The BFA Graphic Design program prepares students for intellectually and aesthetically challenging careers in Graphic Design. Preparation involves both theoretical and practical study with emphasis on typography, form and image, information architecture, experience design and interactive design. Admission to the BFA Graphic Design program is by portfolio review, which takes place after completing preliminary course work. After admission, passage of portfolio reviews conducted at the end of each semester are required to continue to advance through the BFA GD program. All students are required to complete a professional internship. In addition to the regular curriculum, students have the opportunity to attend special classes and workshops led by studio professionals and faculty members.
Students must pass a milestone portfolio review to remain in the BFA program. Students who do not pass the review will be changed to the BA-Art with a concentration in Design Studies.
University Graduation Requirements
Students must complete all residency, curriculum, unit, and GPA requirements as outlined in the Undergraduate Graduation Requirements section of the Policies and Procedures .
4-Year Program Roadmap
Students may find a roadmap for this program here. Roadmaps should be used in consultation with the catalog and your advisor to identify additional requirements for completing the major (for example, course grade minimums). Associate Transfer Degrees (ADT) pathway roadmaps can be found here.
General Education/American Institution Requirements
Courses that meet General Education/American Institution requirements are noted with area designation for required area. For legend please see General Education Attributes .