San José State University delivers distance education courses via Web-based learning management systems and resources. These courses are offered by individual departments in regular and special sessions.
Intrasystem and Intersystem Enrollment Programs
Fully matriculated students enrolled at any CSU have access to courses at other CSUs on a space-available basis unless those universities/programs are impacted. This access is offered without students being required to be admitted formally to the host university and, in most cases, without paying additional fees. Students should consult their home university academic advisors to determine how such courses may apply to their specific degree programs before enrolling at the host university.
There are two programs for enrollment within the CSU and one for enrollment between CSU and the University of California or California Community Colleges. Additional information about these programs is available from the Registrar’s Office concurrent enrollment website.
Due to impaction, SJSU will no longer accept any incoming students until further notice.
CSU Fully Online Courses - CourseMatch and AB386
Matriculated students in good standing may request enrollment in one course per term offered by a CSU host university. Enrollment requests will be granted based on available space, as well as completion of any stated prerequisites. Credit earned at the host university is electronically reported to the student’s home university to be included on the student’s transcript at the home university. Courses completed via the CSU Fully Online Courses program are treated as units completed in residence.
CSU Visitor Enrollment
Matriculated students in good standing enrolled at one CSU may enroll at another CSU for one term. Credit earned at the host university is reported at the student’s request to the home university to be included on the student’s transcript at the home university.
Intersystem Cross Enrollment
Matriculated CSU, UC or community college undergraduate students may enroll on a “space available” basis for one course per term at another CSU, UC, or community college and request that a transcript of record be sent to the home university. This program is not available to graduate students.
Dual Enrollment Program
SJSU sponsors a low-cost concurrent enrollment program for area high school students to earn college credit. Students must have permission from their school principal and meet all SJSU course prerequisites, including placement exams. For applications and more information, visit Undergraduate Education - Dual Enrollment.
Open University
Open University is not available to matriculated students.
Open University allows students to earn degree units from SJSU or to take noncredit or Continuing Education Unit programs.
- Fall schedule available online in July.
- Spring schedule available online in December.
For more information go to Open University website.
Professional Education
Summer Session
Summer Session offers both matriculated and non-matriculated students the opportunity to enroll in summer classes at San José State University. The program offers hundreds of courses to choose from across three sessions. Schedule policy, procedures and course information are available in April. For more information, see the Summer Session website,
Professional Education
Winter Session
Winter Session offers both matriculated and non-matriculated students the opportunity to earn up to four units in three weeks during SJSU’s winter intersession. The program allows students to complete graduation requirements, enroll in highly sought after classes, and advance towards their degree. For more information, see the Winter Session website.
Professional Education
Professional Degree Programs Offered Through Special Session
Professional degree programs offered through Special Session offer unique opportunities to both traditional students and working professionals to earn graduate degrees and certificates on an alternate/flexible schedule, often online and/or off campus. For more information, see Professional Education website.
Professional Education
Registration Fees, Payments and Refunds
- Fees are subject to change without notice.
- You are responsible for keeping your MySJSU and email address (which can be accessed through the one.SJSU.edu portal) account current.
- If a check or eCheck is dishonored by the bank for any reason, including keying errors for e-checks, your registration is subject to cancellation.
- Any delinquent outstanding charges owed to the university will be submitted to the Franchise Tax Board for tax refund offset.
All payments apply to the oldest balance on your account. For example, if you are making a registration payment and you have a housing balance with an earlier due date, the payment will apply to the housing charges first. Keep your account current to avoid the possibility of enrollment cancellation.
When you register, your MySJSU will show the balance due and due date. Fees are payable by the due date(s) and must be posted to your account before or on the due date to avoid enrollment cancellation. Please see acceptable methods of payment and payment plan options on the Bursar’s Office website.
Failure to pay fees by the due date will result in enrollment cancellation and all classes will be dropped. Note: Classes are not automatically dropped after census. Students wishing to partially drop or withdraw from all classes must do so by following the university policies and procedures.
General Information, Refunds
Bursar’s Office
Student Services Center
Residence Status
Enrollment Services
Student Services Center
Financial Aid Awards
Financial Aid and Scholarship Office
Student Services Center