Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Global Studies

  • GLST 164 - Advanced Seminar in Global Citizenship

    3 units
    Designed to encourage and inspire students to develop their own understanding of the concept of global citizenship and to develop informed perspectives related to concerns of the global community. Students will be asked to consider the impact they may have, as well as their individual and collective responsibilities, as global citizens, within their local, national, and global communities.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or Instructor Consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • GLST 167 - Changing Ecologies of Globalization

    3 units
    Environmental and human issues and challenges 1492 to present. Global environmental shifts & relationship to social, demographic, cultural, political change. Human interaction with natural environment.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies R: Earth & Environment

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of WST; completion of Core GE; Upper division standing
    Corequisite(s): GEOG 100W  (if not already completed)
    Grading: Graded

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  • GLST 179 - Capstone Seminar in Global Studies

    3 units
    Course is designed for majors to help them to gain coherence in their theoretical knowledge, factual grounding, international living, personal aptitudes, and career aspirations. It will also give them experience in interdisciplinary research through preparation of a major scholarly paper. The format includes discussion, group analysis, visiting professors, and individual work.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of GLST 1A , senior standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • GLST 187 - Special Topics

    3 units
    Selected topics in Global Studies. Topics vary and will be announced each semester.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 15 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • GLST 188 - Special Topics in International Experiences

    3 units
    Study of modern history, government, immigration and impacts on development of diverse communities. Study of effects of immigration, economics, biases, and other factors on community development, as well as comparing and contrasting US and other cultural perspectives. Course offered as FLP in countries outside the U.S. GE Area: V.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies V: Culture, Civil & Global Understanding.

    Course is repeatable for up to 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

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  • GLST 189 - Global Experience

    1-3 units
    Required for Global Studies majors. Completion of Global Studies sponsored faculty-led international educational study, semester-long residence abroad, for formal study, research, service learning, or internship. Students will develop their programs with the advice and approval of the GLST advisor and the International Programs and Service office. Students may transfer in additional credits from approved study, with prior approval of the GLST advisor.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 3 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of GLST 1A , junior standing.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • GLST 192 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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Graphic Design

  • DSGD 63 - Fundamental Graphic Visualization

    3 units
    Critical examination and theories on how to work with two-dimensional compositional space and the interrelated basic principles, attributes, and elements of graphic design, includes the relationships between some production methods and materials.

    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 92 - International Program Studies

    1-6 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 102 - Intermediate Typography

    3 units
    Application of typographic principles to a diverse series of graphic design problems utilizing text and display letterforms, organizational systems, fundamental design theories and conceptual innovation.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA portfolio review, DSGD 104 
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 103A - Advanced Typography I

    3 units
    Advanced conceptual investigations, verbal and visual problem solving utilizing typography and image.

    6 hours Activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA Portfolio Review, DSGD 110 , and DSGD 186 . Allowed Declared Majors: Graphic Design, Art, and Design Studies.
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 104 - Introduction to Graphic Design

    3 units
    Familiarization to form and message development. Emphasis on visual concepts and fundamental design theory.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): DSGD 100  and DSGD 99 . Allowed Declared Majors: Art, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Industrial Design, Fine Arts, and Advertising.
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 106 - Advanced Graphic Design

    3 units
    Advanced and diverse series of topics confronting a wide variety of situations and needs emphasizing conceptual innovation, organization, planning and analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA Portfolio Review. Allowed Declared Majors: Graphic Design.
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 107A - Special Topics in Graphic Design

    3 units
    Comprehensive design problems utilizing design theories, analysis, experimentation, innovation and conceptual development as systematic approaches to structuring various degrees of graphic design issues; database scientific visualization, graphic information system, publication design, and promotion & media graphics.

    Misc/Lab: Lab 6 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA Portfolio Review
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 107B - Special Topics in Experience Design

    3 units
    Capstone design problems utilizing design methodologies, theories, and analysis in the area of time-base multi-media design; narrative filming, kinetic typography in motion, interaction design, and event design as related to visual information design.

    Misc/Lab: Lab 6 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA Portfolio Review
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 110 - Visual Literacy: Image Making

    3 units
    A course that defines the ability to assess and utilizes communications composed of various visual images (hybridization of manual, analog, and digital processes) for goal oriented projects. Students will develop tools needed to critically examine the visual world and strategies for creating unique visual forms and process of visual encoding and visual decoding for incorporating into graphic design projects.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA portfolio review; DSGD 104 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 111 - Design Values and Professional Practices

    3 units
    Defines and investigates design practices, processes, materials, and vocation and their effects on society, environment, business, and intellectual property. Lectures, discussions, and group and individual projects explore applications of design thinking for positive local to global outcomes.

    Misc/Lab: Activity 6 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ANI majors: ANI 50; GD majors: DSGD 63 , DSGD 83 ; IT majors: DSIT 33 , DSIT 83 ; ID majors: DSID 22  or DSGD 83 .
    Corequisite(s): DSID 22 
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 120 - Exhibition Design & Info Graphics

    3 units
    Introducing principles, processes, and vocabularies of exhibition design. A substantial amount of student activity in the classroom will address acquiring and refining the two- and three-dimensional visualization of objects and spaces.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA Portfolio Review, DSGD 110 , DSGD 186  
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 127 - Design Practicum

    3 units
    Building a successful design career requires an understanding of best practices and the standards governing the ever-evolving business of graphic design. This course aims to explore the creative business processes, marketing, negotiation and pricing, ethical standards of design business, and professional relationships in design.

    6 hours Activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA Portfolio Review, DSGD 110 , DSGD 186  
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 131 - Motion Graphics

    3 units
    A capstone design problems course that exposes students to the principles, methodologies, and elements of motion graphics and narrative design. Students will develop techniques and skills for synthesizing the language of motion simultaneously with an emphasis on narrative structure, and text and image in relation to time-based media. The project will be examined in terms of its historical, cultural and conceptual implications.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA Portfolio Review, DSGD 105 , DSGD 186 
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 132 - User Interface & Interaction Design

    3 units
    An advanced course focusing on the fundamental theory and practice of computer user interface and interactive design with emphasis on: the 2D graphic digital user interfaces, the current interaction development technology, theory, process and methods, and its overall impact on culture and society.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA Portfolio Review, DSGD 105 , DSGD 186 
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 141 - 3D Branding & Promotion Design

    3 units
    Experimental problems and themes exploring theories, strategies, and methodologies in 3D branding and Promotion Design such as marketing communication tools, packaging and P.O.P design, emphasizing innovative expression. Projects also examine contextual and conceptual prototyping for point of purchase display.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA Portfolio Review, DSGD 105  and DSGD 186 
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 150 - Degree Project: Senior Studio

    3 units
    This in-depth studies course focuses on research concerning current issues in visual communication/information/graphic design fields. This course is for procuring the undergraduate degree in BFA Graphic Design degree where the student will develop an individual design approach, process, and methodology for the application of graphic design solutions as the thesis project that will fulfill the criteria expected for graduation.

    6 hours activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Pass BFA Portfolio Review, DSGD 105 , and DSGD 186 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 176A - Graphic Design History and Theory

    3 units
    The history of graphic design and typography with an emphasis on the 20th century. Define technological, historical and theoretical concerns and influences on individuals and movements in graphic design.

    Prerequisite(s): ARTH 72 , completion of Area Z, or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ARTH 176A . Art and Art History is responsible for scheduling.

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  • DSGD 186 - Digital Applications: Methodology

    3 units
    Exposes students to the tools, skill sets, and languages that are essential to understanding the fundamentals for web based information and interaction design principles and discovery of its practice in the profession. Activity 6 hours.

    Activity 6 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): BFA Graphic Design Major, or Interaction Design Minors must complete DSID 126 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • DSGD 192 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • GRK 105A - Classical and Koine Greek

    3 units
    Morphology and syntax with emphasis on the Attic dialect. Major dialects and historic linguistic and literary foundations of Koine.

    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Offered only occasionally.

    Cross-listed with RELS 105A . World Languages and Literatures is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GRK 105B - Classical and Koine Greek

    3 units
    Morphology and syntax with emphasis on the Attic dialect. Major dialects and historic linguistic and literary foundations of Koine.

    Prerequisite(s): GRK 105A  (or equivalent).
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with RELS 105B . World Languages and Literatures is responsible for scheduling.

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Health & Human Sciences

  • APSC 92 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • APSC 192 - International Program Studies

    1-6 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • APSC 198ITL - International Experience Seminar

    1-6 units
    Seminar for students participating in an approved international experience activity. Students will analyze and reflect upon their international experience in relation to discipline-specific knowledge acquired through academic study, their intended career, and their identity as a global citizen.

    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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Health Professions

  • HPRF 134 - Complementary and Alternative Health Practices

    3 units
    Philosophical, historical, clinical, and scholarly aspects of complementary and alternative medicine and associated health practices used in the US, with emphasis on scientific clinical investigation and evidence based efficacy.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of Core GE or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with NUFS 134 . Public Health and Recreation is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HPRF 135ITL - Health Issues in a Multicultural Society - International Experience

    3 units
    Examines culturally related consumer health issues including the impact of cultural variables on health and illness. Designed to improve student understanding and competency in the area of self, society, and equality in international settings.

    Pre/Corequisite(s): Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with PH 135ITL . Public Health and Recreation is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HPRF 260 - Multidisciplinary Health Promotion in Later Life

    3 units
    Multidisciplinary assessment and planning. Principles of promoting health and preventing disability in later life. Physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, and environmental factors that affect length and quality of life.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 66  or GERO 108  or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with GERO 260  / NUFS 260 . Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HEBR 92 - International Program Studies

    1-6 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HEBR 192 - International Program Studies

    1-6 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • HIST 1A - World History to 1500

    3 units
    Introduces students to the world’s regions and civilizations as interconnected entities. HIST 1A examines the growth and development of traditional civilizations to 1500. HIST 1B surveys the transformation of civilizations since 1500.

    Satisfies D2: Comparative Systems.

    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 1B - World History from 1500

    3 units
    Introduces students to the world’s regions and civilizations as interconnected entities. HIST 1A examines the growth and development of traditional civilizations to 1500. HIST 1B surveys the transformation of civilizations since 1500.

    Satisfies D2: Comparative Systems.

    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 10A - Western Civilization

    3 units
    History and culture of Europe; social and political structures; roles of individuals and groups; relationships among ideas, institutions, society and culture; to 1648.

    Satisfies D2: Comparative Systems

    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 10B - Western Civilization

    3 units
    History and culture of Europe; social and political structures; roles of individuals and groups; relationships among ideas, institutions, society and culture; 1648 to present.

    Satisfies D2: Comparative Systems

    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 15 - Essentials of U.S. History

    3 units
    Treatment of essentials of U.S. history. Satisfies the American Institutions requirement in U.S. history (US1) and the Core GE requirement in Social Sciences: Comparative Systems, Cultures, and Environments (D2).

    Satisfies D2 + US1: Comparative Systems and American History

    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 20A - History of the American People

    3 units
    Survey of continuity and change in society, culture, institutions and environment. Origins through slavery conflict. American Institutions: US1

    Satisfies American Institutions US1: US History

    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 20B - History of the American People

    3 units
    Survey of continuity and change in society, culture, institutions and environment. Emergence of modern society and world power status. American Institutions: US1

    Satisfies American Institutions US1: US History

    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 50 - Historical Process: Understanding Historical Reasoning

    3 units
    Modes and skills of practical logic and reasoning through study of historical method. Historical problems examined to that end.

    Satisfies A3: Critical Thinking

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of GE Areas A1 and A2 each with grades of C- or better
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 92 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • HIST 99 - History Fundamentals

    3 units
    An introduction to the skills, technology and technique of history reading, writing and research. It is a prerequisite to HIST 100W . Sophomores and transferring juniors are required to take this course.

    Prerequisite(s): Open to History and Social Science Teacher Preparation majors only; lower or upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 100W - History Writers’ Workshop

    3 units
    Development of skills required for the art and practice of historical research and writing. Library research, oral reports and written exercises dealing with a variety of historical problems.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies Z: Written Communication II.

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 99  required or Department permission. A3 or equivalent second semester composition course (with a grade of C- or better); completion of core GE; satisfaction of Writing Skills Test or completion of ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with C or better; and upper division standing. Allowed Declared Majors: History majors only. Or Graduate or Postbaccalaureate level.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Must be passed with C or better to satisfy the CSU Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).

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  • HIST 103 - History of the Modern Middle East

    4 units
    Survey from late 18th century to the present. Topics include imperialism and dissolution of the Ottoman Empire; World War I, the Mandate System, and the growth of nationalism; secularism versus fundamentalist Islam; formation of the state of Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the Iranian Revolution; U.S.-Middle East relations and thee quest for oil; the changing status of women.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or Instructor Consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 104 - Advanced Topics in Ancient History

    4 units
    An investigation in depth of selected periods or topics in Ancient history. Repeatable for credit when topic changes up to 8 units.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 110A - History of Japan

    4 units
    Development of state and society from prehistoric times to 1750. Major topics include the controversy over the origins of the Japanese people; the adaptation of Chinese cultural, religious, and political models; the role of the emperor in state formation; the classical era of Japanese culture during the Heian period; the rise of the samurai elites; and the development of military rule under the shoguns.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or consent of instructor.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ASIA 110A . History is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HIST 111 - Special Topics in Jewish Studies

    3 units
    Special Topics in Jewish Studies. Topics vary and will be announced each semester. Repeatable for credit under different subtitles.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with HUM 111  / JWSS 111  / RELS 111 . History is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HIST 112 - Ancient West to 500 BCE

    4 units
    Political, social and cultural history of the Ancient West (Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, from ca. 15,000 BCE to 500 BCE.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 113A - Economic History of the United States

    4 units
    Economic analysis of U.S. and Canadian history to the mid-20th century and its application to understanding the causes, patterns and consequences of economic development.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ECON 113A . Economics is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HIST 113B - Economic History of Europe

    4 units
    Economic analysis of European history to the mid-20th century and its application to understanding the causes, patterns and consequences of economic development.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ECON 113B . Economics is responsible for scheduling.

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  • HIST 114 - The Ancient West, 500 BCE-400 CE

    4 units
    Political, social, and cultural history of the Ancient West (Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa), from ca. 500 BCE to 400 CE.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 121A - Medieval Worlds, 400-1000

    4 units
    This course surveys European Medieval History from the late fourth century through the first millennium. It examines the political, economic, social, cultural, and religious changes that constituted the transformation of the antique world into a unique “European” civilization.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 121B - Medieval Worlds, 1000-1500

    4 units
    From 1000 - 1500 emphasizing growth of papal power, commercial revolution and revival of urban life, twelfth century Renaissance, interactions between the European, Byzantine, and Islamic worlds, and late medieval transformations leading to modernity

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 124 - Early Modern Europe

    4 units
    The European world in transition from 1580 to 1750. A continuation of HIST 122 , exploring the central place of the princely court in the transformation of politics, religion, art, culture, science, technology and philosophy. Introduction to the Enlightenment.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 126 - Advanced Topics in Medieval History

    4 units
    An investigation in depth of selected periods or topics in Medieval history. Repeatable for credit when topic changes for up to 12 units.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 12 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Departmental consent required.
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 132 - Advanced Topics in World History

    4 units
    Aspects of world history under various topics. Repeatable for credit when topic changes for up to 12 units.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 12 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 146 - Advanced Topics in European History

    4 units
    An investigation in depth of selected periods or topics in European history. Repeatable for credit when topic changes up to 12 units.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 12 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 153 - History of Women in Europe

    3 units
    Changes in women’s private and public roles in diverse national, class, religious, ethnic and racial contexts from Ancient Greece to Modern Europe.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies V: Culture, Civil & Global Understanding.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

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  • HIST 155 - 20th Century World

    3 units
    Global perspectives on a century of scientific progress that also saw the violent deaths of millions, with emphasis on the decline of traditional imperialism and the ideological contention that led to World War II and the Cold War.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies V: Culture, Civil & Global Understanding.

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended. 
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

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  • HIST 162 - Colonial Latin America

    4 units
    The course covers the colonial administration and society of the Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the New World. I also look at social, economic, and political conditions of the Iberian Peninsula and of the Amerindian empires on the eve of the conquest. The course concludes with an overview of the independence movements in Hispanic America and Brazil.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 163 - Modern Latin America, 1800-Present

    4 units
    Latin America since 1800. Focus on major political changes, such as independence, wars, popular uprisings, and systems of government. Also economic and cultural affairs, especially when they disrupt existing societies, and outstanding leaders who charted their nations’ destinies.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • HIST 167 - Advanced Topics in Latin American History

    4 units
    An investigation in depth of selected periods or topics in Latin American history. Repeatable for credit when topic changes up to 12 units.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 12 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 170 - Topics in American History

    3 units
    An investigation in depth of selected periods or problems. American Institutions Requirement: US1 Repeatable for credit when topic changes.

    Satisfies American Institutions US1: US History

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): No credit for history majors or minors.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 170S - Topics in American History: American Identities and Institutions

    3 units
    An investigation in depth of selected periods or problems. This topic focuses on historical relationships between social groups and the political, social, economic and cultural institutions they created. 

    Satisfies SJSU Studies S + US1: Self, Society & Equality in the U.S. + American History

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 171 - U.S. Constitutional & Legal History

    4 units
    Origins and evolution of the United States Constitution and federal system from the American Revolution to the present.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 173 - New World Encounters, 1400-1750

    4 units
    Examines the first wave of European expansion, from 1400-1750, through the prism of cultural and religious interactions. Explores how Europeans, Africans, and Indians understood each other during European exploration, conquest, and colonization of the “New World”.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Offered only occasionally.

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 174 - Colonial & Revolutionary America

    4 units
    Investigates the socio-political development of British North America from the 1600s to the era of the American Revolution. Examines how mentalities, voluntary and involuntary immigration, demographic catastrophes, rebellions, and religious revivals shaped the British Atlantic.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 175 - Inventing America, 1800-1860

    4 units
    The history of the United States from 1800-1860. Topics include the rise of democratic political culture, industrialization, the emergence of a market economy, pivotal changes in institutions such as the family and church and the redefinition of key American values.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 176 - The Civil War and Reconstruction

    4 units
    Course takes a topical approach, examining the political, social, economic, military, and ideological dimensions of the Civil War and Reconstruction. Focus will be on the war and its aftermath as a revolutionary experience rather than solely as a military struggle.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 177 - Industrial America, 1877-1920

    4 units
    Economic, social, and political history from the end of Reconstruction to the achievement of women’s suffrage. Topics include the triumph of industrial capitalism, labor conflict, women’s suffrage, Populism/Progressivism, race/ethnicity, and World War I.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore

  • HIST 178 - Crash, Depression and War, 1920-1950

    4 units
    The United States from the “Roaring Twenties” through the Great Crash, the Great Depression, the New Deal, World War II, the home front, the Atomic Age, and the beginning of the Cold War.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

    Class Schedule | Syllabus Information | University Bookstore


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