical Engineering and Biomedical Devices 

PLO 1 Are able to solve complex engineering problems and tasks, and use engineering, science and statistics principles to justify recommendations.
PLO 2 Are able to evaluate the impact of their work on society, including ethical, economic, global and environmental aspects.
PLO 3 Can deliver effective presentations of engineering results in written and oral formats.
PLO 4 Have life-long learning skills and are able to apply their engineering knowledge to critically evaluate relevant literature and new technologies or systems.
PLO 5 Are effective leaders, capable of working in diverse environments.
PLO 6 Are able to apply their engineering education to a variety of career paths.

Biotechnology, MBT  

PLO 1 The students will apply the five ACRL (Assoc. of College Research Librarians) standards.
PLO 2 The students will demonstrate advanced understanding of topics at the interface of biology and business central to the biotechnology industry.
PLO 3 The students will demonstrate their ability to efficiently work in teams.
PLO 4 The students will demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively, verbally and written, to convey scientific and commercial ideas.

Business Administration, MBA (Including Early Career  and Professional  Programs) 

PLO 1 Develop a strategic level understanding of the key functions of business including marketing, accounting, finance, and organizational behavior.
PLO 2 Understand decision making methods including decision trees, expected value, risk and uncertainty, and the value of information.
PLO 3A Understand the major issues facing multinational corporations in the management of their international operations-particularly those of an intercultural nature.
PLO 3B Explain the ethical, legal, and social consequences that ensue when ethics and the law are disregarded in favor of other objectives.
PLO 4 Comprehend the factors that contribute to effective leadership of teams and understanding of the skills and behaviors necessary to be an effective team member.
PLO 5A Demonstrate an ability to understand and adapt to global market changes.
PLO 5B Demonstrate an ability to integrate knowledge and develop innovative solutions to remain competitive given industry dynamics (strategic integration).
PLO 6A Demonstrate an ability to plan, prepare, organize, and present effective oral presentations.
PLO 6B Demonstrate the principles and processes of effective written communications.


Chemical Engineering, MS  

PLO 1 Are able to solve complex engineering problems and tasks, and use engineering, science and statistics principles to justify recommendations.
PLO 2 Are able to evaluate the impact of their work on society, including ethical, economic, global and environmental aspects.
PLO 3 Can deliver effective presentations of engineering results in written and oral formats.
PLO 4 Have life-long learning skills and are able to apply their engineering knowledge to critically evaluate relevant literature and new technologies or systems.
PLO 5 Are effective leaders, capable of working in diverse environments.
PLO 6 Are able to apply their engineering education to a variety of career paths.

Chemistry, MA  

PLO 1 To demonstrate an advanced understanding of selected topics in chemistry.
PLO 2 To demonstrate information literacy skills for acquiring knowledge of chemistry, both as a student and as a life-long learner.
PLO 3 To demonstrate an understanding of experimentation, observation and data analysis, and their application to defined questions in chemistry.
PLO 4 To demonstrate a familiarity with available instrumentation for conducting specific scientific research.
PLO 5 To communicate effectively, verbally and written, for the purposes of conveying chemical information to both professional scientists and to the public.

Chemistry, MS  

PLO 1 To demonstrate an advanced understanding of selected topics in chemistry.
PLO 2 To demonstrate information literacy skills for acquiring knowledge of chemistry, both as a student and as a life-long learner.
PLO 3 To demonstrate an understanding of experimentation, observation and data analysis, and their application to defined questions in chemistry.
PLO 4 To demonstrate a familiarity with available instrumentation for conducting specific scientific research.
PLO 5 To communicate effectively, verbally and written, for the purposes of conveying chemical information to both professional scientists and to the public.

Chicana and Chicano Studies, MA  

PLO 1 Identify and analyze the major issues, questions, and debates driving theory and research in Chicana/o Studies through written and oral discourse, particularly the central role of race and ethnicity and its intersectional relationship to other socially constructed categories, such as gender, class/SES, and normative heterosexuality, and its historically evolving role in shaping individual and group identities, opportunities, and outcomes in US institutions.
PLO 2 Analyze major theories, paradigms, and methods used to study Chicana/o and Latina/o communities historically and today, critically evaluate scholarship in the discipline, and conduct an ethically-based research, creative, or community-based project in Chicana/o Studies.
PLO 3 Effectively present and write insights related to PLOs 1 & 2 in chosen area of emphasis through capstone project that demonstrates the significance of this work and is adequate for effective instruction at the college level.

Child and Adolescent Development, MA  

PLO 1 Articulate an advanced understanding of the complexity of the four domains of development (cognitive, emotional, social, and physical) and characterize the impact of the interrelations among domains on child and adolescent development.
PLO 2 Analyze the significance of context on child and adolescent growth and evaluate how different contextual perspectives contribute to both dominant assumptions and alternative viewpoints in our field.
PLO 3 Apply research, theory and problem-solving skills to evaluate best practices in social policy, education, intervention, and practical situations relevant to child and adolescent development.
PLO 4 Categorize, investigate, and critically analyze different sources of information with respect to credibility and validity and determine the appropriate contexts to use each type of source.
PLO 5 Analyze existing questions as well as formulate new questions that are relevant to our field and describe and apply the appropriate methodologies for seeking answers to these questions.
PLO 6 Evaluate different styles of, and engage in, audience-appropriate forms of communication that lead to a shared understanding of developmental issues through negotiation and translation across multiple modes of communication.
PLO 7 Delineate different methods of advocacy, elaborate on key ethical issues, and articulate how differing ethical perspectives influence their decision-making as advocates in our field.

Civil Engineering, MS  

PLO 1 Apply advanced concepts, theory and analysis for problem solving.
PLO 2 Synthesize and integrate necessary engineering concepts into engineering solution process.
PLO 3 Apply modern tools for computations, simulations, analysis and design.
PLO 4 Communicate effectively.

Communication Studies, MA  

PLO 1 Conceptual Foundations Students will be able to identify, explain and critique the major paradigms and theories that have shaped the field of communication, including their historical development and current trends.
PLO 2 Conceptual Foundations Students will be able to articulate the ethical and social responsibilities in communicating with others in different social contexts (i.e. interpersonal, organizational, intercultural, mediated, and public).
PLO 3 Inquiry and Research Students will be able to interpret and critique research methods used in published communication research studies.
PLO 4 Inquiry and Research Students will be able to design and conduct scholarly research using one or more method of inquiry.
PLO 5 Professional Practice Students will be able to articulate in-depth understanding of conceptual foundations and research methods through advanced scholarly writing and oral communication.
PLO 6 Professional Practice Students will be able to design, facilitate, and evaluate applied communication activities (i.e. presentations, workshops, forums, training’s, group discussions, etc.) in professional contexts utilizing conceptual foundations and research methods.

Computer Engineering, MS  

PLO 1 Be able to demonstrate an understanding of advanced knowledge of the practice of computer engineering, from vision to analysis, design, validation, and deployment.
PLO 2 Be able to tackle complex engineering problems and tasks using contemporary engineering principles, methodologies and tools.
PLO 3 Be able to demonstrate leadership and the ability to participate in teamwork in an environment with different disciplines of engineering, science, and business.
PLO 4 Be aware of ethical, economic, and environmental implications of their work, as appropriate.
PLO 5 Be able to advance successfully in the engineering profession and sustain a process of life-long learning in engineering or other professional areas.
PLO 6 Be able to communicate effectively in both oral and written forms.

Computer Science, MS  

PLO 1 Breadth of knowledge in computer science with course work in at least three of the subject areas Foundations, Architecture, Systems Software, Software Engineering, Specialty.  
PLO 2 Depth of knowledge in an advanced topic in computer science, including the ability to carry out original work that builds upon the existing body of knowledge in the field.
PLO 3 Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing Computer Science topics to researchers, practitioners, and the public.

Counseling and Guidance, MA  

PLO 1 Design culturally sustaining prevention and intervention counseling programs within educational environments.
PLO 2 Model ethical and inclusive leadership skills that promote equity, social justice, and student success.
PLO 3 Apply effective and inclusive assessment practices within their work with school and community stakeholders.
PLO 4 Create social, cultural, and educational interventions that support students’ academic advancement.
PLO 5 Select and apply relevant research methods to conduct program evaluations, supported by effective technological applications.

Creative Writing, MFA  

PLO 1 Students will demonstrate a high level of ability to write and complete a publishable, full-length work of literature in a primary genre concentration (fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, or scriptwriting).
PLO 2 Students will demonstrate a high level of proficiency to write works of literature in a secondary genre concentration (fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, or scriptwriting).
PLO 3 Students will demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge of literary history, literary theory, and craft and theory of creative writing.
PLO 4 Students will demonstrate critical and analytical skills in the evaluation and interpretation of literary texts.
PLO 5 Students will demonstrate a command of written academic English, including the abilities to: a) organize and present material in a cogent fashion; b) formulate and defend original arguments; c) employ effectively the language of their discipline; d) write under time constraints.

Criminology, Global Criminology Concentration, MS  

PLO 1 Describe ways to create social change through a critical understanding of the local and global dimensions of crime.
PLO 2 Articulate and evaluate scholarly-grounded perspectives on issues of crime and justice, including ways that criminology explains crime and reactions to crime, through academic, professional and social media.
PLO 3 Explain theories, assumptions, foundational knowledge, analytical and interpretive protocols, tools, and technologies within the field of criminology at a level demonstrating preparation for advanced professional responsibilities, or pursuing a PhD in criminology-related areas.
PLO 4 Demonstrate skills in each step of an investigative, creative, or practical project (e.g., brainstorming, planning, formulating hypotheses or complex questions, designing, creating, completing, and communicating) that helps advance understanding of a criminological or related issue.
PLO 5 Employ global perspectives on criminology and concepts of justice to support research-informed solutions to contemporary social problems.


Data Analytics, MS  

PLO 1 Integrate multidisciplinary knowledge to engage in practical data analytics projects, from analyzing requirements to managing data, building models, presenting results, and assessing societal impacts.
PLO 2 Identify, use, and evaluate current and emerging multidisciplinary data analytics technologies and tools.
PLO 3 Apply effective oral and written communication skills necessary to professional work including collaboration and presentation to multidisciplinary audiences.
PLO 4 Perform independent research in applying data analytics to specific domains.
PLO 5 Utilize quantitative skills from a rich foundation of essential knowledge to solve complex, dynamic, and practical data analytics problems in various professional domains.
PLO 6 Work productively as individuals and in teamwork to perform data analytics tasks as part of a multidisciplinary team.
PLO 7 Identify ways in which data analytics professionals can contribute to the cultural, economic, educational and social well-being in diverse and multicultural local, national and global contexts.

Data Science, MS  

PLO 1 Apply computer science knowledge and tools to assist in performing data science tasks.
PLO 2 Summarize and evaluate statistical and machine learning concepts, models and techniques.
PLO 3 Integrate multidisciplinary knowledge and software to tackle challenging, complex data science tasks.
PLO 4 Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, data science concepts, algorithms, and results to a broad audience.
PLO 5 Identify ways in which data scientists can contribute to the cultural and economic well-beings of diverse societies in local, national and global scopes.


Economics, MA  (Concentrations in General Economics and Applied Economics 

PLO 1 Students should be able to define, describe and illustrate a wide array of microeconomic concepts, using verbal, written, graphical and mathematical expression, and also be able to examine, assess and criticize policies, projects and other current events, using core microeconomic theory, through the advanced level.
PLO 2 Students should be able to define, describe and illustrate a wide array of macroeconomic concepts, using verbal, written, graphical and mathematical expression, and also be able to examine, assess and criticize policies, projects and other current events, using core macroeconomic theory, through the Advanced level.
PLO 3 Students should be able to describe the contours of, and differences and similarities between, qualitative and quantitative economic research methodologies, including the case study, historical narrative, applied econometric, and policy analysis methods, and to produce an original economic study using an economics methodology.
PLO 4 Students should be able to define, describe and illustrate advanced theoretical concepts, using verbal, written, graphical and mathematical expression, important to one or more of these areas, to discuss one or more research methods common to a specialist area, and to produce an original economic study using an economics methodology from the specialist area.
PLO 5 Students will be able to describe and explain conclusions, recommendations, and implications from theory and methods of micro and macro theory, and specialist areas of economics, using written, spoken and other forms of communication.

Education, Curriculum and Instruction (LACES) Concentration, MA  

PLO 1 Understand foundational and theoretical literature related to education in a specific content area (e.g., literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, etc.).
PLO 2 Understand how to critically examine and evaluate methods of instruction including those used with struggling K- 12 learners and non-native speakers of English.
PLO 3 Use on-going assessment data to teach students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
PLO 4 Discuss and critique different perspectives of curriculum and explore how these perspectives relate to K-12 classrooms and schooling.
PLO 5 Discuss and identify the important aspects of history, language, and culture undergirding assumptions, values, and beliefs of competing perspectives in education.
PLO 6 Review and critique theoretical and research literature in one’s field of interest.
PLO 7 Design and implement a study to address a question in one’s field of interest that supports a defensible conclusion and considers relevant implications.

Education, Curriculum and Instruction with Multiple Subject Credential Concentration, MA  

PLO 1 Understand foundational and theoretical literature related to education in a specific content area (e.g., literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, etc.).
PLO 2 Understand how to critically examine and evaluate methods of instruction including those used with struggling K- 12 learners and non-native speakers of English.
PLO 3 Use on-going assessment data to teach students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
PLO 4 Discuss and critique different perspectives of curriculum and explore how these perspectives relate to K-12 classrooms and schooling.
PLO 5 Discuss and identify the important aspects of history, language, and culture undergirding assumptions, values, and beliefs of competing perspectives in education.
PLO 6 Review and critique theoretical and research literature in one’s field of interest.
PLO 7 Design and implement a study to address a question in one’s field of interest that supports a defensible conclusion and considers relevant implications.

Education, Special Education Concentration, MA  

PLO 1 Assess and identify the educational needs and strengths of students with disabilities from diverse socioeconomic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
PLO 2 Critically evaluate pedagogy, curricula and instructional materials grounded in quality indicators of evidence-based practices for students with disabilities.
PLO 3 Plan, design, implement, and monitor linguistically and culturally appropriate instruction that meets the unique needs of students with disabilities.
PLO 4 Apply knowledge of the purpose, characteristics, and appropriate use of different types of assessments used for special education eligibility, placement, and service selection.
PLO 5 Utilize research-based knowledge and theoretical, conceptual and evidence-based practices related to individuals with disabilities to improve services and instruction in the field.

Education, Speech Pathology Concentration, MA  

PLO 1 Graduates will demonstrate foundational knowledge of speech-language, hearing, and swallowing disorders.
PLO 2 Graduates will demonstrate clinical competence in assessment, differential diagnosis, and intervention in working with clients from diverse backgrounds.
PLO 3 Graduates will be able to provide collaborative, inter-professional family centered services to clients.
PLO 4 Graduates will integrate evidence-based practices to guide and inform clinical decisions and service delivery.
PLO 5 Graduates will demonstrate professionalism, ethical actions, and advocacy for persons with speech-language, hearing, and swallowing disorders.
PLO 6 Graduates will demonstrate skills in oral and written or other forms of communication sufficient for entry into professional practice of speech-language pathology.

Educational Leadership, Concentration in Emancipatory School Leadership, MA  

PLO 1 Build organizational cultures that reflect the diversity of experience and knowledge within school communities. 
PLO 2 Identify approaches to educational leadership that include the cultural wealth present in communities that schools serve. 
PLO 3 Design professional development that challenges bias and inequity in school settings.
PLO 4 Create culturally sustaining approaches to instructional leadership.
PLO 5 Implement policies and practices that reflect emancipatory school leadership principles.

Educational Leadership, EdD  

Change Agents

PLO 1 Knowledge of research allows them to interpret findings, make judicious applications of research, and advise others in policy positions.
PLO 2 Able to undertake first-hand investigation of local problems using applied research methods to make meaningful, interpretable, valid, reliable, and authentic results.
PLO 3 Able to select applied research that addresses significant questions and locate it within the general framework of scholarly literature.
PLO 4 Use the results of research and deep understanding of organizational structures, cultures, networks, to foster positive reform efforts within their organizations.

Critical Agents

PLO 1 Thinking is probabilistic, and recognizes the indeterminacy of educational and social contexts.
PLO 2 Thinking is marked by hypothetical reasoning and so open to falsification on the basis of new data and/or experiences.
PLO 3 Exhibit appreciation for evidence in decision-making, that is drawn from multiple sources via sound means of collection, and tested against scholarly literature and the realities of changing circumstances.

Experts Ed Leadership & Policy

PLO 1 Demonstrate awareness and understanding of major frameworks for administration and education policy.
PLO 2 Demonstrate understanding of learner centered principles.
PLO 3 Knowledgeable of the political advocacy process and policies, practices, and partnerships in which education is embedded.
PLO 4 Skilled in management, planning, and change processes.
PLO 5 Demonstrate awareness of methods to enhance learning.
PLO 6 Demonstrate understanding of the role of conflict and importance of ethics in administration and decision making.

Informed by Research and Scholarship

PLO 1 Able to read and critique popular literature and ideas on best practices based on research and scholarly literature.
PLO 2 Have a sense on the strengths and limits of research and scholarly literature, and the basis of validity, reliability, credibility, and interpretability.
PLO 3 Will foster and encourage best practices within organizations based on research and scholarly literature.
PLO 4 Can critique proposals for research and/or program implementation.

Self-Aware, Ethical, Reflective

PLO 1 Systematically engage, compare, and critique professional experience is in classroom and other learning environments.
PLO 2 Seek contexts and means for professional life-long learning and connections with educational research and scholarly literature.
PLO 3 Understand and support the importance of trust and the ethical expectations of the education profession and strive to make their professional practice serve the needs of students, family, and community.

Value Equity and Diversity

PLO 1 Understand how their personal narrative shapes their views about the literature, organizations, and groups who understand how to create collaborative environments that welcome and serve diverse members, including cultural/linguistic diversity, gender, special needs, and age-span differences.
PLO 2 Appreciate how social, cultural, political, and historical forces have influenced educational leadership and education policy locally and globally, with understanding of how student experiences in schools and educational outcomes of historically underserved populations have occurred.
PLO 3 Work to ensure that the potential of education to elevate the lives of children and families becomes a reality.
PLO 4 Shape learning communities at their sites that are human and responsive to all students and open to the larger community.

Electrical Engineering, MS  

PLO 1 Graduates will be able to base analysis, problem solving and design on core advanced EE theory.
PLO 2 Graduates will be able to develop deeper understanding of an area of concentration in electrical engineering.
PLO 3 Graduates will be able to apply modern tools for research, computation, simulations, analysis, and design.
PLO 4 Graduates will be able to demonstrate leadership skills in the workplace, to function professionally in a globally competitive world, and to communicate engineering results effectively.

Engineering, MS  

PLO 1 Work individually or collaboratively to plan and develop deliverables to meet project specifications and requirements.
PLO 2 Apply advanced theory, engineering practice and analytical methods to solve engineering problems.
PLO 3 Create written documents and deliver oral presentations for a range of audiences.
PLO 4 Appraise ethical, social, economic, and environmental implications of engineering practice in local and global contexts.

Engineering Management, MS  

PLO 1 Students will have a graduate level proficiency in applying engineering management knowledge in engineering management decision making.
PLO 2 Students will have a graduate level proficiency in identifying, formulating, analyzing and solving managerial decision-making problems.
PLO 3 Students will have a graduate level proficiency in effectively interpreting, communicating and implementing managerial solutions of technical and non-technical problems.
PLO 4 Students will be able to recognize the need for and to engage in life-long learning.
PLO 5 Students will be able to understand professional and ethical responsibility.
PLO 6 Students will be able to understand different types of leadership in different types of organizational structures.
PLO 7 Students will have a graduate level proficiency in using techniques and skills in constructing lean solutions to organizational technical problems.
PLO 8 Students will have a graduate level proficiency in constructing economical, environmentally friendly and socially responsible managerial decisions.

Engineering, Electronic Materials and Devices Concentration, MS  

PLO 1 Work individually or collaboratively to plan and develop deliverables to meet project specifications and requirements.
PLO 2 Apply advanced theory, engineering practice and analytical methods to solve engineering problems.
PLO 3 Create written documents and deliver oral presentations for a range of audiences.
PLO 4 Appraise ethical, social, economic, and environmental implications of engineering practice in local and global contexts.

English, MA  

PLO 1 Students will demonstrate an appropriate level of expertise in literary history, literary theory, and rhetoric.
PLO 2 Students will demonstrate high-level proficiency in literary research and in the synthesis of research.
PLO 3 Students will demonstrate critical and analytical skills in the interpretation and evaluation of literary texts.
PLO 4 Students will demonstrate a command of written academic English, including the abilities to a) organize and present material in a cogent fashion, b) formulate and defend original arguments, c) employ effectively the language of their discipline and d) write under time constraints.

Environmental Studies, MS  

PLO 1 Able to thoroughly review literature and research in a specific area of environmental studies and able to formulate original research questions based on critical analysis of aforementioned review.
PLO 2 Able to develop appropriate and feasible methods for original research project.
PLO 3 Possess thorough knowledge of the history of environmental thought.
PLO 4 Able to carry out original research plan and write a high-quality scholarly thesis or professional report.
PLO 5 Able to present original research results in a public oral defense.


Geography, MA  

PLO 1 Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate and interpret published research on the theoretical foundations of geographical information science.
PLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to explain contemporary issues in geographic information science in the context of current theory.
PLO 3 Demonstrate the ability to define a research problem and design and execute a research program.
PLO 4 Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and interpret research results in the context of current theory.
PLO 5 Demonstrate the ability to communicate research results in written, graphic, and verbal form.
PLO 6 Demonstrate understanding of how geographic information science and technology may be applied to a variety of problems.

Geology, MS  

PLO 1 Formulate scientifically sound and logistically reasonable plans for solving geologic problems.
PLO 2 Apply the appropriate techniques to acquire and interpret data to arrive at scientifically sound conclusions.
PLO 3 Demonstrate scientific writing of acceptable quality.
PLO 4 Demonstrate the ability to present results of scientific research in oral format.


History, MA  (Concentrations in General History and History Education 

PLO 1 Identify, summarize, and synthesize historical arguments about how peoples and societies evolved across time and space. 
PLO 2 Interpret, evaluate, compare, and critique historiographical arguments. 
PLO 3 Construct persuasive evidence-based historical arguments using original research including primary sources.

Human Factors/Ergonomics, MS  

PLO 1 Have an ability to apply knowledge of the sciences of human factors and workplace ergonomics.
PLO 2 Have an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
PLO 3 Have an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet accepted human factors and workplace ergonomics standards within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
PLO 4 Have an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
PLO 5 Have an ability to identify, formulate and solve human factors and workplace ergonomics problems.
PLO 6 Understand professional and ethical responsibility.
PLO 7 Have an ability to communicate effectively.
PLO 8 Have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of human factors and workplace ergonomics solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
PLO 9 Have a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning.
PLO 10 Have the knowledge of contemporary issues.
PLO 11 Have an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern human factors and workplace ergonomics tools necessary for industrial and systems engineering practice.


Industrial and Systems Engineering, MS  

PLO 1 Student will be able to function (use and apply discipline knowledge) effectively and provide leadership (interpret, analyze and implement solutions to problems/challenges) within an organization.
PLO 2 Student will be able to form, facilitate, lead, coordinate and participate in teams.
PLO 3 Student will be able to understand organizational processes and behaviors.
PLO 4 Student will have a graduate level knowledge of methodological and computational skills with which able to operate (apply) effectively.
PLO 5 Student will have a graduate level proficiency in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data.
PLO 6 Student will a graduate level proficiency in approaching unstructured problems and synthesizing and designing solutions for this problem.
PLO 7 Student will have a graduate level proficiency in evaluating the impact of these solutions in the broader context of the organization and society.
PLO 8 Student will have a graduate level proficiency in effectively presenting and selling(communicating) solutions in the form of written, oral and electronic media.
PLO 9 Student will be able to accomplish life-long growth (life-long learners) within the field of profession of ISE.

Informatics, MS  

PLO 1 Apply technology informatics skills to solve specific industry data and information management problems, with a focus on usability and designing for users.
PLO 2 Evaluate, manage, and develop electronic records programs and applications in a specific organizational setting.
PLO 3 Demonstrate strong understanding of security and ethics issues related to informatics, user interface, and inter-professional application of informatics in specific fields by designing and implementing appropriate information assurance and ethics and privacy solutions.
PLO 4 Identify user needs, ideate informatics products and services, prototype new concepts, and evaluate a prototype’s usability.
PLO 5 Work collaboratively in teams and use project management practices effectively to solve user-centric information and data problems.
PLO 6 Conduct informatics analysis and visualization applied to different real-world fields, such as health science and sports.


Justice Studies, MS  

PLO 1 Evaluate the relationships between social justice and criminal justice across different societies and historical periods.
PLO 2 Demonstrate knowledge and skills needed to fulfill professional responsibilities or to pursue further postgraduate education in justice-related fields.
PLO 3 Synthesize knowledge of scholarly approaches, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends within the subject areas of criminal justice and social justice.
PLO 4 Design, implement, and evaluate research projects in the fields of criminal and social justice, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
PLO 5 Apply multidisciplinary notions and principles of justice when formulating responses to social problems in communities and/or justice-related institutions.


Kinesiology, MA  (Concentrations in General Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology Sport Management , and Sport Studies 

PLO 1 Demonstrate the ability to conduct and critique research using theoretical and applied knowledge.
PLO 2 Interpret and apply research findings to a variety of disciplines within Kinesiology.
PLO 3 Effectively communicate essential theories, scientific applications, and ethical considerations in each student’s Kinesiology program concentration.
PLO 4 Interpret and apply research findings through acquired skills in order to become agents of change to address issues in Kinesiology through the application of knowledge and research.


Library and Information Science, MLIS  

PLO 1 Demonstrate awareness of the ethics, values, and foundational principles of one of the information professions, and discuss the importance of those principles within that profession.
PLO 2 Describe and compare different organizational settings in which information professionals’ practice.
PLO 3 Articulate the importance of designing programs and services supportive of diversity, inclusion, and equity for clientele and employees.
PLO 4 Apply the fundamental principles of planning, management, marketing, and advocacy.
PLO 5 Design, query, and evaluate information retrieval systems.
PLO 6 Use the basic concepts and principles related to the selection, evaluation, organization, and preservation of physical and digital information items.
PLO 7 Demonstrate understanding of basic principles and standards involved in organizing information such as classification and controlled vocabulary systems, cataloging systems, metadata schemas or other systems for making information accessible to a particular clientele.
PLO 8 Demonstrate proficiency in identifying, using, and evaluating current and emerging information and communication technologies.
PLO 9 Describe the fundamental concepts of information-seeking behaviors and how they should be considered when connecting individuals or groups with accurate, relevant and appropriate information.
PLO 10 Design collaborative or individual learning experiences based on learning principles and theories.
PLO 11 Demonstrate understanding of quantitative and qualitative research methods, the ability to design a research project, and the ability to evaluate and synthesize research literature.
PLO 12 Demonstrate professional leadership and communication skills.
PLO 13 Evaluate programs and services using measurable criteria.
PLO 14 Understand global perspectives on effective information practices that are supportive of cultural, economic, educational, or social well-being.

Linguistics, MA  

PLO 1A Transcribe, using the International Phonetic Alphabet, and produce speech sounds of the world’s languages. Apply concepts of acoustic theory in analyses of speech data.
PLO 1B Analyze linguistic sound patterns in terms of their function, their structure, and the pressures that influence their change over time.
PLO 1C Analyze sentence structure of typologically diverse languages using current formalism and explain how syntactic and semantic structures interface.
PLO 1D Analyze the meaning of linguistic expressions, elaborate on the role of linguistic, pragmatic, and cultural context in the interpretation of meaning, and understand the role of theories in the analysis of semantic data.
PLO 1E Show an understanding of current linguistic theories; compare and evaluate different theoretical approaches.

PLO 2A Extract patterns from complex data sets, motivate categorization procedures, and apply learned analytical principles over such patterns.
PLO 2B Carry out independent empirical, experimental or theoretical research involving formulating a research project, presenting a literature review, using appropriate methodology, collecting data pertinent to the project, and interpreting the data.
PLO 2C Use library and electronic research sources effectively.
PLO 2D Use reading and writing and oral skills effectively.
PLO 2E Demonstrate proficiency equivalent to a two-year of an Indo-European or a one-year of a non- Indo-European college level study in a language other than their native language.

PLO 3A Discuss issues in speech synthesis, speech recognition, natural language processing, and develop speech recognition, speech synthesis and natural language processing programs.
PLO 3B Evaluate theories of first and second language acquisition, and second language teaching.
PLO 3C Apply linguistic knowledge to address societal issues related to language variation and diversity, and intercultural communication.
PLO 3D Recognize the relation between language and cognition and evaluate theories of their interaction.
PLO 3E Identify phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic changes in the history of a language, discuss the contribution of social factors to language variation and change, explain the genetic and typological classification of languages, and use the comparative method to reconstruct ancestors of related languages.

PLO 4 Instill in students an appreciation for the diversity and dynamic nature of human languages and cultures in the U.S. and the world.


Marine Science, MS  

PLO 1A Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental concepts in a particular category of oceanography and marine science.
PLO 1B Be able to synthesize and integrate across all of these fields, yet achieve a depth of understanding in the student’s individual specialty or field of study.
PLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to critically analyze scientific research, whether the student’s own research, or that performed by others.
PLO 3 Pose relevant scientific hypotheses or questions that may then serve to guide thesis research.
PLO 4 Demonstrate proficiency in the design and implementation of experiments or data collection methodologies to address specific hypotheses/questions.
PLO 5 Master the skills and tools of data collection and analysis (including analytical and statistical techniques as appropriate) specific to the student’s scientific field of study.
PLO 6 Demonstrate the ability to place one’s own research within the larger context of relevant field of scientific study and to clearly identify the implications of this research for that field.
PLO 7 Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication by being able to present research clearly and concisely. This includes thoughtful and thorough oral and written presentation of their thesis and their responses to questions.

Mass Communications, MS  

PLO 1 Demonstrate knowledge of the diversity of groups in a global society in relationship to communications.
PLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to think critically, creatively and independently.
PLO 3 Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences, and purposes they serve.
PLO 4 Demonstrate the ability to use tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they work.

Materials Engineering, MS  

PLO 1 Are able to solve complex engineering problems and tasks, and use engineering, science and statistics principles to justify recommendations.
PLO 2 Are able to evaluate the impact of their work on society, including ethical, economic, global and environmental aspects.
PLO 3 Can deliver effective presentations of engineering results in written and oral formats.
PLO 4 Have life-long learning skills and are able to apply their engineering knowledge to critically evaluate relevant literature and new technologies or systems.
PLO 5 Are effective leaders, capable of working in diverse environments.
PLO 6 Are able to apply their engineering education to a variety of career paths.

Mathematics, MA  

PLO 1 The student will be able to demonstrate a general knowledge of mathematics consistent with the graduate level sequences.
PLO 2 The student will be able to evaluate and synthesize research articles in their subfield of mathematics.
PLO 3 The student will be able to communicate both orally and in writing in their sub-field of mathematics.

Mathematics, MS  

PLO 1 The student will communicate mathematical ideas effectively.
PLO 2 The student will use computation to solve complex mathematical problems.
PLO 3 The student will use mathematical modeling on real world problems.

Mechanical Engineering, MS  

PLO 1 A strong foundation beyond the undergraduate level in their chosen focus area as well as in mathematics, basic science and engineering fundamentals, to successfully compete for technical engineering positions in the local, national and global engineering market, advance in their current position or pursue doctoral studies.
PLO 2 Professional and lifelong learning skills to be able to apply and extend theory to solve practical contemporary engineering problems.
PLO 3 The expertise necessary to design mechanical engineering systems with possible specialization in areas such as energy systems, electronics cooling, electronics packaging & reliability, finite element analysis & CAD, mechatronics & MEMS, product design, robotics, automation & manufacturing.
PLO 4 Strong verbal and written communication skills, including the ability to read, write and comprehend technical documents.
PLO 5 Ability to think and work independently to perform design and in-depth analysis in solving open-ended mechanical engineering problems.

Medical Product Development Management, MS  

PLO 1 Students will demonstrate the ability to write a cited, research review paper or design an independent research project that addresses an issue in clinical research / clinical trials.
PLO 2 Students will demonstrate knowledge of the clinical trial skills and Good Clinical Practices (GCP) relevant to safely and effectively conduct clinical research in human participants
PLO 3 Students will demonstrate proficiency in scientific writing skills by effectively writing an advanced research paper
PLO 4 Students will exhibit proficiency in oral presentation skills by effectively presenting project outcome or experience.
PLO 5 Students will demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and decision-making skills by effectively conducting a capstone / culminating 

Meteorology, MS  

PLO 1 Be able to conduct an independent research project, and communicate the results in written and oral form in acceptable professional formats.
PLO 2 Be able to explain meteorological phenomena in terms of advanced physical and dynamic concepts.
PLO 3 Understand and be able to apply advanced numerical methods to solve atmospheric and climate science problems.

Music, MM  

PLO 1 Perform, compose, conduct, or research at a professionally competent level, to be assessed in the final recital or project.
PLO 2 Have an increased breadth of knowledge and skills beyond the undergraduate level in the foundational areas of music theory and history and in other areas related to their music concentration, assessed with final projects in 201, 202, 203 and the WCE for music theory and history.
PLO 3 Identify and use standard digital and paper research tools in music and produce a comprehensive bibliography that shows their ability to utilize standard scholarly tools relevant to their concentration area according to standards set in a research and bibliographic rubric, to be assessed in final projects for 200 and WCE.
PLO 4 Produce an independent creative or scholarly product that demonstrates technical proficiency in their concentration area and effective artistic and intellectual judgments, assessed in final projects for 203, 201, 200, 202, WCE, and in-class participation.

Music Education, MA  

PLO 1 Perform, compose, conduct, or research at a professionally competent level, to be assessed in the final recital or project.
PLO 2 Have an increased breadth of knowledge and skills beyond the undergraduate level in the foundational areas of music theory and history and in other areas related to their music concentration.
PLO 3 Identify and use standard digital and paper research tools in music and produce a comprehensive bibliography that shows their ability to utilize standard scholarly tools relevant to their concentration area according to standards set in a research and bibliographic rubric.
PLO 4 Produce an independent creative or scholarly product that demonstrates technical proficiency in their concentration area and effective artistic and intellectual judgments.


Nursing, MS  (Concentration in Family Nurse Practitioner )

PLO 1 Apply critical thinking and ethical decision-making including the use of the nursing and research processes.
PLO 2 Provide theory and research-based culturally competent, safe therapeutic nursing interventions for clients in advanced nursing practice.
PLO 3 Employ advanced interpersonal skills in professional relationships with clients, families/caregivers, and multidisciplinary health care team members.
PLO 4 Support health promotion and disease prevention activities in developing and monitoring holistic plans of care for well and at-risk clients, considering access, quality and cost.
PLO 5 Demonstrate the collaborative and leadership skills required in advanced nursing practice within a multidisciplinary and multicultural (community) health care context.
PLO 6 Plan, implement, and evaluate advanced nursing practice that promotes and preserves health and healthy lifestyles of individual clients and aggregates.
PLO 7 Plan, implement, and evaluate advanced therapeutic nursing practice in a rapidly changing, multicultural health care environment.
PLO 8 Implement care management, including but not limited to case management, resource management, advocacy, and outcome evaluation.
PLO 9 Employ information technology in advanced nursing practice to evaluate and improve health care delivery and outcomes.
PLO 10 Actualize the advanced nursing practice role by incorporating professional standards, ethical guidelines, legal mandates, and professional activities.

Nursing Practice, DNP  

Advanced Nursing Practice

PLO 1 Conduct a comprehensive and systematic assessment of health and illness parameters in complex situations, incorporating diverse and culturally sensitive approaches.
PLO 2 Design, implement, and evaluate therapeutic interventions based on nursing science and other sciences.
PLO 3 Develop and sustain therapeutic relationships and partnerships with patients (individual, family or group) and other professionals to facilitate optimal care and patient outcomes.
PLO 4 Demonstrate advanced levels of clinical judgment, systems thinking, and accountability in designing, delivering, and evaluating evidence-based care to improve patient outcomes.
PLO 5 Guide, mentor, and support other nurses to achieve excellence in nursing practice.
PLO 6 Educate and guide individuals and groups through complex health and situational transitions.
PLO 7 Use conceptual and analytical skills in evaluating the links practice, organizational, population, fiscal, & policy issues.

Clinical Prevention & Population Health

PLO 1 Analyze epidemiological, biostatistical, environmental, and other appropriate scientific data related to individual, aggregate, and population health.
PLO 2 Synthesize concepts, including psychosocial dimensions and cultural diversity, related to clinical prevention and population health in developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to address health promotion/disease prevention efforts, improve health status/access patterns, and/or address gaps in care of individuals, aggregates, or populations.
PLO 3 Evaluate care delivery models and/or strategies using concepts related to community, environmental and occupational health, and cultural and socioeconomic dimensions of health.

Clinical Scholarship 

PLO 1 Use analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to determine and implement the best evidence for practice.
PLO 2 Design and implement processes to evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care within a practice setting, health care organization, or community against national benchmarks to determine variances in practice outcomes and population trends.
PLO 3 Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.
PLO 4 Apply relevant findings to develop practice guidelines and improve practice and the practice environment.
PLO 5.1 Use information technology and research methods appropriately to collect appropriate and accurate data to generate evidence for nursing practice.
PLO 5.2 Use information technology and research methods appropriately to inform and guide the design of databases that generate meaningful evidence for nursing practice.
PLO 5.3 Use information technology and research methods appropriately to analyze data from practice.
PLO 5.4 Use information technology and research methods appropriately to design evidence-based interventions.
PLO 5.5 Use information technology and research methods appropriately to predict and analyze outcomes.
PLO 5.6 Use information technology and research methods appropriately to examine patterns of behavior and outcomes.
PLO 5.7 Use information technology and research methods appropriately to identify gaps in evidence for practice.
PLO 6 Function as a practice specialist/consultant in collaborative knowledge-generating research.
PLO 7 Disseminate findings from evidence-based practice and research to improve healthcare outcomes.

Healthcare Policy

PLO 1 Critically analyze health policy proposals, health policies, and related issues from the perspective of consumers, nursing, other health professions, and other stakeholders in policy and public forums.
PLO 2 Demonstrate leadership in the development and implementation of institutional, local, state, federal, and/or international health policy.
PLO 3 Influence policy makers through active participation on committees, boards, or task forces at the institutional, local, state, regional, national, and/or international levels to improve health care delivery and outcomes.
PLO 4 Educate others, including policy makers at all levels, regarding nursing, health policy, and patient care outcomes.
PLO 5 Advocate for the nursing profession within the policy and healthcare communities.
PLO 6 Develop, evaluate, and provide leadership for health care policy that shapes health care financing, regulation, and delivery.
PLO 7 Advocate for social justice, equity, and ethical policies within all healthcare arenas.

Interprofessional Collaboration

PLO 1 Employ effective communication and collaborative skills in the development and implementation of practice models, peer review, practice guidelines, health policy, standards of care, and/or other scholarly products.
PLO 2 Lead interprofessional teams in the analysis of complex practice and organizational issues.
PLO 3 Employ consultative and leadership skills with intraprofessional and interprofessional teams to create change in health care and complex healthcare delivery systems.

Organizational & Systems Leadership

PLO 1 Develop and evaluate care delivery approaches that meet current and future needs of patient populations based on scientific findings in nursing and other clinical sciences, as well as organizational, political, and economic sciences.
PLO 2.1 Use advanced communication skills/processes to lead quality improvement and patient safety initiatives in health care.
PLO 2.2 Employ principles of business, finance, economics, and health policy to develop and implement effective plans for practice-level and/or system-wide practice initiatives that will improve the quality of care delivery.
PLO 2.3 Develop and/or monitor budgets for practice initiatives.
PLO 2.4 Analyze the cost-effectiveness of practice initiatives accounting for risk and improvement of health care outcomes.
PLO 2.5 Demonstrate sensitivity to diverse organizational cultures and populations, including patients and providers.
PLO 3 Develop and/or evaluate effective strategies for managing the ethical dilemmas inherent in patient care, the health care organization, and research.

Patient Care Technology

PLO 1 Use analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to determine and implement the best evidence for practice.
PLO 2 Analyze and communicate critical elements necessary to the selection, use and evaluation of health care information systems and patient care technology.
PLO 3 Demonstrate the conceptual ability and technical skills to develop and execute an evaluation plan involving data extraction from practice information systems and databases.
PLO 4 Provide leadership in the evaluation and resolution of ethical and legal issues within healthcare systems relating to the use of information, information technology, communication networks, and patient care technology.
PLO 5 Evaluate consumer health information sources for accuracy, timeliness, and appropriateness.

Scientific Underpinnings

PLO 1 Integrate nursing science with knowledge from ethics, the biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, and organizational sciences as the basis for the highest level of nursing practice.
PLO 2.1 Use science-based theories and concepts to determine the nature and significance of health and health care delivery phenomena.
PLO 2.2 Use science-based theories and concepts to describe the actions and advanced strategies to enhance, alleviate.
PLO 2.3 Use science-based theories and concepts to ameliorate health and health care delivery phenomena as appropriate.
PLO 2.4 Use science-based theories and concepts to evaluate outcomes.
PLO 3 Develop and evaluate new practice approaches based on nursing theories and theories from other disciplines.

Nutritional Science, MS  

PLO 1 To demonstrate advanced competency in professional writing and oral communication of the essential theories, scientific applications, and/or ethical considerations related to the profession.
PLO 2 To identify and articulate social and cultural issues related to nutrition/packaging for various populations.
PLO 3 To analyze and critique published research, and design and conduct research studies using the scientific method.


Occupational Therapy, MS  

PLO 1 Be educated as a generalist with a broad exposure to the delivery models and systems used in settings where occupational therapy is currently practiced and where it is emerging as a service.
PLO 2 Achieve entry level competence.
PLO 3 Articulate and apply occupational therapy theory, models of practice, clinical reasoning to evidence-based evaluations and interventions to achieve expected outcomes.
PLO 4 Uphold the ethical standards, values, and attitudes of the occupational therapy profession.
PLO 5 Be a competent and critical consumer of research and knowledge that supports practice.
PLO 6 Understand and value the occupational core of the profession.
PLO 7 Identify the social, political, economic and cultural issues in a diverse society that impact the ability of individuals, communities and populations (clients) to participate in meaningful occupations.
PLO 8 Advocate for individuals, communities and populations (clients) and actively promote occupational therapy.
PLO 9 Demonstrate professional and leadership behaviors.
PLO 10 Be prepared to make a positive impact on occupational pursuits for the health and well-being of society.
PLO 11 Be self-directed, life-long learners.


Philosophy, MA  

PLO 1 Be able to identify, understand and critically discuss, both orally and in a sustained major written essay, and in a written exam taken without the benefit of notes, major figures and ideas in various historical periods and in various traditions from around the world. Identify and discuss, both orally and in a sustained major written essay, core areas of Philosophy.
PLO 2 Have high level skills in communication, critical inquiry and the ability to collect and evaluate information successfully, and to use all of these skills in their own original research.
PLO 3 Have an understanding of the demands of responsible citizenship and an understanding of how to make and defend ethical choices.
PLO 4 Understand the ways in which culture, race, ethnicity, gender, economic class, sexual orientation, and national membership influence perceptions about reality, knowledge and value.
PLO 5 Be able to teach and assess all these skills and competencies at the lower division undergraduate level.

Physics, MS  

PLO 1 Students will be able to formulate specific research questions, design and perform experiments and research that address these questions.
PLO 2 Students will demonstrate a deep understanding of physics concepts by applying those concepts to research in physics.
PLO 3 Students will be able to apply laboratory, modeling, computational and/or data analysis skills to their physics research.
PLO 4 Students will be able to communicate scientific content and thinking effectively as evidenced by productive collaboration with peers, well-reasoned professionally formatted written research papers and visual and oral presentations of research topics.
PLO 5 Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how work in physics influences technology, society and culture.

Physics, MS (Concentrations in Computational Physics  and Modern Optics 

PLO 1 Students know basic physics principles.
PLO 2 Students can effectively communicate with the physics community through scientific journals, poster presentations, and scientific talks.
PLO 3 Students are prepared for careers in science, industry and education.

Psychology, Clinical Psychology Concentration, MS  

PLO 1A Students will demonstrate breadth of knowledge of a variety of psychotherapy theories and in-depth knowledge of one chosen theory of intervention.
PLO 1B Students will demonstrate knowledge of empirically supported clinical interventions and evidence ability to select treatments for individual clients given this literature.
PLO 2A Students will demonstrate effective integration and communication of clinical case material.
PLO 2B Students will demonstrate the ability to synthesize contextual and cultural variables into presentations of client materials.
PLO 2C Students will effectively respond to queries about clinical material and engage in discussions about their clients with supervisors and peers.
PLO 2D Students will be able to think and discuss cases other than their own, applying theories, principles, and relevant empirical findings to those cases.
PLO 3 Students will demonstrate understanding of different assessment devices and strategies for assessing client outcome over the course of treatment including standardized nomothetic and idiographic approaches.
PLO 4 Students will demonstrate depth and breadth of understanding in areas including, but not limited to, psychotherapy theory, service delivery, ethics, assessment, research methods, family therapy, cultural diversity, psychopharmacology, and issues relevant to adult and child clinical populations. Students will be able to apply this knowledge to clinical cases.
PLO 5 Students will demonstrate fulfillment of coursework and other pre-degree licensing requirements outlined by the Board of Behavioral Sciences.

Psychology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology Concentration, MS  

PLO 1A Students will learn core psychological competencies including: History of I/O Psychology and its integration into the broader discipline and Related fields of psychology (i.e. social psychology, personality psychology, psychometrics, motivation, learning theory).
PLO 1B Students will learn core I/O competencies including: Ethical, legal and professional issues, Measurement of individual differences, Criterion theory and development, Job and task analysis, Employee selection, Performance appraisal and feedback, Training and development, Work motivation, Attitude theory, Organization theory, and Organizational development.
PLO 1C Students will learn data collection and analysis skills including: Research methods (i.e. methods, procedures, and techniques used to conduct empirical research in I/O psychology) and Statistical methods (i.e. techniques used in the analysis of data generated by empirical research).
PLO 2 Students will perform professional activities related to I/O Psychology including, but not limited to: Administering employee surveys, Evaluating organizational interventions, Conducting job analyses, Creating selection tests, and Developing performance management systems.

Psychology, Research and Experimental Psychology Concentration, MA  

PLO 1 Students completing the MA in Psychology program will be able to demonstrate advanced knowledge of the major theoretical perspectives and research methods across areas of experimental psychology (i.e., Developmental, Social, Cognitive, and Physiological).
PLO 2 Graduates of our program will possess an advanced level of competence in research methods, statistical techniques, and technical writing skills.
PLO 3 Students completing the MA in Psychology program will achieve career enhancement through placement in a doctoral program or acceptance of a position requiring a master’s in psychology in the public or private sector.

Public Administration, MPA  

PLO 1A Lead and manage in public governance - Apply the project management approach to public management models.
PLO 1B Lead and manage in public governance - Manage projects.
PLO 1B Lead and manage in public governance - Understand the relationships between public policy, whether proposed or enacted, and leadership and management in implementation.

PLO 2A Participate in and contribute to the public policy process - Apply techniques for program evaluation and policy analysis.
PLO 2B Participate in and contribute to the public policy process - Describe and execute the policy making process, including defining the problem, setting the agenda, formulate policy, implement policy and evaluate policy.
PLO 2C Participate in and contribute to the public policy process - Prepare a budget reflecting policy priorities.

PLO 3A Analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions - Employ analytical tools for collecting, analyzing, presenting and interpreting data, including appropriate statistical concepts and techniques.
PLO 3B Analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions - Identify and employ alternative sources of funding, including grants, taxes and fees.
PLO 3C Analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions - Understand and apply the legal context of public affairs, administration and policy.

PLO 4A Articulate and apply a public service perspective - Behave ethically and with integrity: tell the truth, keep confidences, admit mistakes.
PLO 4B Articulate and apply a public service perspective - Understand and apply criteria appropriate to public affairs, administration and policy.
PLO 4C Articulate and apply a public service perspective Maintain privacy and security of documents and understand Big Data challenges.

PLO 5A Communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry - Communicate effectively in writing: prepares clear, concise and well-organized written materials tailored to the audience’s level of expertise and needs.
PLO 5B Communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry - Communicate effectively in speech: presents oral information accurately, clearly, concisely persuasively tailored level of expertise and needs.
PLO 5C Communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry - Work productively in teams.

Public Health, MPH  

PLO 1 Apply quantitative and qualitative forms of analysis to emerging trends, priorities, and assets in order to predict future individual, community, and population health needs and opportunities, taking into account public health’s historical foundations and current evidence base, and to communicate the implications for health promotion policy and practice.
PLO 2 Apply concepts and theories of behavior, education, systems, complexity, communication, and ecological frameworks to design, plan, implement, evaluate, and disseminate health education and health promotion interventions and policy in accordance with public health objectives, community needs, and organizational and community goals.
PLO 3 Provide technical assistance and act as a health education resource across a broad range of settings to promote community health through community building and organizing with identified stakeholders, including community members, consumers, health practitioners and health care providers, policy and decision-makers.
PLO 4 Apply principles and skills of leadership and management to human, fiscal, capital, and social resources when administering health education strategies, interventions, and programs.
PLO 5 Apply the principles and skills of effective inclusive and multicultural practice when engaging with individuals, groups, organizations, and communities from diverse cultures and backgrounds.
PLO 6 Apply policy analysis methods and develop an advocacy strategy to advance public health policy.
PLO 7 Advance public health practice and the health education profession by drawing upon historical and contemporary contributions of the field and applying principles of social justice.
PLO 8 Adhere to standards for ethical practice and research based on their personal values and mission statements, institutional mandates, and the Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession, in order to apply them to fields of public health and community health education.


Science Education, MA  

PLO 1A Students will be able to synthesize primary literature from science education research and apply how it fits to their project.
PLO 1B Students will demonstrate knowledge of at least two areas (e.g. inquiry based instruction, learning theory, assessment) that are related to, or supportive of research for their project.
PLO 2A Students will present science and science education content in the form of graduate seminars or in the oral defense of their project (also known as the culminating experience).
PLO 2B Students will organize and write the results of their project in a manner consistent with standards in professional science education publications.

Social Work, MSW  

PLO 1 Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior.
PLO 2 Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice.
PLO 3 Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice.
PLO 4 Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice.
PLO 5 Engage in Policy Practice.
PLO 6 Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
PLO 7 Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
PLO 8 Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
PLO 9 Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

Sociology, MA (Not Accepting Students)  

PLO 1 Identify and describe current social issues and social problems in their cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts, and formulate potential solutions to them, using relevant sociological literature.
PLO 2 Explain, and evaluate the ways in which sociological theories and methods are used outside of academic settings in the practice of sociology and the production of positive social change.
PLO 3 Use social theory to critically interpret and evaluate both published social scientific research and social policies and programs.
PLO 4 Produce research (qualitative, quantitative, and/or evaluative) using theory-driven research questions and understand the ethical issues involved with various methodological approaches.
PLO 5 Employ oral, written, and other technologically driven mediums to communicate and present sociological knowledge.
PLO 6 Demonstrate expertise in a select subfield of sociology.

Software Engineering, MS  

PLO 1 Be able to demonstrate an understanding of advanced knowledge of the practice of software engineering, from vision to analysis, design, validation and deployment.
PLO 2 Be able to tackle complex engineering problems and tasks, using contemporary engineering principles, methodologies and tools.
PLO 3 Be able to demonstrate leadership and the ability to participate in teamwork in an environment with different disciplines of engineering, science and business.
PLO 4 Be aware of ethical, economic and environmental implications of their work, as appropriate.
PLO 5 Be able to advance successfully in the engineering profession, and sustain a process of life-long learning in engineer or other professional areas.
PLO 6 Be able to communicate effectively, in both oral and written forms.

Spanish, MA  

PLO 1 Ability to understand the historical development of the Spanish language in its external (history, culture) and internal development (morphology, syntax and semantics).
PLO 2 Knowledge of and familiarity with the linguistic variation of Spanish and its main dialects, including phonology, geographical variation, social dialects, and registers.
PLO 3 Knowledge of the literatures and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world (Spain, Spanish America and the Hispanic U.S.) and relevant literary and cultural criticism.
PLO 4 Ability to write and present orally in a scholarly fashion.

Statistics, MS  

PLO 1 The student will communicate statistical ideas effectively.
PLO 2 The student will use technology effectively to assist in solving large statistical problems.
PLO 3 The student will use statistical modeling to solve practical problems.


Taxation, MS  

PLO 1 To identify, understand and resolve complex and multijurisdictional tax issues within the context of our global economy and society.
PLO 2 To learn and acquire research skills for exploring both familiar and novel areas of the tax law and to communicate the findings using clear terms.
PLO 3 To develop conceptual and critical analytic skills with real world applications.
PLO 4 To appreciate tax policy issues and foundations of the tax law.
PLO 5 To understand the ethical implications of tax practice.
PLO 6 To develop skills for effective tax practice including keeping current, interacting with others, and career advancement.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), MA  

PLO 1A Students will analyze language as a system consisting of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, lexis, pragmatics, and discourse and articulate the relationships between the various intrasentential levels and features of English structure.
PLO 1B Students will correlate the knowledge and analytical skills in objective 1A with the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking with sufficient precision to teach and assess proficiency in English as a non-native language.

PLO 2A Students will demonstrate an understanding of the role of pragmatic knowledge and knowledge of text structure in the comprehension, production, and acquisition of a second language.
PLO 2B Students will demonstrate an understanding of the intersection between culture, language, language learning and teaching, and language use with particular reference to English as a global language.
PLO 2C Students will apply theoretical knowledge of second language acquisition in second language learning/acquisition contexts.

PLO 3A Students will identify the instructional strategies that go with the established teaching methods and apply them to various language learning and teaching situations.
PLO 3B Students will critically evaluate the teaching of actual ESL classes with regard to teaching strategies and activities and with regard to goals 1 and 2.
PLO 3C Students will demonstrate an understanding of the theory and practice of needs analysis, curriculum design, and assessment techniques.
PLO 3D Students will develop ESL curriculum for diverse target groups, design supplementary materials for use with particular instructional strategies, and develop language tests and assessment instruments by synthesizing the objectives of goals 1 and 2 and the teaching strategies in objective 3A.

PLO 4A Students will critically examine concepts such as race, ethnicity, identity, and culture and their relationship to language teaching and learning in the context of a globalized world.
PLO 4B Students will design syllabi that create classroom and program environments that foster global cultural consciousness.

PLO 5A Students will complete a one-semester supervised practicum in which they plan lessons and teach English to an actual ESL class.
PLO 5B Students will carry out independent research.
PLO 5C Students will effectively write and present for professional audiences.

Transportation Management, MS  

PLO 1 Transportation Systems and Society - ​Develop a systems-savvy and global perspective on solving transportation management challenges.
a. Develop systems-savvy solutions to transportation management challenges.
b. Develop globally-aware solutions to transportation management challenges.

PLO 2 Transportation Policy - Develop solutions to transportation management challenges that integrate knowledge of the transportation policy environment.
a. Analyze policy problems to identify the relevant legislative and administrative structures that guide the decision.
b. Analyze a transportation management scenario to identify the appropriate roles for different government entities, as well as for political, private sector, and/or nonprofit actors.
c. Analyze transportation tax or fee proposals to determine if and how they contribute to achieving transportation system performance objectives and broad social policy goals.

PLO 3 Leadership - Identify and analyze leadership styles and traits.
a. Articulate one’s own leadership capacity based on an examination of personal leadership style, skills, and preferences.

PLO 4 Communications - Communicate effectively with a diverse workforce and citizenry.
a. Prepare written materials that are clear, grammatically correct and free of typos, and tailored to the audience’s needs and level of expertise.
b. Deliver oral presentations that are clear, concise, and tailored to the audience’s needs and level of expertise.

PLO 5 Analytical Skills -  Identify and evaluate transportation management issues using appropriate data and methods.
a. Collect, analyze, and synthesize information from multiple sources using appropriate data and methods.


Urban Planning, MUP  

PLO 1 Conceptualize planning problems from complex, real-world situations so that the problems are meaningful to clients, and are research-worthy.
PLO 2 Communicate effectively.
PLO 3 Work effectively as team members and leaders of planning teams, and to apply an understanding of interpersonal and group dynamics to assure effective group action.
PLO 4 Analyze and synthesize planning knowledge and apply it to address actual planning problems.
PLO 5 Develop planning strategies to advance community priorities through collaborative engagement with stakeholders, and do so in a manner that deliberately incorporates multicultural and historical perspectives.