Feb 05, 2025
BME 198B - Senior Design Project II 2 units Continuation of BME 198A . Culmination of project requiring formal oral presentation and report consisting of documentation of project methodology and results.
Misc/Lab: Lecture 1 hour/Lab 3 hours.
Satisfies SJSU Studies V: Culture, Civil & Global Understdng when taken with BME major sequence.
Prerequisite(s): BME 198A with C or better; BME 147 with C- or better. Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) or ENGL 100A /LLD 100A with a C or better (C- not accepted), completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all SJSU studies courses. Allowed Declared Major: Biomedical Engineering or Graduate Standing. Pre/Corequisite(s): ENGR 195B Grading: Graded
Note(s): Meets GE Areas S and V when course is taken in combination with: BME 198A , ENGR 195A and ENGR 195B
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