Jan 14, 2025
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Mindfulness-Based Occupational Therapy Certificate (Graduate)
This program is meant to provide the means for occupational therapists to develop, experience, and see the profession of OT through a guiding mindfulness-based practice
model and lens. The program provides curricular opportunities in the community of other OTs to build skills for developing all of the senses and abilities one has currently
available to be in wise relationship to the occupational paradox of being and doing and explores the value of occupational participation as it relates to meaning and purpose.
Developing skillful and steadfast mindful self-care and compassion in the midst of our complex work as OTs is a primary focus of this training program. From this embodied
experience of the mindfulness-based lens the program will provide guidance and mentorship for appropriately integrating mindfulness into one’s clinical work.
Certificate Requirements (11 units)
Certificate Prerequisites
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course 8-week (9-10 session [2.5 to 3 hours per week] with All-Day Retreat Session) and Proof of license as a healthcare professional from any accredited institution.4. Participation in a 1-day MBOT Certificate Program Orientation / Information /Introductory Session which may be offered in person or online by the MBOT program instructors.
Required Courses (11 units)
Total Units Required (11 units)