Jun 30, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Social Science

  • SOCS 195 - Social Science Teacher Preparation

    3 units
    In this capstone course Social Science Teacher Preparation majors will synthesize their learning about the theory and practice of Social Science education through the completion of a major portfolio project. Required for majors.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCS 177 ; completed graduation application; or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    History is responsible for scheduling.

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  • SSCI 90 - Successfully Negotiating Social Science

    1 units
    Course designed to help students in the College of Social Sciences, enabling them to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to become successful students. Students will explore the ways in which different social scientists see, research, analyze, understand and communicate.

    Grading: Graded

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Social Science Education

  • SSED 184I - Student Teaching for Social Science Individualized Interns

    2-4 units
    Supervised student teaching in social science class(es) in the public school where the student is employed as an Individualized Intern. Repeatable for a total of 12 units.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 12 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Single Subject Credential Program; social science advisor and Single Subject Coordinator consent.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • SSED 184Y - Student Teaching II - Classroom Teaching

    4-6 units
    Minimum 80-120 class periods of classroom, teaching lab or field teaching in appropriate single subjects, grades K-12 and related teaching activities/seminar.

    Prerequisite(s): SSED 378  with a passing grade of “B” or better (B- not acceptable) and joint approval of major and Education departments.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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Social Work

  • SCWK 10 - Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work

    3 units
    Social welfare institutions and the social work profession: its development, knowledge base, value system and specific areas of direct practice.

    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 100W - Writing Workshop

    3 units
    Focuses on developing and enhancing writing and presentation skills vital to the social work profession in the following areas: research, grant writing, clinical documentation, and administration. GE Area: Z.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies Z: Written Communication II.

    Prerequisite(s): A3 or equivalent second semester composition course (with a grade of C- or better); completion of core GE; satisfaction of Writing Skills Test or completion of ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with C or better; and upper division standing. Or Graduate or Postbaccalaureate level.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Must be passed with C or better to satisfy the CSU Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).

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  • SCWK 107 - Aging and Society

    3 units
    Social, psychological and physiological aging processes. Implications of aging for individuals and societies, with emphasis on issues related to diversity, equality and gender in the U.S.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies S: Self, Society & Equality in US

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

    Cross-listed with GERO 107  / PH 107 . Social Work is responsible for scheduling.

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  • SCWK 110 - Foundations of Social Work Practice

    3 units
    Introduction to the history, mission, values, skills and knowledge base of generalist social work practice within a transcultural perspective. Focus on social work practice with emphasis on those populations-at-risk who are disenfranchised and marginalized.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing, Social Work majors only.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 111 - Generalist Social Work Practice I

    3 units
    Knowledge, values and skills for generalist social work practice utilizing problem-solving methods with systems of all sizes. Focus on developing professional relationships, defining issues, communication skills, collecting data and assessing individuals from diverse backgrounds interacting with their environments.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 110 SCWK 120 SCWK 130 SCWK 140 . Allowed Declared Majors: Social Work.
    Corequisite(s): SCWK 141 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 112 - Generalist Practice II

    3 units
    Knowledge, values and skills for generalist social work practice with emphasis on families, groups, organizations and communities. Focus on transactions to optimize social well-being and empowerment of individuals, families and communities utilizing strengths and transcultural perspectives.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 111  (with a grade of “C” or better).
    Corequisite(s): SCWK 142 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 120 - Social Welfare Institutions and Policies I

    3 units
    Development of social work as a profession, including mission, values, ethics. Development and changes in the philosophy, legislative base and structures for social services as these affect social and economic justice and impact health and well-being.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing, Social Work majors only.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 121 - Social Welfare Institutions and Policies II

    3 units
    Methodology and framework for analyzing social policy and understanding institutional discrimination, particularly related to populations-at-risk and other disenfranchised groups. Political and organizational processes to influence policy development.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 120 , junior standing, Social Work majors only.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 130 - Human Behavior in the Social Environment I

    3 units
    Theories and knowledge of bio-psycho-social development from birth to old age. The dynamics of interacting social systems and culture on human development. Theories and research on risk and resilience. Human diversity and populations-at-risk emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing, Social Work majors only.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 131 - Human Behavior in the Social Environment II

    3 units
    Theories and knowledge about families, groups, organizations, and communities from a systems perspective. The impact of discrimination, economic deprivation and oppression on populations-at-risk. Emphasis on the promotion of optimal health and well-being.

    Prerequisite(s): junior standing., Social Work majors only.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 140 - Introduction to Field Practicum

    3 units
    Direct involvement with community services to provide the student with exposure to clients/client systems prior to Field Practicum I. Six to eight hours weekly in community-based agencies and on-campus seminars.

    Pre/Corequisite(s): SCWK 110  or consent of advisor. Social Work majors only.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • SCWK 142 - Field Practicum II

    2-5 units
    Generalist social work practice in an agency setting continued. Emphasis on individuals, small groups and communities from a transcultural perspective. Sixteen hours per week required in placement.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 111  and SCWK 141 . Allowed Declared Majors: Social Work.
    Corequisite(s): SCWK 112 .
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • SCWK 170 - Introduction to Research Methods

    3 units
    Scientific and analytic approaches to building knowledge for social work practice, including ethical issues in social research. Evaluation of service delivery systems using qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing , Social Work majors only.
    Pre/Corequisite(s): STAT 95 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 175 - Social Work Senior Seminar

    3 units
    An integrative capstone seminar reviewing current trends, problems and issues confronting the profession. Developments and challenges in California and the country for BA level generalist practitioners evaluated in light of the student’s own personal and professional goals.

    Pre/Corequisite(s): SCWK 175 is open to Social Work majors only; must be taken concurrently with SCWK 112  and SCWK 142 ; or taken in the semester immediately following completion of SCWK 142 , and all other Social Work courses must have been completed.
    Grading: ABC-/NC Grading

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  • SCWK 192 - Social Work with Families

    3 units
    Exploration of various family forms, cultural factors and dynamics influencing family interaction with agencies and community. Practice strategies include assessment, defining strengths and focusing on interventions to promote health and well-being.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 110 SCWK 120  or SCWK 130  (or equivalent).
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 192I - International Program Studies

    1-6 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • SCWK 200W - Social Work Graduate Writing Course

    3 units
    Course is a graduate writing course with emphasis on the development of English writing skills for academic purposes. Special emphasis is given on School of Social Work’s (SJSU) Transcultural perspective.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement.

    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

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  • SCWK 202 - Social Policy and Services: History and Values

    3 units
    History of social welfare and work with emphasis on diverse populations, particularly Latinos/as, African Americans and Asian Americans. Social policy and social work values in relation to practice issues and social services.

    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 204 - Social Policy Analysis

    3 units
    Frameworks for analyzing social policies using principles of social and economic justice. The role of policy in helping or deterring people in attaining well-being. Focus on diverse populations and populations-at-risk.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 202 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 212 - Human Behavior in Social Environment I

    3 units
    Systems and ecological models presented with the transcultural perspective provide the primary theoretical foundation. Life course perspective is applied from infancy to end of adult life cycle to understand behaviors of individuals and families with special emphasis on marginalized groups.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

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  • SCWK 214 - Human Behavior in Social Environment II

    3 units
    Systems and ecological models provide the primary theoretical foundation. Special focus is given to transcultural perspective within the contexts of mezzo (families and small groups) and macro social work (organizations and communities) with marginalized populations.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 212 .
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

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  • SCWK 215 - Advanced Standing Bridge Integrated

    4 units
    Summer bridge course for the Advanced Standing Masters of Social Work Program. It is intended to supplement the foundational knowledge, skills, and values developed by qualified students in respective BSW program.

    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 220 - Transcultural Generalist Practice I

    3 units
    Transcultural generalist practice with client systems, particularly individuals and families, at micro, mezzo and macro levels. Assessment, planning and implementing interventions within a professional relationship, utilizing a strengths perspective, focusing on Latinos/as, African Americans and Asian Americans.

    Corequisite(s): SCWK 230 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 221 - Transcultural Generalist Practice II

    3 units
    Transcultural generalist practice with client systems, particularly groups, organizations and communities to enhance well-being. Approaches and skills to ameliorate conditions affecting people adversely, particularly those of diverse backgrounds and populations-at-risk. Emphasis on promoting social and economic justice.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 220  and SCWK 230 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 222 - Transcultural Advanced Generalist Practice I: Family Systems Focus

    3 units
    Transcultural advanced generalist practice with an emphasis on family systems, diverse cultural patterns and varying family forms. Assessment of multi-system interactions with communities and organizations, focusing on enhancing the health and well-being of marginalized populations and populations-at-risk.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 221 .
    Corequisite(s): SCWK 232 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 223 - Transcultural Advanced Generalist Practice II: Community Systems Focus

    3 units
    Methods of community intervention at multiple levels focused on empowerment and developing the strengths of diverse groups, particularly Latino/a, African American, Asian American and other oppressed and marginalized populations. Includes community social work, assessment and interventions.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 221 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 224 - Advanced Generalist Practice With Spanish Speaking Populations

    3 units
    Analysis of culturally relevant services to linguistic minority Spanish-speaking population from a transcultural generalist perspective. Skills to include Spanish language interventions appropriate for cultural access, appropriate assessment, individual, family and group interventions and advocacy for client systems at all levels.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 221 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 230 - Social Work Practicum I

    1-6 units
    Development of transcultural practice skills with families, groups and individuals in their social contexts. Emphasis on developing professional roles and relationships, applying multi-system assessment and interventions, particularly with Latino/a, African American and Asian American clients/client systems.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 18 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Allowed Declared Majors: Social Work.
    Corequisite(s): SCWK 220 .
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • SCWK 231 - Social Work Practicum II

    1-6 units
    Development of skills to differentially assess the strengths and capacities of interacting individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. Application, termination and evaluation of problem-solving interventions from a transcultural generalist practice perspective.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 18 units.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 230 . Allowed Declared Majors: Social Work.
    Corequisite(s): SCWK 221 .
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • SCWK 232 - Social Work Practicum III

    1-6 units
    Development of advanced generalist practice skills with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities from a transcultural perspective emphasizing family, community and policy practice. Development of skill to use self effectively with diverse clients, colleagues and community members from various backgrounds.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 18 units.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 231 . Allowed Declared Majors: Social Work.
    Corequisite(s): Advanced Courses.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • SCWK 233 - Social Work Practicum IV

    1-6 units
    Development of advanced generalist practice skills with the aged, children and youth, health/mental health or educational settings. Developing culturally competent skills to assess, plan, implement and evaluate interventions from transcultural and strengths perspectives to address family and community well-being.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 18 units.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 232 . Allowed Declared Majors: Social Work.
    Corequisite(s): Advanced Courses.
    Grading: Mandatory CR/NC/RP

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  • SCWK 240 - Research Methods and Design

    3 units
    Scientific method and problems of knowledge. Basic concepts and models of research methodology, qualitative research, program and practice evaluation in social work. Critical analysis of existing research on ethnic minorities and other populations-at-risk.

    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 242 - Research Methods, Data Analysis and Evaluation

    3 units
    Basic concepts and models for research methodology applied to the analysis of data in social work. Emphasis on quantitative analysis using microcomputers.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 240 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 243 - Advanced Standing SW Bridge - Grad

    2 units
    Summer bridge course for the Advanced Standing Masters of Social Work Program. It is intended to supplement the foundational knowledge and skills needed for using research evidence to inform practice and policy.

    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 245 - Management in Human Services

    3 units
    The organization and continuous operation of services delivery systems including the functions of management, decision-making, communication, authority, delegation, planning and staffing.

    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): An elective.

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  • SCWK 247 - Collaborative Leadership in Social Service Contexts

    1 units
    Theory and practice of cross-systems collaboration in social services, grounded in an ecological and systems perspective. Emphasizes collaborative leadership and effective interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing complex social problems.

    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduates may enroll upon instructor approval.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 250 - Policy Practice in Health and Aging

    3 units
    Critical analysis of the impact of policies related to health and aging particularly those who are Latino/a, African American and Asian American. Assessment of organizations and policy implementation. Development of strategies to promote well-being and social change.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 204 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 251 - Social Work in Health and Aging

    3 units
    Knowledge and skill development for practice from a transcultural multi-systems perspective in aging and health care settings. Emphasis on Latino, African American, Asian American, and other diverse client systems. Conceptual frameworks for practice at micro, mezzo, and macro levels.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 220  and SCWK 221 .
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with GERO 251 . Social Work is responsible for scheduling.

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  • SCWK 260 - Policy Practice in Child and Family Welfare

    3 units
    Critical analysis of the impact of social policies on children and families, particularly those who are Latino/a, African American and Asian American. Assessment of organizational structures and policy implementation. Development of strategies to promote well-being and social change.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 204 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 261 - Social Work Practice with Children

    3 units
    Skills and knowledge in working with high-risk children and families from an advanced generalist perspective. Focus on understanding of child and family development as well as assessment and intervention at various levels in a transcultural context.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 221 .
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): An elective.

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  • SCWK 262 - Social Work Practice with Adolescents

    3 units
    Skills and knowledge in working with diverse populations of high-risk adolescents from an advanced generalist perspective. Focus on understanding adolescent and family development as well as assessments and interventions at various levels in a transcultural context.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 221 .
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): An elective.

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  • SCWK 263 - Social Work and the Law

    3 units
    Analytical skills to understand the legal system, its functions, organization, jurisdiction and case processing methods. An examination of the legal environment of social work practice in selected settings: domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, sexual abuse and education.

    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): An elective.

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  • SCWK 265 - Child Welfare Practice in Public and Government Systems

    3 units
    This course focuses on advanced child welfare practice relevant to public and government settings. It provides a transcultural, multi-systems approach to working with children, youth, families and communities within the child welfare system, and as they intersect with community-based organizations.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 231 
    Corequisite(s): SCWK 232 
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 267 - Advancing Child Welfare Practice Skills Through Simulation

    1 units
    Advanced practice seminar that utilizes a simulation model to provide depth and breadth in knowledge and skill acquisition regarding engagement, assessment, and intervention that promote child safety and the well-being of children and families in the child welfare system.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 231 
    Corequisite(s): SCWK 232 
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • SCWK 272 - Social Work in Educational Settings

    3 units
    Examines the promotion of well-being and social change, with emphasis on attainment of educational goals. Individual and family needs are explored in the context of educational policies, organizational dynamics, pupil adjustment and assessment, life cycle development, and advocacy.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 212 SCWK 214 SCWK 220 SCWK 221 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 280 - Policy Practice in Mental Health

    3 units
    Critical analysis of the impact of mental health policies on populations-at-risk, particularly those who are Latina/o, African American, and Asian American. Assessment of organizations and policy implementation. Development of strategies to promote well-being and social change.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 204 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 281 - Social Work in Mental Health

    3 units
    Knowledge and skill development for advanced generalist practice in mental health settings. Emphasis on Latino/a, African American and Asian American clients/client systems interacting with service delivery systems. Conceptual frameworks for practice at micro, mezzo and macro levels. Social Work program elective.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 221 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 283 - Psychopharmacology for Social Workers

    3 units
    Historical trends and specific cultural, ethnic, gender and age related issues of alcohol and drug use are presented. Psychotherapeutic drugs and the pharmacologic basis of medicines for psychiatric disorders and culturally competent treatment interventions for substance abuse will be discussed. Social Work program elective.

    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 285 - Social Work and Social Problems

    3 units
    Examination of selected social problems related to the direct practice of social work that focus on in-depth knowledge of the problems and of the required direct practice skills and techniques.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): An elective.

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  • SCWK 285ITL - Social Work and Social Problems: International Experience

    3 units
    Examination of selected social problems related to the direct practice of social work that focuses on in-depth knowledge of the problems and of the required direct practice skills and techniques across cultures.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Grading: Graded

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  • SCWK 287 - Advanced Generalist Practice in Substance Abuse

    1-3 units
    An examination of clinical, policy, and practice issues regarding abuse and dependence of alcohol and other drugs. Analysis and utilization of micro, mezzo and macro considerations related to prevention, harm reduction, drug policies, and current intervention models and treatment approaches.

    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): An elective.

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  • SCWK 298A - Special Study A

    1-4 units
    Planning and implementation of research emphasizing culturally appropriate measures and design strategies. First part of a two-part special project course in which students produce a professionally written project demonstrating an understanding of the knowledge base underlying social work issues and appropriate interventions.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 242 
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • SCWK 298B - Special Study B

    1-4 units
    Planning and implementation of research emphasizing culturally appropriate measures and design strategies. Students continue their work from ScWk 298 A to produce a professionally written project demonstrating an understanding of the knowledge base underlying social work issues and appropriate interventions.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 298A .
    Grading: Mandatory CR/NC/RP

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  • SCWK 299 - Master’s Thesis or Project

    1-4 units
    Repeatable for a total of 4 units.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 4 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to candidacy for the master’s degree; approval of the college’s research committee.
    Grading: Mandatory CR/NC/RP

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  • SOCI 1 - Introduction to Sociology

    3 units
    How does society affect individual behavior and how does individual behavior affect society? Influence of social institutions and arrangements (family, school, workplace, politics, etc.) on roles, groups, values. Basic sociological theories and methods. Careers, specializations. Required for majors, minors.

    Satisfies D1: Human Behavior

    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 15 - Statistical Applications in the Social Sciences

    3 units
    Introduction to statistical applications, particularly statistical inference, including central tendency, variation, normal distributions, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, measures of association, correlation, linear regression and the analysis of variance.

    Satisfies B4: Mathematical Concepts

    Prerequisite(s): Math Enrollment Category M-I, M-II, or M-III, or for Category IV, completion of a GE Area B4 course with a grade of C- or better. Corequisite weekly supported instruction required for Enrollment Category M-III, and recommended for M-II.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with SOCS 15 . Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences is responsible for scheduling.

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  • SOCI 57 - Community Involvement and Personal Growth

    3 units
    Human development in community context, with an emphasis on civic responsibility. The influence of community engagement on individual physiological, social/cultural, and psychological well-being. Participation in a service-learning project in a multicultural organization.

    Satisfies E: Human Understanding & Development.

    Grading: Graded

    Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences is responsible for scheduling.

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  • SOCI 80 - Social Problems

    3 units
    Sociological analysis of selected contemporary social problems such as housing and homelessness, economy and employment, environment and consumerism, family and divorce, crime and drugs, politics and media, race and gender, wealth and poverty, war and peace. Required for majors.

    Satisfies D3: Social Issues/Ethnic Studies

    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 92 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • SOCI 100W - Writing Workshop

    3 units
    Practice in improvement of writing and research skills appropriate to the field of sociology, including formal reports, journals and articles. GE Area: Z.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies Z: Written Communication II.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1 ; A3 or equivalent second semester composition course (with a grade of C- or better); completion of core GE; satisfaction of Writing Skills Test or completion of ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with C or better; and upper division standing. Allowed Declared Majors: Sociology, Behavioral Science, and Chicana Chicano Studies majors only. Or Graduate or Postbaccalaureate level.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Required for Sociology Majors. Must be passed with C or better to satisfy the CSU Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).

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  • SOCI 101 - Social Theory

    3 units
    Comparative analysis of micro and macro sociological theories and their origins, including, but not limited to, conflict theories, consensus theories, structural functionalism, symbolic interaction and recent theoretical developments. Required for majors.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  (or equivalent) and upper division standing. Allowed Declared Majors: Sociology and Behavioral Studies only. All other majors must have instructor consent.
    Pre/Corequisite(s): SOCI 100W .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 103 - SPSS Computer Analysis

    1 units
    Statistical analysis of social science date using SPSS. Online course with periodic required on-campus meetings.

    Misc/Lab: Activity 2 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  (or equivalent) and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in an introductory statistics course.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 104 - Quantitative Research Methods

    3 units
    Quantitative research methods including survey research design, hypothesis formulation, questionnaire and interview design, scaling, sampling and data preparation and SPSS analysis. Completion of a class research project plus individual research reports. Required for majors.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent, SOCI 15  or SOCI 102  or approved Statistics course from another school; SOCI 100W SOCI 101  and upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 104B - Advanced Quantitative Research Methods

    3 units
    Quantitative research project, typically applied, focused on a particular topic. Emphasis is given to research on local issues. Students will define research problems, design appropriate data gathering methods, collect data, conduct data analyses, and submit written research reports in professional formats.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1 SOCI 15  or SOCI 102 , SOCI 100W SOCI 101 SOCI 104 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 105 - Qualitative Research Methods

    3 units
    Philosophy and logic of research design, interviewing techniques, field methods, issues of participant observation, theoretical perspectives, content analysis and qualitative microcomputer techniques. Required for Sociology majors.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent, SOCI 100W SOCI 101  and upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 105B - Advanced Qualitative Research Methods

    3 units
    Involves planning and conducting an in-depth research project utilizing interviews and/or participant observation. Students will design research project, collect data and take field-notes, code and analyze data, and write-up results. Project may involve exploration of a local issue.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1 SOCI 100W SOCI 101  and SOCI 105 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 116 - Global Society

    3 units
    Examination of global social issues, evaluation of the impact of change on world communities and analysis of the response of specific groups to emerging problems and opportunities. Required for majors.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 118 - Sociology of Human Rights and Social Justice

    3 units
    Analyze meanings and practices of human rights violation and promotion by exploring the social consequences of issues such as war crime, sexism, migrant rights, and social displacement and by reflecting on prevailing and alternative institutions for social justice.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 120 - Contemporary Social Issues

    3 units
    A current issue in contemporary society. Content differs each semester. Repeatable for 6 unit maximum of SOCI 120, SOCI 123 or any combination.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 122 - Women in the Second Half of Life

    3 units
    The roles and problems of the older woman in a changing society. Societal attitudes, stereotypes, employment and interaction patterns. Opportunity for focus on specific areas of interest.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with GERO 122  / PH 122  / WOMS 122 . Social Work is responsible for scheduling.

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  • SOCI 127 - Community-Based Participatory Research

    3 units
    This course integrates interdisciplinary theory and practice in developing a situated understanding of community-based participatory research (CBPR) toward redressing environmental inequities. Students will apply these theories and practices in their own environmental research and advocacy projects regarding local environmental issues.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ENVS 127 . Environmental Studies is responsible for scheduling.

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  • SOCI 140 - Sociology of Media

    3 units
    Examines the historical development of popular mass media and its role in contemporary society. Explores the relationship between culture, social behavior, and various media forms. Analyzes how gender, race, class, and sexuality have been depicted and represented in media images.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 141 - Environmental Sociology

    3 units
    This course will will analyze how human beings interact with their environment from both macro and micro sociological perspectives. The course will address a number of other relevant topics, including environmental classism, environmental racism and policy responses to environmental problems.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 142 - Critical Native American Studies

    3 units
    Investigation of current and historical issues Indigenous peoples in the United States face or have faced. Unpacks the complex relationship Native nations have developed with the United States, and the impact the government-to-government relationship has on Indigenous societies.

    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 143 - Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Education

    3 units
    The role of gender in the educational system in the United States from both a historical and contemporary context. Focus on the significance of schools as the primary socializing institution for boys and girls.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 144 - Education for Liberation

    3 units
    Critical and sociological examination of attempts to address inequalities and disparities within community-oriented learning programs and movements.  Focus on nonformal learning programs associated with workers¿ education, adult and lifelong education (including anti-literacy and popular theater), and pro-people popular education (related to national liberation, pro-democracy, human rights, antiracist, pro-migrant, feminist, and youth movements).

    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 145 - Community Mental Health

    3 units
    Comprehensive analysis of community mental health using a socio-ecological framework. Intersection of race, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, and mental health is examined. Emphasis is on prevention and recovery.

    Prerequisite(s): Any 100W or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with PH 145  / PSYC 145 . Public Health and Recreation is responsible for scheduling.

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  • SOCI 146 - Work, Power, and Leisure

    3 units
    Explores power in organizational settings where we work and play, and how those settings affect the family, the economy and communities. Settings examined may include corporations, cooperatives, social change organizations, community organizations, non-profit organizations such as hospitals and schools.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 147 - Education and Global Justice

    3 units
    Exploration of the relationship between formal education and social justice issues, as well as formulation and evaluation of solutions to educational problems and inequalities. using global, comparative, cross-national, and Third World development evidence. 

    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 148 - Current Topics and Trends in Education

    3 units
    Analysis of the current environment of sociology of education from both a macro and micro perspective through sociological, political, philosophical and economic perspectives.  Includes the study of qualitative descriptions and quantitative trends of contemporary issues in the field of sociology of education.

    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 151 - Violence in the Family

    3 units
    A sociological examination of violence in families focusing on the causes and consequences of violence and on the ways in which various social institutions and community agencies respond to violence among intimates.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 154 - Sociology and Non-Conforming Behavior

    3 units
    Sociological analysis of behavior outside of social conventions including crime, mental illness, suicide and chemical dependency.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 160 - Immigration and Identity

    3 units
    Examination of topics related to immigration and population movements. Includes the historical context of major migrations, legal, political and social issues and debates, opportunities, prejudices, immigrant communities, intergenerational tensions, and social and personal identity pressures.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 161 - City Life

    3 units
    The city as a setting for diverse lifestyles. Challenges facing urban dwellers and adaptive strategies they take. Comparison of city, suburb and rural countryside as social environments.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with GEOG 161 . Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences is responsible for scheduling.

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  • SOCI 162 - Race and Ethnic Relations

    3 units
    Analysis of racial and ethnic groups in American society; contacts and conflicts; prejudice and discrimination; dominant and subordinate group status; social structure of racial and ethnic inequality within society. Comparison of global race and ethnic relations. GE Area: S.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies S: Self, Society & Equality in US.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended. 
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

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  • SOCI 164 - Social Action

    3 units
    The tactics and strategies of social action. Topics may include applying social action to the local community, studying current and past U.S. and international social action organizations, or examining theories of social movements. Repeatable once when content changes.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 164SL - Social Action

    3 units
    The tactics and strategies of social action. Topics may include applying social action to the local community, studying current and past U.S. and international social action organizations, or examining theories of social movements. Repeatable once when content changes.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 165 - Poverty, Wealth and Privilege

    3 units
    An examination of the causes and consequences of inequality along the dimensions of social class, race/ethnicity, gender, citizenship status, and/or sexualities. Approach may be local, national or global.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • SOCI 166 - Medical Sociology

    3 units
    Sociological analysis of medical and mental health institutions, values and roles. Patient-doctor interaction, influence of hospital structure on health care, social class and illness, cultural determinants of illness and related areas of old age (gerontology) and death.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with GERO 166 . Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences is responsible for scheduling.

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  • SOCI 169 - Political Sociology

    3 units
    Analysis of cultural, social and institutional foundations of political policies and actions. Emphasis on patterns affecting political behavior and processes in the industrialized and developing countries.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

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