Feb 10, 2025
MyRoadmaps Catalog
Advertising, Area of Specialization in Management Track, BS (2024-2025)
Return to: 4-Year Roadmaps (2024-2025)
The following roadmap is a sample advising map to complete the degree program in four years. Please consult your MyPlanner and major advisor as you develop your individualized academic plan. Students must have completed 60+ units in order to enroll in SJSU Studies courses.
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4
Spring Semester (14 units)
Spring Semester (15 units)
Fall Semester (15 units)
- 3 unit(s) (WID)
- 3 unit(s)
- 3 unit(s)
- 3 unit(s)
Note: ADV 93 is offered in Fall only. - 3 unit(s)
Spring Semester (15 units)
Fall Semester (15 units)
- OR 3 unit(s)
- 3 unit(s)
- 3 unit(s)
Note: MCOM 175 offered in Fall only. - 3 unit(s)
- SJSU Studies Area S 3 unit(s)
Spring Semester (15 units)
- OR 3 unit(s)
- SJSU Studies Area V 3 unit(s)
- University Elective - Lower or Upper Division 3 unit(s)
- University Elective - Lower or Upper Division 3 unit(s)
- University Elective - Lower or Upper Division 3 unit(s)
Roadmap Notes
All advertising majors must do a 240 internship after completing nine units of advertising classes. Approval is needed to sign up for MCOM 111 . This may also be done during the summer or winter sessions. MCOM 180 - Independent Study for one unit of credit can be taken any time. Students work directly with faculty in their major. |
Return to: 4-Year Roadmaps (2024-2025)