Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • GEOL 204 - Earth Systems Science for Teachers

    3 units
    Peer teaching and leadership instruction in earth science. Demonstrations, classroom activities, field projects and teaching strategies for K-12 teacher groups.

    Prerequisite(s): Teaching credential and instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with SCED 204 . Geology is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GEOL 213 - Advanced Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

    4 units
    Igneous and metamorphic processes and the evolution of the lithosphere. Application of field, petrographic and chemical data to models of petrogenesis. Laboratory emphasizes microscope studies and computer modeling.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/lab 3 hours; field trips.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 121 (or equivalent).
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

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  • GEOL 214 - Sedimentary Petrology and Petrography

    4 units
    Petrographic study of sedimentary rocks with application of petrographic information to reconstructions of source terranes, depositional conditions and diagenesis. Discussion of nature and origin of carbonate and terrigenous components is emphasized.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/lab 3 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 124  and GEOL 213  or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • GEOL 222 - Advanced Sedimentary Geology

    4 units
    Analysis of sedimentary facies, patterns of facies architecture and major controls on evolution of sedimentary basins.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/lab 3 hours; field trips.

    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 123 and GEOL 127 .
    Grading: Graded

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  • GEOL 231 - Advanced Structural Geology

    4 units
    Analysis of deformed rocks with emphasis on deformation mechanisms, small-scale structures, shear zones, faults and folds. Techniques of strain analysis and analyzing structure on maps are emphasized in the laboratory.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/lab 3 hours.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 125 .
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

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  • GEOL 234 - Advanced Geomorphology

    4 units
    We will investigate the role of geomorphology in affecting large-scale processes such as mountain uplift and the global climate. Coursework will include the manipulation of data sets from the Himalayas, topographic analysis of the Sierra Nevada, and modelling with Matlab.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/lab 3 hours; 3-day field trip required.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 134  or equivelant
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

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  • GEOL 237 - Advanced GIS/GPS Mapping

    4 units
    Advanced methods of ArcGIS mapping and analysis using published digital datasets and/or student-generated Differential GPS files. Topics vary, depending on student interest, but are generally limited to natural sciences.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 4 hour/Lab 3 hours

    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 137  or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • GEOL 238 - Advanced Hydrogeology

    4 units
    Numerical methods in groundwater modeling, vadose zone monitoring and transport and geochemistry of natural and contaminated waters.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/lab 3 hours; field trips.

    Satisfies GWAR: Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 138  or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): This course satisfies graduate-level GWAR in this master’s program.

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  • GEOL 242 - Advanced Paleontology

    4 units
    The lecture portion of this course will be conducted as a seminar; students will read and discuss classic and important newer papers on macroevolutionary theory and paleobiology. In the lab portion of this course, students will use fossil samples to develop and test scientific hypotheses that will be part of a semester-long project.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 4 hours/Lab 3 hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Suitable background in geology or evolutionary biology.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with BIOL 242 . Geology is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GEOL 255 - Advanced Geology

    4 units
    Selected topics in geology. Topics change with each offering.

    Misc/Lab: Lecture 3 hours/lab 3 hours.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Suitable background in geology.
    Grading: Graded

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  • GEOL 285 - Seminar

    2 units
    Fundamental problems in geology. Topics change with each offering. May be repeated when content changes.

    Misc/Lab: Discussion 2 hours.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • GERM 25A - Intermediate German

    4 units
    Review of basic grammar expansion of vocabulary and communication skills in the context of culture.

    Satisfies C2: Letters.

    Prerequisite(s): One year of college-level German (or equivalent or SJSU placement exam).
    Grading: Graded

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  • GERM 25B - Intermediate German

    4 units
    Introduction of complex grammatical features, continued expansion of vocabulary and communication skills in the context of culture.

    Satisfies C2: Letters.

    Prerequisite(s): Three semesters of college German or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • GERM 92 - International Program Studies

    1-6 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • GERM 102A - German Culture until 1871

    3 units
    Development of society, civilization and culture in German-speaking countries until 1871, including aspects of geography, political and intellectual history, fine art and cultural anthropology.

    Prerequisite(s): Four semesters of college German (or equivalent).
    Grading: Graded

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  • GERM 102B - German Culture from 1871 to the Present

    3 units
    Development of society, civilization and culture in German-speaking countries from 1871 to the present, including aspects of geography, political and intellectual history, fine art and cultural anthropology.

    Prerequisite(s): Four semesters of college German (or equivalent).
    Grading: Graded

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  • GERM 180 - Individual Studies in German

    1-3 units
    Individual work by arrangement.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing in German (or equivalent with grade of “B”) and instructor consent.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • GERM 192 - International Program Studies

    1-6 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • GERO 99 - Death, Dying and Religions

    3 units
    Is death the end or the beginning? Learn how people integrate the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of living and dying. Examine religious teachings and practices for making death personally meaningful, socially significant, or even politically powerful.

    Satisfies E: Human Understanding & Development.

    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with HUM 99  / RELS 99 . Humanities is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 107 - Aging and Society

    3 units
    Social, psychological and physiological aging processes. Implications of aging for individuals and societies, with emphasis on issues related to diversity, equality and gender in the U.S.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies S: Self, Society & Equality in US

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

    Cross-listed with PH 107  / SCWK 107 . Social Work is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 108 - Health in Later Life

    3 units
    Normal age-related health changes and common illnesses in later life. Health status, behavior and attitudes of older adults. The continuum of health care services. Professional and ethical issues in service delivery.

    Prerequisite(s): College biological sciences course.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with PH 108 . Social Work is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 111 - Medical Ethics

    3 units
    Selected ethical problems in health care practices. For example, abortion, patient rights, national health care, euthanasia and genetic engineering, with emphasis on philosophical methods.

    Prerequisite(s): 3 units of philosophy or upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with NURS 111  / PH 111  / PHIL 111 . Philosophy is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 114 - Psychology of Aging

    3 units
    Psychological development of middle-aged and older adults emphasizing normative (typical) development in the context of cognitive, socioemotional, biological, and cultural processes. Course content also includes age-related health problems and their prevention.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1 .
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with PSYC 114 . Psychology is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 116 - Aging and Nutrition

    3 units
    The aging process, physiological changes, dietary requirements, diseases, environmental factors, housing, economic status, handicaps, personal relations and current programs for the aged.

    Prerequisite(s): One college nutrition course or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with NUFS 116 . Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 117 - Social Policy and Services in Aging

    3 units
    Social policy on aging from a historical perspective. Implications for service to the elderly. Indicators for future program projections.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with PH 117 . Social Work is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 118 - Long Term Care Services

    3 units
    History and organization of the continuum of long term care for U.S. families, financing and regulatory policies, and factors influencing the quality of care. Professional and ethical issues facing long term care providers.

    Prerequisite(s): GERO 107  or PH 162  
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with PH 118 . Social Work is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 122 - Women in the Second Half of Life

    3 units
    The roles and problems of the older woman in a changing society. Societal attitudes, stereotypes, employment and interaction patterns. Opportunity for focus on specific areas of interest.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with PH 122  / SOCI 122  / WOMS 122 . Social Work is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 127 - Aging and Mental Health

    3 units
    Theories and concepts of psychological adaptation, common emotional problems, functional disorders and organic disorders in late life. Assessment, prevention and treatment of mental health problems of elderly individuals and their caregivers.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1  (or equivalent).
    Grading: Graded

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  • GERO 133 - Gerontology Field Work

    3 units
    Supervised work experience in an organization providing services to older adults. Short-term projects, observation of organizational dynamics and individual skills development.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of 9 units in gerontology.
    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • GERO 137 - Families, Aging, and Diversity

    3 units
    Family relationships of older adults in diverse U.S. ethnic groups. Current patterns of family and formal assistance to elders with disabilities. Critical analysis of eldercare policies and services.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with PH 137 . Social Work is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 156 - Independent Living for the Aging and Disabled

    3 units
    Identification and application of basic management concepts used by the disabled and aging in daily living.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with OCTH 156 . Occupational Therapy is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 166 - Medical Sociology

    3 units
    Sociological analysis of medical and mental health institutions, values and roles. Patient-doctor interaction, influence of hospital structure on health care, social class and illness, cultural determinants of illness and related areas of old age (gerontology) and death.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  or equivalent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with SOCI 166 . Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 185 - Leisure, Recreation and Aging

    3 units
    Theory and practice related to the role of leisure services in maximizing the quality of life for older adults. Interrelationship of leisure and other supportive services for older adults in community and institutional settings.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with RECL 185 . Public Health and Recreation is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 251 - Social Work in Health and Aging

    3 units
    Knowledge and skill development for practice from a transcultural multi-systems perspective in aging and health care settings. Emphasis on Latino, African American, Asian American, and other diverse client systems. Conceptual frameworks for practice at micro, mezzo, and macro levels.

    Prerequisite(s): SCWK 220  and SCWK 221 .
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with SCWK 251 . Social Work is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 260 - Multidisciplinary Health Promotion in Later Life

    3 units
    Multidisciplinary assessment and planning. Principles of promoting health and preventing disability in later life. Physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, and environmental factors that affect length and quality of life.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 66  or GERO 108  or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with HPRF 260  / NUFS 260 . Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 265 - Seminar in Cognitive Disorders

    3 units
    Provides a framework for better understanding the process of cross-generational communication and the improvement of communication competencies for interaction with cognitively impaired persons.

    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with EDSP 265 . Communicative Disorders and Sciences is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 268 - Lifespan Development

    3 units
    Examination of human development across the lifespan, through multiple theoretical and cultural perspectives, with a holistic integration of physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional aspects of development. To deepen knowledge to assist children, adolescents, and adults with life challenges.

    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with EDCO 268 . Counselor Education is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 298 - Special Project

    3 units
    Supervised research in the field of gerontology to be taken only with approval of the program coordinator.

    Grading: Mandatory CR/NC/RP

    Public Health and Recreation is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GERO 299 - Master’s Thesis or Project

    3-6 units
    Supervised individual research in gerontology. Preparation for doctoral level study.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to candidacy for the master’s degree and instructor consent.
    Grading: Mandatory CR/NC/RP

    Public Health and Recreation is responsible for scheduling.

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Global Innovation and Leadership

  • BUS5 16 - Introduction to Leadership & Innovation

    3 units
    This interdisciplinary course covers basic theories of leadership and innovation and investigates key topics that influence contemporary social leadership issues. Students assess their leadership styles to create personal development plans leading toward positive, innovative impacts on society.

    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 40 - Developing Your Entrepreneurial Potential

    3 units
    This course introduces foundational concepts in innovation and entrepreneurship. It provides insights into the characteristics and motivations of entrepreneurs, and the factors that foster an entrepreneurial mind-set and enable individuals to translate positive attitudes toward entrepreneurship into actual behavior.

    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 92 - International Program Studies

    1-14 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • BUS5 140 - Fundamentals of Operations Management

    3 units
    Familiarizes students with processes that transform inputs into finished goods and services; helps students understand the importance of operations management and how it interacts with other parts of the organization; develops skills in applying appropriate analytical tools to business operations challenges.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 141 - Procurement and Supply Management

    3 units
    Comprehensive survey of forecasting, inventory management (including just-in-time), purchasing, supplier relations, warehousing (tiered, centralized, decentralized) and distribution methods. Make-or-buy analysis and specification/standardization techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 141B - Transportation & Logistics Management

    3 units
    Coverage of the fundamentals of transportation management combined with a focus on its role in global supply management. The challenge of managing the various modes of transportation is combined with strategies for their use in the supply chain environment.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 142 - Total Quality Management

    3 units
    Holistic approach to managing quality: interaction of production design, work design and the manufacturing process. International view and roles qualitative and quantitative techniques play in successful quality management programs.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 142B - Business Process Management

    3 units
    Includes concepts and methods to optimize business processes relevant for creating value for the customers and adding value to an organization. Provides capability of designing and managing business processes and the interfaces between Operations Management and other business functions.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 144 - Supply Chain Management

    3 units
    Addresses concepts/tools for effective and efficient management of supply chains. Topics include materials planning/control, sourcing strategy, strategic alliances, information technology role, quality/customer issues, inventory management, and distribution/logistics management.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 144B - Global Operations Analytics

    3 units
    Builds analytic thinking for improving global operations management (GOM). Introduces analytical methods, tools, and software to analyze GOM problems and then derive managerial implications and decisions in global business operations perspectives.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or Instructor Consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 145 - Global Operations Strategy

    3 units
    Studies operations management issues unique to manufacturers with extensive international operations. Educational objectives are to develop an understanding of: the strategic tradeoffs associated with global operations, total supply chain management and the economics of transnational logistics.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 145B - Healthcare Operations Management

    3 units
    Operations Management (OM) approaches across a broad range of healthcare settings: clinical, management, and support processes in the medical and public healthcare systems. Apply OM tools including flowcharting, process analysis, queuing, forecasting, six-sigma, health worker scheduling.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 146 - Fundamentals of Project Management

    3 units
    Fundamentals of managing projects, basic concepts and techniques underlying project management, and application using the appropriate software.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 147 - Service Operations Management

    3 units
    Develops skills in setting formal standards for product attributes and operating procedures that comprise service experience. Categories of services; indirect and direct consumption. Psychological/social characteristics of the consumer/server encounters, enhancing ability to monitor service quality. Total quality management.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or instructor consent. Business Minor.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 148 - Sustainable Operations Management

    3 units
    Introduces a holistic view of the interaction between operations activities and the environment. Builds awareness of major environmental problems and issues in the operations function of business, and learns environmental assessment and management tools for operations management.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 162 - International and Comparative Management

    3 units
    Management functions and practices in an international context; comparison of management and business practices from various political and cultural perspectives; emphasis on what managers need to be aware of in order to perform in the international environment.

    Prerequisite(s): Any 100w, BUS 187 or instructor consent. Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 162A - International Business Strategy

    3 units
    Course focuses on the strategic challenges and the strategic management of firms that operate and compete in a global environment. Course provides an overarching experience in international business by integrating knowledge and previous international business learning.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 100W  or ENGL 100WB  or LLD 100WB , BUS 187, or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 163 - Management Issues in High Technology Companies

    3 units
    Provides an overview of a wide variety of key managerial concerns, industry knowledge and management techniques that are especially relevant in high technology companies. Such organizations compete within an environment characterized by rapid technological change and a high degree of uncertainty.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 163A - Negotiating Globally

    3 units
    Introduces a theoretical framework and skill-building exercises for negotiating agreements, resolving disputes, and making decisions across cultures. Builds awareness of the global negotiating environment including cultural and institutional factors. Applicable to commercial transactions, employee relations, contract disputes, and international diplomacy.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 163B - Globalization and Innovation in Emerging and Developing Markets

    3 units
    This course investigates the world economy, specifically emerging and developing markets and provides an in-depth understanding of how institutions shape the strategies that firms employ and the actions that managers take in these countries.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 100W  or ENGL 100WB  or LLD 100WB , BUS 187, or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 164 - Strategies in High Technology Companies

    3 units
    Examines strategies for companies within high technology industries, focusing on how to anticipate, identify and exploit such technological change for competitive advantage. Technological change creates opportunities for new industries and products, but at the same time renders obsolete existing company capabilities.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 161A. Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 164A - Country Perspectives on Business and Management

    3 units
    Provides a comprehensive study of the business and management practices of a featured country or region. Includes historical, institutional, sociopolitical, and cultural context. Japan is the featured country this semester. May be repeated for credit with a different featured country or region.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or Instructor Consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 164B - Doing Business Globally

    1-4 units
    Course is designed with a faculty-led program abroad. Students gain first-hand knowledge of the historical, institutional, and cultural factors influencing business and management practices in the destination country. May be repeated for credit with a different country destination.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or Instructor Consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 165A - Global Leadership

    3 units
    This course introduces students to global leadership and its development and is designed for students who want to work effectively with people in diverse settings. Taught experientially, the course involves simulations, innovation projects, and extensive individual feedback.

    Prerequisite(s): Any 100W.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 165B - Leadership & Innovation Practicum

    3 units
    This is a project-based practicum course for students interested in global leadership and innovation. Course topics include project management of multicultural teams, innovation, and change management. Students apply theory and skills gained in previous courses as they implement personal leadership projects.

    Prerequisite(s): Any 100W; BUS5 16 ; BUS5 165A ; or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 167 - Managing Environmental Issues

    3 units
    The management of environmental issues, including the relationship of business to the natural environment; the public policy context of management decision-making; and the greening of the corporation and implications for strategic management, operations, human resources, marketing and accounting.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ENVS 167 . Global Innovation & Leadership is responsible for scheduling.

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  • BUS5 169B - Honors Practicum in Organization and Management

    3 units
    Second part of a two-semester honors program sequence. Student teams will work on a project sponsored by a company or other organization, under the supervision of the sponsor and the instructor. Teams will present their final report to the sponsor.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS3 160  or BUS3 161A  and permission of the instructor.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 180D - Individual Study

    1-3 units
    Individual work on special topics by arrangement. Petition and plan of study must have consent of instructor and Chairperson.

    Course may be repeated for credit for up to 3 units.

    Grading: Credit/No Credit

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  • BUS5 181 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship

    3 units
    Insight into the characteristics of entrepreneurs, the approaches they use to create, identify and evaluate opportunities for new ventures and the skills that are needed to start and manage new ventures and develop a preliminary business plan.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 182 - Business Plans for New Ventures

    3 units
    An integrative course involving teamwork to prepare complete plans for starting a new business. This will require analyzing the industry and potential market, the competitive advantage of the business proposition, human and financial resource requirements and the founders’ skills.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 181 or instructor consent. Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 182A - Startup Founders & Funders

    3 units
    Exploration of the early decisions that have important long-term consequences for founders and funders.  Examines the motivations, mechanics and resources available for those interested in investing in early stage ventures as an angel investor or venture capitalist. 

    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 183 - Global Entrepreneurship

    3 units
    Will explore the opportunities that entrepreneurs create, encounter and change in the global and cross-cultural arena. It will examine how entrepreneurs adapt to and succeed in a global economy and how institutional networks facilitate global and immigrant entrepreneurship.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 184A - Management of Innovation

    3 units
    Discusses types of innovation and their impact. Analyzes industry practices in management of innovation for corporate growth and renewal through new products, processes, organization, and business models. Examines strategic and tactical aspects of the innovation process and alignment of innovation efforts with strategy.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or instructor consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 185 - Family Business Dynamics

    3 units
    This course explores and analyzes the unique issues and challenges of family businesses in terms of the dynamic relationship between the family and business and its impact on decision-making and performance of the business.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS3 181 or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 186H - Entrepreneurship Laboratory

    3 units
    Explores all facets of growing an entrepreneurial organization, including building the team, sales, marketing, operations, and finance. Opportunity to learn with practical internship and roundtables with entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and others in the new venture ecosystem.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor’s consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 186S - Current Issues in Entrepreneurship

    3 units
    A presentation of topics of current interest to entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. Focuses on one or more special topics of concern to current practice, such as green entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, or managing high-growth ventures.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS3 181 or instructor consent.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 186V - Venture Lab

    3 units
    VLAB is an experiential course in which students work on the process of developing and testing the idea(s) for a new venture. The course combines theory with hands-on entrepreneurship. Students will test each aspect of the business model outside the class, and share the insights with their peers in class. By the end of the course, they will have completed a prototype and be able to demonstrate the business opportunity.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or Instructor Consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 187 - Global Dimensions of Business

    3 units
    An integrative interdisciplinary foundation for more specialized courses and self-directed learning. Provides an overview of economic, social, cultural and political/legal forces and factors influencing crossborder business and an introduction to international dimensions of business functions and operations.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 192 - International Program Studies

    1-14 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • BUS5 194 - Business Organization and Management of Technology Enterprise

    3 units
    This course provides a “top down” overview of how commercial business works, including the business components: Corporate Environments, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Customer Insights, Management/Leadership. Communication and business soft skills will be covered providing a foundation for a solid business acumen. All class sessions focus on local and global perspectives.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS 193 or ENGR 193.
    Grading: Graded

    Cross-listed with ENGR 194 . General Engineering is responsible for scheduling.

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  • BUS5 196E - Startup Founders and Funders

    3 units
    Covers the early decisions that have important long-term consequences for founders and funders. It also examines the motivations, mechanics and resources available for those interested in investing in early stage ventures as an angel investor or venture capitalist.

    Prerequisite(s): BUS5 181  or Instructor Permission
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 196F - Critical Thinking in Business

    3 units
    Development of critical thinking skills in business through analyis of current news stories, business case studies, and videos to assess credibility of sources, biases, assumptions, and inferences, and generate alternative hypotheses based on logic and facts. Analysis of a current social issue including its sources, associated biases, related assumptions, current attempts at the solving the issue, and generatation of solutions based on logic and facts.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 100W , ENGL 100W  or LLD 100W 
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 197 - Special Topics in International Business

    3 units
    This course features special topics in International Business. The course can be taken for credit on campus or in a study abroad or short-term faculty-led program. It may be repeated for credit in the case of different special topics.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division Standing or Instructor Consent
    Grading: Graded

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  • BUS5 198 - Strategic Consulting for Small Business

    3 units
    An integrative course requiring student work in a consulting arrangement with a local small business. Field study involves working within an integrated strategic framework to guide original data collection/analysis/recommendations encompassing external and internal considerations.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.
    Grading: Graded

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Global Studies

  • GLST 1A - Introduction to Global Studies

    3 units
    Introduces students to the scope of global studies as seen from the social and cultural perspectives. Readings based on the best critical studies of globalization and its outcomes. Occasionally, visiting professors will give new academic approaches to this field.

    Grading: Graded

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  • GLST 1B - Introduction to Global Studies

    3 units
    Presents scientific ways for understanding global phenomena and for developing policy to achieve positive outcomes of globalization. Interdisciplinary approaches require new analytical models. Visiting professors will collaborate with instructor.

    Satisfies B2: Life Science

    Grading: Graded

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  • GLST 92 - International Program Studies

    1-12 units
    Study Abroad and Away transfer credit course. Study Abroad and Away provides students the opportunity to study abroad on long term programs (Exchange Programs, CSU International Programs, and International Student Exchange Programs) and short-term programs (Faculty-Led Programs and Summer School Abroad Programs) for academic credit, offering Alternative Break Programs for cultural immersion, and designing other globally focused opportunities. This course is designated as a placeholder course for Study Abroad and Away programs.

    Grading: Mixed Grading

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  • GLST 100W - Writing Workshop

    3 units
    Development of skills required for geographical research and writing.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies Z: Written Communication II

    Prerequisite(s): GA3 or equivalent second semester composition course (with a grade of C- or better); completion of core GE; satisfaction of Writing Skills Test or completion of ENGL 100A  or LLD 100A  with C or better; and upper division standing. Or Graduate or Postbaccalaureate level.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): Must be passed with C or better to satisfy the CSU Graduation Writing Assessment requirement (GWAR).

    Cross-listed with GEOG 100W . Urban and Regional Planning is responsible for scheduling.

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  • GLST 143 - Gender, Power, Intnl Dev

    3 units
    Explore issues of poverty, gender, economic transformations, inequality while examining the history of development. Consider various meanings given to development by women and men, primarily as residents of particular regions, but also as aid workers, policy makers, and government officials. Explore the underlying political, economic, social, and gender dynamics that make “development” an ongoing problem world-wide.

    Satisfies SJSU Studies V: Culture, Civil & Global Understanding

    Prerequisite(s): Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A  / LLD 100A  with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses.
    Corequisite(s): Any 100W.
    Grading: Graded

    Note(s): All of SJSU Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing.

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  • GLST 156 - Technology of the Modern World

    3 units
    Analysis of development and global diffusion of technology in the 20th and 21st centuries. Interrogates historical narratives of modern technology, reflecting on broader ethical, political, human significance of modern technology. Ecological impacts of technologies. Power, problems, promise of technology.

    Grading: Graded

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  • GLST 162 - Contemporary Global Issues

    3 units
    Interdisciplinary approach to contemporary global issues. Understanding and analyzing global issues are the focus of the course. Students will explore, analyze, and articulate the unique challenges each of the issues pose to the global community in ways that will foster student’s ability to understand and evaluate causes, consequences, and responses to global challenges.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper Division standing or Instructor Consent
    Grading: Graded

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