Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • HUM 177A - Advanced Honors in Integrated Science, Social Science, and Humanities

    6 units
    SJSU Studies Honors cultivates scientific study of the physical universe and life forms, explores individuals and groups in the USA regarding diversity, equality, and institutional inequalities and practices, and develops appreciation for human cultures and their diverse development globally over time.

    Lecture 3 hours/Seminar 3 hours

    Satisfies SJSU Studies R+S+V: Earth & Environment + Self, Society & Equality in the U.S. + Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding with completion of HUM 177A/HUM 177B sequence (C or better).

    Prerequisite(s): All-college GPA of 3.0 or higher AND one of the following: WST score of 7 or higher, or completion of the WST Directed Self Placement online exercise. 
    Pre/Corequisite(s): 100W pre- or corequisite strongly recommended. 
    Grading: Graded

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  • HUM 177B - Advanced Honors in Integrated Science, Social Science, and Humanities

    3 units
    SJSU Studies Honors cultivates scientific study of the physical universe and life form, explores individuals and groups in the USA regarding diversity, equality, and institutional inequalities and practices, and develops appreciation for human cultures and their diverse development globally over time.

    Lecture 1.5 hours/Lecture 1.5 hours

    Satisfies SJSU Studies R+S+V: Earth & Environment + Self, Society & Equality in the U.S. + Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding with completion of HUM 177A/HUM 177B sequence (C or better).

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of HUM 177A  with C or better.
    Grading: Graded

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  • HUM 179 - American Popular Culture

    3 units
    Music, sports, fashion, popular literature, television and other arts and activities that are main forms of influence, entertainment and escape. Expressions of American attitudes and ideas as important influences upon evolving culture and consciousness.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper-division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with AMS 179 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 183C - Art of Islam 13th-19th Century

    3 units
    This course will focus on the varied Islamic art and architecture from the 13th century to the 19th century; from Mongols through the Ottomans.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ARTH 183C  / MDES 183C . Art and Art History is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 190 - Senior Seminar in Humanities

    3 units
    Readings, discussions and individual research projects relating to an interdisciplinary theme selected by the instructor.

    Pre/Corequisite(s): Upper-division Standing, Passage of WST. Any 100W class.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with AMS 190  / RELS 190 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HUM 191 - Religion in America

    3 units
    History of social and intellectual influence of religious groups, stressing their African-, Asian-, European-, Latin- and Native-American roots. Highlights contact between groups, immigration, religious diversity and syncretism.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies S: Self, Society & Equality in US.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education, and upper-division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper-division standing.

    Cross-listed with RELS 191 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HUM 192 - International Program Studies

    1-6 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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Humanities & the Arts

  • HA 157SL - Community Action/Community Service

    3 units
    A campus-wide service learning program with opportunities for direct involvement with local community services, both off campus and on campus. Weekly seminars held on campus or at the field site, plus four to six hours of community service work per week at the field site.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies S: Self, Society & Equality in US

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A   with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

    Cross-listed with COMM 157SL  / EDUC 157SL  / ENGR 157SL  / SCI 157SL . Communication Studies is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HA 187 - Creative Team Practicum

    3 units
    Collaborative hands-on practical application of concepts and skills for written and visual communications solutions in a fast-paced client-driven environment supported by an interdisciplinary team of instructors of technical writing, graphic design, videography and photography. Enrollment requirements are based on section topic.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Grading: Graded

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Industrial and Systems Engineering

  • ISE 102 - Engineering Economic Systems

    3 units
    Systems analysis applied to economic decisions in engineering; comparison of alternatives based on cost breakdown structure and time value of money; system life-cycle process; life-cycle economic concepts, costing methodology and applications.

    Corequisite(s): MATH 31  or MATH 31X , and ENGR 10 . Or equivalents.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 103 - Life Cycle Engineering

    3 units
    Life cycle analysis of products focused on the contexts of reducing energy and the carbon footprint. Methods to analyze and evaluate the environmental impacts of engineering activities. Interdisciplinary case studies and projects related to life cycle engineering. 

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 105 - Introduction to Systems Engineering and Activity Costing

    3 units
    Techniques for integrating engineering problem solving methods with systems theory including principles of problem identification, description, modeling, solution and implementation; applying traditional and activity based cost systems to assist engineers in decision making process through the product life cycle. 

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 31  or MATH 31X . Allowed Declared Majors: Any Engineering.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 110 - Manufacturing Processes

    3 units
    Fundamentals of manufacturing processes such as machining, forming, casting, molding and welding. Surface treatments, powder-based processes, and microfabrication methods. Materials behavior and selection for manufacturing. Geometric dimensions and tolerancing.

    Prerequisite(s): ME 20  with a grade of “C-” or better.
    Pre/Corequisite(s): MATE 25 .
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ME 110 . Mechanical Engineering is responsible for scheduling.

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  • ISE 112 - Occupational Health Engineering

    3 units
    Legislative framework and historical perspective of work-related injuries and diseases: prevention assessments, legal and regulatory issues surrounding solutions to occupational health problems, principles of industrial hygiene and program management.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing in engineering.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 114 - Safety Engineering

    3 units
    Hazards, accident prevention and engineering approaches to the design of equipment, facilities and processes. Provides familiarity with system safety, system evaluation and evaluation of alternative countermeasures. Latest safety regulations and agencies responsible for their enforcement.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 115 - Lean Integrated Manufacturing

    3 units
    Analyze, design and integrate manufacturing processes including application of Group Technology, CAM, automated material handling, and flexible automation within lean manufacturing environment. Manage automation in support of a lean enterprise improvement program based upon the Toyota Production System paradigm.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 2 hours/lab 3 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 120 , CMPE 30  or equivalent, Engineering majors only.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 120 - Work Methods Design and Measurement

    3 units
    Design of efficient and effective work processes; includes process management, methods analysis and improvement and work measurement.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 2 hours/Lab 3

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 32 . Allowed Declared Majors: Any Engineering.
    Corequisite(s): ISE 130 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 130 - Engineering Probability and Statistics

    3 units
    Probability theory, graphical displays of data, graphical methods of comparisons of samples and hypotheses testing. Statistical estimation and inference. Uses graphical statistical packages.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 32  or MATH 32X  or MATH 71  or MATH 71X . Allowed Declared Majors: Any Engineering and graduate students
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 131 - Statistical Process Control and Improvement

    3 units
    Statistical computations, sampling procedures, development and use of control charts and utilization of computerized statistical packages. Design of statistical quality control systems. The seven tools of quality; process capability studies.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 130  (with a grade “C-” or better) or equivalent. Allowed Declared Majors: Any Engineering.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 135 - Design of Experiments

    3 units
    Tests of composite hypotheses, analysis of variance, statistical decision theory, sampling procedures, design and implementation of statistical process control systems, response surface experimental design, Taguchi experimental design, system reliability, utilization of computerized statistical packages.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 130  (with grade of “C-” or better) or equivalent. Allowed Declared Majors: Any Engineering.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 142 - Service Systems Engineering and Management

    3 units
    Operational productivity, operational quality strategy and information technology applications in the service sector through the use of tools, techniques and case studies. Contrasts manufacturing and service sector issues related to supply chain, process quality, information systems and other topics.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 151 - Introduction to Engineering Management

    3 units
    Broad overview of engineering management theory and practice including: management’s roles, responsibilities, skills, strategy and planning; management systems, human resource management, problem solving and decision-making; engineering ethics.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 155 - Supply Chain Engineering

    3 units
    A comprehensive coverage of supply chain topics; real world applications including logistics, inventory management, risk pooling, value of information, strategic alliance, procurement and outsourcing strategies, information technology, coordinated product and supply chain design, customer value, decision, support systems.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 140 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 160 - Healthcare Delivery Systems

    3 units
    Overview and analysis of health care delivery systems in the US with emphasis on the assessment, analysis, and improvement of operational quality, efficiency, and effectiveness. Impact on primary components of health care systems: facilities, approaches to care and treatment modalities, and personnel. Quantitative and qualitative techniques and applications to improve health care systems; performance measures used to evaluate access and quality of care. Impact of healthcare policies, laws, economics, and current US health care culture on organizational performance and patient outcomes.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 161 - Medical Errors Reduction and Patients Safety Engineering

    3 units
    Standardization of national reporting of medical errors; patient safety and high risks processes performance analysis; Safety improvements utilizing human factors techniques; information technology applications to reduce medication errors and improve patient safety; structured teams and systems to reduce clinical errors.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 162 - Engineering Statistics and Analysis

    2 units
    Topics will include error analysis, probability, statistics including hypothesis testing, confidence limits and control variables, design of experiments and statistical process control as they are utilized in the chemical, materials and process engineering industries.

    Lecture 1 hours/Lab 3 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 33A  
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with CHE 162 . Chemical Engineering is responsible for scheduling.

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  • ISE 163 - Healthcare Information Systems

    3 units
    Current and emerging use of clinical information, electronic medical records and clinical information systems. Healthcare enterprise architecture. Pre-built automation models of unified patients records. Automated decision support. Integrated interfaces, interoperable record exchange, and meta knowledge integration. Security of healthcare information.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 164 - Computer and Human Interaction

    3 units
    Introduction to human/computer interaction, paradigms for interaction, human performance capabilities, computer input/output device analysis and design, pattern recognition 3D audio, 3D visualization, application to virtual reality and multimedia.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 166 - Healthcare Financial Engineering Management

    3 units
    Healthcare activity costing and life-cycle, methodologies of modeling financial decisions, dynamic pricing techniques, and integrated financial analysis that spans clinical, access, and revenue functions. Financial risks assessment using statistical and stochastic methods as applied to pricing of alternative providers’ settings.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 167 - System Simulation

    3 units
    Introduction to simulation. Monte Carlo techniques. Design and use of discrete-event computer simulation modeling techniques; theoretical and practical treatment of input to models; model validation methods and output analysis. Synchronized sampling, model comparisons.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 2 hours/lab 3 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): CMPE 30  or equivalent; ISE 130  (with grade of “C-” or better). Allowed Declared Majors: Any Engineering and graduate students.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 170 - Operation Research

    3 units
    Development and application of mathematical models to industrial problems. Linear programming, network analysis, Markov models, game theory, queuing theory and decision analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 130  (with grade of “C-” or better). Allowed Declared Majors: Any Engineering.
    Pre/Corequisite(s): MATH 33LA .
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 180 - Individual Studies

    1-3 units
    Individual work on special topics by arrangement.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing and instructor consent. Not available to Open University Students.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • ISE 192 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • ISE 195A - Senior Industrial Engineering Design I

    1 units
    Individual or group design projects. Proposal preparation with plans and specifications. Oral and written reports. Professional seminars. global and social issues in engineering.

    Misc/Lab: Lab 3 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 105 ISE 120 ENGR 100W , major form on file and good standing in the major.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 195B - Senior Industrial Engineering Design II

    3 units
    Design of industrial system: Quality function deployment, technology trends, financial analysis, functional specifications, process design, production capability, quality management, manufacturing resource planning, equipment requirements, human resource management, MIS, facility design, and project management. Integrated global and social issues in engineering.

    Misc/Lab: Lab 9 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 140  and ISE 195A  (with grade of “C” or better). ISE majors only.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 197 - Cooperative Education Project

    3 units
    Part or full-time on-site paid work experience based on a pre-approved project assignment in area of student’s career objective. Oral presentations, written final report and evaluation by project supervisor. Approved technical elective.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with AVIA 197  / CHE 197  / CMPE 197  / EE 197  / ENGR 197  / MATE 197  / ME 197  / TECH 197 . General Engineering is responsible for scheduling.

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  • ISE 200 - Financial Methods for Engineers

    3 units
    Systematic approach and methods for engineering decision making where economic outcomes are principal criteria. Accounting analysis and decision making topics that aid in understanding the relationships between various functional areas of business and the decision making processes of engineering managers.

    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 201 - Math Foundations for Decision and Data Sciences

    3 units
    Linear algebra and matrix operations in statistics, optimization and artificial intelligence. Statistical concepts and techniques important for decision and data sciences, with motivation by real-world examples. Basic optimization techniques useful for statistics, classification and neural networks.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing in Engineering.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 202 - Design and Analysis of Engineering Experiments

    3 units
    Review of statistical inference and tests of hypotheses. Introduction to analysis of variance and covariance. Theory and applications of experimental designs for engineering problems. Random and systematic designs. Randomized blocks. Latin squares. Factorial and fractional factorial designs. Taguchi methods. 

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 130 .
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

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  • ISE 203 - Agile Systems Engineering

    3 units
    Exploration of Lean, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Large-Scale Scrum, and Scaled Agile Frameworks. Real examples leverage the immersion understanding of Agile. Students acquire Agile knowledge and skills that can be applied to any type of project in any industry.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 213 
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 210 - Human Factors/Ergonomics

    3 units
    Analysis and evaluation of work systems in terms of the capabilities and limitations of human participants. Person as a system component. Emphasis is on evaluation of how work affects people and how people affect the work.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 211 - Experiment Design for Human Factors Engr

    3 units
    Hypotheses testing, linear regression, analysis of variance, factorial experiments, fractional factorial designs, Construction/analysis of complete/incomplete block designs, non-parametric statistical methods including alternatives to ANOVA, multiple comparisons, power and sample size determination, and factor analysis. 

    Prerequisite(s): STAT 115  or ISE 130  or ISE 201  or equivalent (with a grade of B or better)
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 212 - Human Factors Experiments

    3 units
    Research and experimentation on specific aspects of the person as a system or in systems. Particular emphasis is placed on in-depth studies of unique human factors.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 210  or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

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  • ISE 213 - Principles of Engineering Management

    3 units
    Functions of engineering managers: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Business fundamentals for engineering managers. Engineering leadership and engineering management. Project management methods: planning, scheduling and controlling.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 214 - Enterprise Engineering

    3 units
    The body of knowledge, principles, and disciplines related to the analysis, design, implementation, and operation of all elements associated with an enterprise which is explained through a set of conceptual models and the understanding of an enterprise from engineering perspective.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 213 
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 215 - Usability Evaluation and Testing

    3 units
    Seminar is designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of usability testing methods, as applied to systems products and software-web applications. Course will address testing methods, processes and marketing justification for usability testing.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 210 
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 217 - Human Computer Interaction

    3 units
    Human performance characteristics, computational tools, and HCI applications. How to access/evaluate HCI requirements, to design HCI requirements, to assess the impact of design on performance, and to generalize the design implication to system function.

    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with CMPE 217 . Industrial and Systems Engineering is responsible for scheduling.

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  • ISE 218 - Interaction Design I

    3 units
    Theory, science and application of user experience interaction design. Latest tools and techniques. Relationship between software interaction design patterns, usability, learnability and human performance in man-machine systems.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 219 - HCI for Cyber Security

    3 units
    The course covers HCI in cyber security that include: authentication and access control, trust, user privacy and data protections, cyber security in social networking, data protection and security in healthcare , cyber security in eCommerce, mobile, computing & cloud computing, compliance and regulation, visualization tools and techniques in cyber security and privacy.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with CMPE 219  / PSYC 219 . Industrial and Systems Engineering is responsible for scheduling.

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  • ISE 220 - Interaction Design II

    3 units
    Advanced topics for design of product and service experiences focused on methods that motivate, delight and influence human behavior during engagement with applications and information in multiple media and across devices ranging from wearables to mobile and Web.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 218 
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 222 - Adv Sys Engr

    3 units
    Systems engineering and analysis concepts, methodologies, models, and tools needed to understand and implement total life-cycle approach to systems. Model Based Systems Engineering for domain-specific models.  System analysis models for economic evaluation, optimization and control. Systems design for reliability, maintainability, usability, producibility, logistics, disposability and sustainability. 

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 201  or equivalent. Allowed Declared Majors: Any Engineering.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 223 - Dec Model Sus Dev

    3 units
    Planning and decision models for resource management toward achieving economic, environmental, and social objectives in public and private organizations. Key modeling approaches include life cycle assessment, capital project evaluation, multi-criteria decision making under uncertainty, and machine learning. Exploration of business models for service economy, extended producer responsibility, and sustainable development.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 130  or equivalent
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 230 - Advanced Operations Research

    3 units
    Advanced operations research techniques and topics. Practical consideration in understanding and utilizing operations research methods. Critical analysis of case studies.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 130 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 233 - Operational Data Analysis for Industrial Systems

    3 units
    Analysis of how data can be used to improve industrial operations. IoT. Data collection, storage, and communication technologies and approaches. Maintenance, operational performance, and quality applications of operational data analysis and machine learning.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 201  and ISE 140  or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 235 - Quality Assurance and Reliability

    3 units
    Selection of adequate variables to monitor a manufacturing/service process; quality improvement through process design, vendor management, customer feedback and product development; use of statistical control charts, the Pareto principle, PDCA, process capability; design for reliability, statistical techniques for analysis of reliability and reliability growth.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 130  (or equivalent). Allowed Declared Majors: Any Engineering.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 240 - Analytics for Systems Engineering

    3 units
    Application of data analysis, predictive and prescriptive (optimization) modeling techniques to analyze, model, and optimize real-world industrial and systems engineering problems using computer programming languages.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 170  or equivalent, ISE 130  or equivalent Classified graduate standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 241 - Advanced Operations Planning and Control

    3 units
    Design, implementation and evaluation of production and service systems; manufacturing strategy, choice of processes, resources planning, production and procurement control, forecasting methods, scheduling considerations and decision-making techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 140  or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 242 - Advanced Service Systems Engineering and Management

    3 units
    Advanced studies of operational productivity, operational quality, strategy and information technology applications in the service sector through the use of tools, techniques and case studies. Current literature review of issues related to service sector productivity, quality and value.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 244 - AI Tools and Practice for Systems Engineering

    3 units
    Artificial Intelligence software tools useful for industrial and systems engineering. Emphasis on clear understanding of the mathematics behind them, what tools to use in which conditions, and how to interpret and use the results. 

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 201  (or equivalent); or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 245 - Advanced Supply Chain Engineering

    3 units
    Supply chain concepts, strategies; emphasis on analytical tools to solve supply chain problems. Fundamentals of supply chain modeling of inventory, transportation, location, facility planning problems. Information sharing, risk pooling. Mechanisms for increasing profits.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 140 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 247 - Logistics for Supply Chain

    3 units
    An exploration of logistics for entire supply chain system from inbound movement through material management to physical distribution to customers. Topics include: packaging and handling, material management, transportation and traffic management, facility location and global logistics.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 250 - Leading the Six Sigma Improvement Project

    3 units
    Improvement projects are critical. Covers Six Sigma methodology, problem-solving tools to improve cost, quality, time and variability. Management of projects, teams, change, and benchmarking; root cause problem solving, and implementation effectiveness. Practical experience through course project.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 251 - Managing the Lean Enterprise Improvement Program

    3 units
    The elements of an effective organizational improvement program composed of multiple projects. Covers capabilities-based strategy; dimensions of performance such as cost, quality and time; when to use Six Sigma, Lean, Theory of Constraints and Reengineering.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

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  • ISE 260 - Healthcare Delivery Systems

    3 units
    Overview and analysis of health care delivery systems in the US with emphasis on the assessment, analysis, and improvement of operational quality, efficiency, and effectiveness. Impact on primary components of health care systems: facilities, approaches to care and treatment modalities, and personnel. Quantitative and qualitative techniques and applications to improve health care systems; performance measures used to evaluate access and quality of care. Impact of healthcare policies, laws, economics, and current US health care culture on organizational performance and patient outcomes

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 261 - Medical Errors Reduction and Patients Safety Engineering

    3 units
    Standardization of national reporting of medical errors; patient safety and high risks processes performance analysis; Safety improvements utilizing human factors techniques; information technology applications to reduce medication errors and improve patient safety; structured teams and systems to reduce clinical errors.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 262 - Healthcare Financial Engineering Management

    3 units
    Evaluation of healthcare systems underlying health economics principles with emphasis are on financial strategy planning and capital formation; integrated analysis that spans clinical, access and revenue financial functions; new approaches to reimbursement methods and pricing of alternatives health care providers.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 263 - Healthcare Information Systems

    3 units
    Current and emerging use of clinical information, electronic medical records and clinical information systems. Healthcare enterprise architecture. Pre-built automation models of unified patients records. Automated decision support. Integrated interfaces, interoperable record exchange, and meta knowledge integration. Security of healthcare information.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 265 - Advanced System Simulation

    3 units
    Use of computerized simulation and modeling techniques to conduct experiments, evaluate the costs of a process, evaluate alternative inspection policies and determine effects of JIT management models for shop setting.

    Prerequisite(s): ISE 167  or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • ISE 270 - Information Engineering

    3 units
    Technologies, strategies and systems for planning, analyzing, designing and implementing data resources in order to ensure and continuously improve processes in the enterprise; object-oriented development, Computer-Aided Software/Systems Engineering (CASE); information superhighway, client/server computing and distributed database management systems.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement.

    Prerequisite(s): CMPE 30  or instructor consent. Allowed Declared Majors: Any Engineering.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

    Cross-listed with CMPE 270 . Industrial and Systems Engineering is responsible for scheduling.

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  • ISE 290 - Human Factors & Ergonomics Professional Seminar

    2 units
    Real world skills necessary to start your professional HR/Ergo career, i.e. public presentation, terminology, field evaluations, current research and industry issues in human factors and ergonomics.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • ISE 292 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • ISE 298 - Special Problems

    1-4 units
    Advanced individual work in industrial engineering. Repeatable for up to 18 units when project changes.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 16 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent. Not available to Open University Students.
    Grading: Mandatory CR/NC/RP

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  • ISE 1290R - Culminating Experience Supervision

    1 units
    Continued work on thesis or project.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 16 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Outstanding RP grade in a preceding semester in a thesis or project class
    Grading: CR/NC, No Degree Credit

    Note(s): No Degree Credit.

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Industrial Design

  • DSID 21 - Visualization I

    3 units
    Presenting design concepts in both preliminary and finished states. Appraisal and application of media used in industry. Includes elements of color theory.

    Prerequisite(s): Declared BA Design Studies or BS Industrial Design Major
    Corequisite(s): DSID 31 
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 31 - Industrial Design Foundation I

    3 units
    Practical exploration of the basics of industrial design aesthetics. Introduction to the design process with special emphasis on 3D form development and presentation.

    Prerequisite(s): Declared BS Industrial Design or BA Design Studies Major
    Corequisite(s): DSID 21 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 32 - Industrial Design Foundation II

    3 units
    Development and application of basic industrial design skills, methodology and aesthetics to elementary product design. Project assignments leading from abstract exercises to actual product design.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 31 ; BA Design Studies or BS Industrial Design Majors Only
    Corequisite(s): DSID 22 
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 32A - ID Portfolio Project I

    1 units
    ID portfolio project class combines 2D and 3D skills from previous ID classes, in the first complete product design application. Complete presentation for ID faculty review required.

    Misc/Lab: Activity 2 hours

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 2 units.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 21 , DSID 31 ; BA Design Studies and BS Industrial Design Majors only.
    Corequisite(s): DSID 22 , DSID 32 
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 41 - Materials and Processes I

    3 units
    Introduction to materials and manufacturing processes as they relate to product development and the Industrial Design profession. 

    Misc/Lab: Activity 6 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 22 , DSID 32 ; BS Industrial Design majors only; BA Design Studies majors with department consent. 
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 92 - International Program Studies

    1-6 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • DSID 121 - Industrial Design Process

    3 units
    Explores how a conscious and rational approach can enhance creativity. Techniques used include goalsetting, brainstorming, time-management, evaluation matrices and journal keeping.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 125A , BS Industrial Design or HFS Graduate Majors Only, or Instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 122 - Cont. & Crit. Studies: Industrial Design

    3 units
    This course thematically offers readings in Industrial Design theory, considers specific applications intended to highlight problems in contemporary practice, and is divided into five modules. Course content and examples will be selected to complement the studio projects in the program.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/Lab 1 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): DSGN 100W ; BA Design Studies or BS Industrial Design Majors Only.
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 123 - Intermediate Industrial Design

    3 units
    Design theories, methods and presentation techniques used by product designers in small scale product design. Stress application of knowledge of ergonomics, industrial materials and manufacturing processes.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 32A . BS Industrial Design Majors only
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 123A - ID Portfolio Project 2

    3 units
    Provides instruction on integrating ergonomics (DSID 126 ), CAD (DSID 129 ), typography (DSGD 99  or equivalent), materials and processes (DSID 41 ), and at least two major design projects (DSID 123  and at least one Design Elective) into Intermediate Design Projects and Portfolio. Comprehensive presentation to ID faculty required.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 32A  (Credit), BS Industrial Design Majors Only.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • DSID 124 - Design for All

    3 units
    Designing for as broad a percentage of the population as possible. Course focuses on accessible design despite physical, cognitive and/or socioeconomic obstacles. Course is repeatable for a total of 6 units.

    Misc/Lab: Activity 6 hours.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 12 units.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 32A  (Credit), BS Industrial Design Majors Only or Instructor Consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 125 - Advanced Industrial Design

    3 units
    Advanced exploration of industrial design theory and practice with projects involving high levels of complexity of technological, functional and aesthetic constraints.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 123A . BS Industrial Design Majors only
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 125A - ID Portfolio Project 3

    2 units
    Development of design competition entry and cohesive portfolio using work created in prior and concurrent DSID courses by integrating advanced computer graphics and technology knowledge. Comprehensive presentation to ID faculty and invited professionals required.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 123A . BS Industrial Design Majors only
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • DSID 126 - Ergonomics for Design

    3 units
    Aspects of products affecting human performance, comfort and safety. Emphasis on design of computer interfaces, automobiles and furniture. Topics include visual displays, anthropometry, seating design and safety design.

    Activity 6 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): BS Industrial Design Majors must complete DSID 22  and DSID 32 . Interaction Design Minors must complete ANI 11  or DSID 22  or DSIT 10 , and DSID 32  or DSGD 83 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 128 - Advanced Projects in Industrial Design

    3 units
    Comprehensive, in-depth analysis and design of faculty-assigned projects as well as a student-proposed project. Student proposed projects must meet with the approval of the Industrial Design faculty.

    Misc/Lab: Lab 6 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 125A , DSGN 127 ; BS Industrial Design Majors Only
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 128A - ID Portfolio Project 4

    1 units
    Integration of business and advanced technologies into the special graduating project. Final show and presentation for ID faculty and invited professionals required.

    Misc/Lab: Activity 2 hours.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 2 units.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 125A , DSID 128 , DSGN 127 ; BS Industrial Design Majors Only.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • DSID 129 - Visualization III

    3 units
    Principles of computer graphics, computer-aided technology and applications in industrial design. Emphasis on the transition from 2D applications to 3D applications. 

    Misc/Lab: Lab 6 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 22 , DSID 32 ; BS Industrial Design Majors only; BA Design Studies with Department consent. 
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 130 - Sustainable Design

    3 units
    Design products with a focus on minimizing their impact on the environment. The entire lifespan of designed and manufactured products will be explored. Course is repeatable for credit for a total of 6 units.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 32A  (Credit); BS Industrial Design Majors only, or Instructor Consent
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Offered only occasionally.

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  • DSID 131 - Interaction Design

    3 units
    Advanced practical applications of interaction design theory, with an emphasis on strategies for software products including aspects of both UX (user-experience) and UI (user-interface) design.

    Activity 6 hours.

    Course is repeatable for up to 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 126 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSID 132 - Softgoods

    3 units
    Design of products that incorporate soft materials and textiles in their construction. Products include furniture, clothing, shoes, and other products that contribute to current lifestyles.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 12 units.

    Prerequisite(s): DSID 32A  (Credit); BS Industrial Design Majors only; or Instructor’s Consent
    Grading: Graded

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