Jul 17, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Community Service Learning Minor (DISC’d EFF Sp2020)

The Minor in Community Service Learning is offered by the Department of Communication Studies .

University Graduation Requirements

To be awarded a minor, at least 12 units of coursework must be completely distinct and separate from the coursework in the major, and coursework for the minor must include a minimum of 6 upper-division units (University Policy S16-4). Minor preparation or support courses do not count toward the 12 distinct units. Of the coursework for the minor, at least 6 units completed in residence at SJSU. The minimum aggregate GPA for all coursework required for the minor must be at least 2.0.

Minor Requirements (18 units)

CSL Core Courses (9 units)

EDUC 157 can be taken under any of the following prefixes: COMM, ENGR, HA, SCI, or APSC

CSL Upper Division Requirements (9 units)

Nine integrated units approved by a department or college advisor, and by the AVP of Undergraduate Studies or designee. Six of these units must be in courses approved as CSL courses under university policy.

Total Units Required (18 units)